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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: zachcole on 2009 August 02, 03:57:53

Title: neighbors constantly moving
Post by: zachcole on 2009 August 02, 03:57:53
I have a little problem.  Pretty much every time I play my game everyone other than the current family has switched houses.  Everyone is always moving across the neighborhood.  What gives?  Does anyone know how to turn this off?  Does it have to do with story progression, i have it turned on.  I also do have awesomemod installed.  Thanks for any help u can give.

Title: Re: neighbors constantly moving
Post by: chaos on 2009 August 02, 04:15:35
This has been mentioned many times in other threads, and is not unique to you. Please make an effort to do some independent research before posting new threads. A search using the term "story mode" will probably give you the answers that you need, as will reading existing threads regarding the Awesomemod.

Title: Re: neighbors constantly moving
Post by: Dragon Slave on 2009 August 02, 04:21:04

Musical houses one of EA's so called 'features' that stir things up and keep the game 'alive', according to them anyway.  AwesomeMod Story Mode features 10, 11, and 12 fix this issue, they're enabled by default in the config file.  If it's stopped working for some reason, you might have the older version which was set to expire Aug. 1.  In that case, you'll need to patch your game to version 1.3 and install the newest AwesomeMod to continue.   

Title: Re: neighbors constantly moving
Post by: edalbformat on 2009 August 02, 11:01:00
The hood carroussel isn't stopped and it is the same bad as before (one of the most stupid thing EA created among many). There's something that seemed to be bettered: if you name your lots with the name of the family you want to move in, it seems that in a way forces this family to keep their ass on the same pot.
Otherwise they will move to another house no matter what you do. It seems to me that if you hold all your families in the same house, the game will lag and start the old saving delay. I understood that the delay was caused by the game trying to rotate stopped gears. The game was programmed this way and it is in my meaning a ban from hell. I take several minutes just to localize a family besides saying that when you change household, the one you left gets full screwed. These damn opportunities are not fullfilled when you are not playing the family, the stand continues the way you left. So, if you left a Sim in the household commanded to "Work Hard", this sim will sweat his soul out even if his performance was left on the maximum. If you command them to "normal" you get a message that the boss is not satisfied with your performance.
Everytime you walk around the "downtown" you met only Sims that are starving or falling asleep.
Even Ghosts "wake up" in the night just to look for a bed to nap.
Things went better in terms of game engine but it is still the most idiot game ever made.

Title: Re: neighbors constantly moving
Post by: veezee on 2009 August 02, 13:52:38
There's something that seemed to be bettered: if you name your lots with the name of the family you want to move in, it seems that in a way forces this family to keep their ass on the same pot.

That would be a feature courtesy of Pescado.