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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Dark Trepie on 2005 November 22, 23:27:40

Title: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 November 22, 23:27:40
Prepare to point and laugh at me.

I don't know why, but I was always under the impression that if you adopt a child rather than a baby or toddler that the game would pick a child out of the townie pool and give you one.  Not sure where I got that impression from, might have been some BBS BS.  And the one time that I've adopted a kid in the history of this game it was a baby, who grew into a rather attractive young lady surprisingly.  So I have an extremely limeted experience in adopting.

I've got a lesbian couple (first one I've had in a while) and they spun up the want to adopt a child after their Wedding Joined Union.  So I went and decided to adopt a child while ignorantly thinking the game would give me a townie rather than create an unnesessary character file.  Long story short:  I've exited and reloaded about 20 different times.  And each kid the social worker brings looks like they feel out of the ugly tree face first.  Oh well, if the game insists on creating a totally new sim I might as well adopt a toddler.  At least I can nuke them with smart milk for skillinating purposes later on.

"Ugly baby generator" indeed... 

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 22, 23:31:46
I've had suprisingly good luck with the randomly generated adoptees, but the game will generate them unless a child has been taken away from the social worker at another playable house. Then you will always get those children in the order in which they were removed from the their houses.

You'll never get townies though, but Inge has a hacked bush you can use to adopt townie kids if you want.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 22, 23:36:28
And you see Trepie, that was exactly the reason I went and downloaded TJ's 'same sex pregnancy' and the 'adopt/baby want' thingie (where adopting and having a baby fulfilled the same want or something like that). I was actually shocked when I laid eyes on the kid the social worker wanted to load off on me.

The teleporter shrub is a wonderful creation. I 'adopted' many a nice looking townie kid.

While we are at that, Motoki, I 'adopted' Lucy Burb via the shrub. At the time I was not aware that she was part of a family in the sim bin, I never paid attention to that one at all (I know, I know, make room for me in that 'pointing and laughing' corner Trepie) She's now a playable sim, out of Uni and living in Pleasantview. However, when I looked once again at the sim bin, there she still is with her parents. What happened? Will I have two Lucys running around should I decide to move the family out of the bin and into Pleasantville? Will my game mess up? Will my computer explode?

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Witches on 2005 November 22, 23:38:19
I adopted a very attractive sim baby. She's an adult now and drop dead gorgeous. But I could tell from the time she transitioned to toddler that she was going to be a looker.

On the other hand, her son (biological) was a cute toddler but kinda ugly as a kid, barely passable as a teen, but now that he's a young adult, he's rather nice looking.

What a kid looks like isn't always indicative of what they'll grow up to look like, in other words. And sim kids grow on you. I had one in my previous simcarnation (before the motherboard incident) with a nose like Pinnochio's. I still liked him.

BTW I always adopt babies because I want to name them. I don't want to get stuck raising a kid named Goopy. (Shudders.)

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: SaraMK on 2005 November 22, 23:40:06
While we are at that, Motoki, I 'adopted' Lucy Burb via the shrub. At the time I was not aware that she was part of a family in the sim bin, I never paid attention to that one at all (I know, I know, make room for me in that 'pointing and laughing' corner Trepie) She's now a playable sim, out of Uni and living in Pleasantview. However, when I looked once again at the sim bin, there she still is with her parents. What happened? Will I have two Lucys running around should I decide to move the family out of the bin and into Pleasantville? Will my game mess up? Will my computer explode?

She isn't really there. The game doesn't update the family picture until they are loaded/saved. So it will continue showing the three of them until the game is given a reason to update the picture, such as by moving them into a lot.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 22, 23:42:52
Thank you Sara, that's a relief. It had me a little worried there (ok, it had me a lot worried :D)

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: eaglezero on 2005 November 22, 23:45:20
And you see Trepie, that was exactly the reason I went and downloaded TJ's 'same sex pregnancy' and the 'adopt/baby want' thingie (where adopting and having a baby fulfilled the same want or something like that). I was actually shocked when I laid eyes on the kid the social worker wanted to load off on me.

That's why I have the same-sex pregnancy mod as well. Much, much better than adopting random kids. I've had two sim couples adopt. One kid looked okay when she grew up, the other needed some serious plastic-srugery-machine work so that her lips didn't take up like half her face. (I think there's a maid that she resembled -- Lucy? Is Lucy a maid? Anyway, she looked like that maid, kind of, with the huge-beyond-all-semblance-of-reality lips. It was weird looking, especially since her parents were both on the more handsome side of things.)

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: SaraMK on 2005 November 22, 23:46:34
BTW I always adopt babies because I want to name them. I don't want to get stuck raising a kid named Goopy. (Shudders.)

I had a family that adopted a million kids because I wanted to see just how bad they'd look. They got two Ratna's in a row. Ratna is almost as bad as Goopy. Almost.

Hey, do you suppose we are hurting the feelings of any real people named Goopy, with the way we all hate on Goopy? Or can we safely assume that anyone named Goopy has grown skin as thick as an elephant by now?

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 November 22, 23:47:41
I don't let my sims adopt much in the game, but the times I have I've had generally good luck with how the kids look.  Sometimes I like adopting kids instead of babies/toddlers simply b/c I don't want to go through the hassle of raising anymore babies/toddlers but want a kid.  But yeah...most of my adoptees..good looking..with the exception of a couple that have the whole huge lip syndrome going on.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 November 22, 23:47:56
And you see Trepie, that was exactly the reason I went and downloaded TJ's 'same sex pregnancy' and the 'adopt/baby want' thingie (where adopting and having a baby fulfilled the same want or something like that). I was actually shocked when I laid eyes on the kid the social worker wanted to load off on me.

Well, I do like to keep things somewhat realistic (says the guy that has his sim self married to an alien).  So the only way these two ladies are going to have a baby the old fashioned way is if one of them has a few too many drinks with one of their guy friends one night and decides to "jump the fence" so to speak.

I do have Inge's Teleporter Shrub though.  And once I can settle on a kid/toddler/baby that the social worker brings by I'll make use of it in the next adoption.

Isn't there a hack somewhere that lets ladies come back pregnate after an alien abduction?  An alien kid with Polination Tech's genes would be more tolerable than most of the kids the social worker has tried to unload on me.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: SaraMK on 2005 November 23, 00:04:04
Isn't there a hack somewhere that lets ladies come back pregnate after an alien abduction?  An alien kid with Polination Tech's genes would be more tolerable than most of the kids the social worker has tried to unload on me.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 23, 00:20:34
Trepie, I put the townie children into the adoption pool when I was ridding my main neighborhood of townies.

Had the townienoregen hack installed.

Then I used Inge's shrub to summon the townie children to a house with a Sim that I created for the purpose.  (It would work with any house or Sim, tho, I just didn't want to junk up the memories of Sims I play.)

After summoning them, I moved them in.  Then, I used Inge's shrub to "put up for adoption"...and off to the adoption pool they went.

* dusts hands *

No more Marcia Brunig stalking my kids! 

Now, this does mean that when I adopt I have to either be willing to take one of the little wretches in, or I have to create a CAS child and put that kid in the adoption pool via the shrub method on top of the kids that are there.  Last one in is first one out.

I did accidently get Brittany Whatshername when I miscalculated the last one in...and she's turned out to be a delight.  Marcia, I don't think so.  If I got her by mistake, I'd shrub her right back where she started.  ;)

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: ari_ on 2005 November 23, 00:32:09
I did accidently get Brittany Whatshername when I miscalculated the last one in...and she's turned out to be a delight.  Marcia, I don't think so.  If I got her by mistake, I'd shrub her right back where she started.  ;)

Marsha grows up surprisingly good-looking - out of all 5 townie kids, she's the only decent-looking one. At least, decent-looking enough for me that she won't be getting a SimSurgery make-over when she's a teen or adult (they're all still townie kids in my current neighborhood, but I'd grown them up in a previous one).

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 23, 00:58:08
BTW I always adopt babies because I want to name them. I don't want to get stuck raising a kid named Goopy. (Shudders.)

You can change a sim's first name with the  Insimenator. I believe you can do it with testingcheats somehow too. And if all else fails, you can do it in SimPE.

I like to adopt child aged kids so I don't have to deal with the baby and toddler hassle. Adopting is also very handy for dealing with those have 10 children wants.

I don't worry too much about their looks, even though I haven't gotten any that were too terribly bad yet, because I give every sim plastic surgery at some point. I find even two nice looking sims can have something funky about their kid. Most times I just try to refine features and Gigge-ize them (smaller eyes, face up a bit higher, lips less wide etc) but sometimes certain features between two sims do not mix well. Any sim auto generated by a Maxis template automatically gets some sort of sort of surgery from me also.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: chknflvrdramen on 2005 November 23, 01:05:43
TJ's ... the 'adopt/baby want' thingie (where adopting and having a baby fulfilled the same want or something like that).
::raises hand:: Please for the love of all things good would someone direct me to this hack? I've been drooling over it for some time and didn't know it actually existed.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 23, 01:09:18
It's here on this very site in TwoJeff's section. He's got lots of other useful stuff in his section too. Might want to take a look.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: chknflvrdramen on 2005 November 23, 01:15:36
Thank you a thousand times, downloading now.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 23, 01:18:37
Prepare to point and laugh at me.

I don't know why, but I was always under the impression that if you adopt a child rather than a baby or toddler that the game would pick a child out of the townie pool and give you one. 

Long story short:  I've exited and reloaded about 20 different times.  And each kid the social worker brings looks like they feel out of the ugly tree face first. 

Were you desparetely seeking for Marsha Bruenig?  :o

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 23, 01:34:45
Hey, do you suppose we are hurting the feelings of any real people named Goopy, with the way we all hate on Goopy? Or can we safely assume that anyone named Goopy has grown skin as thick as an elephant by now?
According to a Maxian interview, there is, in fact, a Goopy, and he cries in his cube often as a result. Given the attitude with which they treated the matter, the truth is probably closer to B.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 November 23, 01:52:14
Were you desparetely seeking for Marsha Bruenig?

......funny you should mention that.

This couple were downtownies I de-aged and sent through Uni.  I assume both were close to the top of their careers because they both had a lot of friends and had a lot of skill points already.  And one of their friends is Marsha...

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 November 23, 02:21:13
I've only adopted two as I put TwoJeffs' mod in some time ago to allow genetic kids.  However, the two I adopted are quite decent-looking.  Brandi Broke adopted a daughter who does have full lips, but they're not over-wide and they suit her face.  She looks very Mediterranean.  Cassandra adopted a boy (who the game named DON of all things, that was quickly changed as his adoptive father was Don's enemy, Darren Dreamer) and he's quite nice-looking.  Certainly better looking than a natural child of Cassandra would have been, although her son to Darren is actually quite a looker.  The only thing really wrong with both my adopted kids is that the Random Sim Generator didn't exist then, so they both came out with identical Aries personalities.  Dante is actually a nice guy (for all that he has 3 in Nice), but Alison can be very spiteful and even though she's married with a baby, unbeknown to her husband (Maxis YA Jimmy Phoenix) she's actually a raving lesbo.

As for Marsha Bruenig, in my game she became best friends with Brandi Broke and her two youngest (the afore-mentioned adopted daughter and Brandi's son to Vince Walter, the Headmaster) so when Brandi & Vince died they invited her to move in.  She was aged up to teen so she could get some scholarships, then they all went off to Uni together.  Marsha ended-up marrying Brandi's son Vincent and as I recall she's pregnant now. I agree that she's nowhere near as bad as an adult - in fact, she looks totally different once she ages to teen and it's difficult to see her as the same Sim.  She seems to grow into her face somehow.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 23, 03:00:50
Hey, do you suppose we are hurting the feelings of any real people named Goopy, with the way we all hate on Goopy? Or can we safely assume that anyone named Goopy has grown skin as thick as an elephant by now?
According to a Maxian interview, there is, in fact, a Goopy, and he cries in his cube often as a result. Given the attitude with which they treated the matter, the truth is probably closer to B.

He's listed in the game credits. First page. Apparently the Animation Director for Sims 2 is called Goopy Rossi.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Athena on 2005 November 23, 03:34:10
One of my families adopted a daughter who is very cute and ironically looks like the genetic daughter of the parents (the skin and hair color of her adopted mom and the eye color of her adopted dad).

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: anyeone on 2005 November 23, 04:29:22
Ugly SimBabies need love too!

I cherish my adopted ugly simbabies... until the time they are older and I can turn them into romantic rejects! 

Just kidding  ;)

But seriously, my funniest adopted Sim story was when I got a cute little red haired toddler called Jordan.
I cooed at him like you would any Sim baby, but when he turned into a toddler he had ugly dread/braid hair (which though looking good on darker sims IMO looks silly on white ones) so I sent him to the mirror to change them and lo and behold was I shocked to find out that Jordan should have been Jordana!

Unfortunately I've since had to reinstall the game so I don't have pics.  But she actually grew up pretty decent looking.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Hairfish on 2005 November 23, 05:05:00
You can change a sim's first name with the  Insimenator. I believe you can do it with testingcheats somehow too. And if all else fails, you can do it in SimPE.

Merola's Multi-Painting will do it, too.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 23, 05:49:43
Were you desparetely seeking for Marsha Bruenig?

......funny you should mention that.

This couple were downtownies I de-aged and sent through Uni.  I assume both were close to the top of their careers because they both had a lot of friends and had a lot of skill points already.  And one of their friends is Marsha...

Lol, this surely makes my day...  :P

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 23, 06:42:04
I believe the Ancient one that Marsha turns out fine....(how could I butcher her name like that, must write Marsha Bruenig 10 times for pennance).... I was just stalked by her so much the first month that I had the game and had no hacks that it would take a lot for me to voluntarily put her back in play. 

Remember what that was like, no phone hack, phone ringing constantly and it is always Marsha calling for people she hasn't even met yet? (I may be wrong there, but I swear she called Sims she'd never even met.)  There's outgoing and then there's, cough, restraining order desperate. 

I love adopting Sims.  This is most likely because I'm partial to adoption stories.  I'm adopted myself in RL and my husband adopted my two children after I was widowed when they were very young.  :)

Never complain about how fugly any of them are.  The most fugly Sim child I have, and she's well nigh on horrid, is game born of two of my CAS Sims.  Ghastly and I only have myself to blame.

Now Ancient is making me feel guilty that I've had Marsha stuck in some orphange for many Sims years.....

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 23, 07:35:45
I almost forgot how annoying Marsha was as she's been teen in my neighbourhoods forever. I've made her Family or (heh heh) Popularity, but she's really just the semi-decent default girl that will put out for anyone. Good for a first kiss, or whatever else they want at the time and then discarded for someone else.

I used the tombstone of L&D to generate new kids and egads! Never again. Later felt bad and put them in the pool, but it's all I can do to play them fully zoomed out. Early on, I tried the adoption thing, and got 3 Marylenas in the same home, as if the 2 already in the neighbourhood weren't enough.

One of the first things I do is create a pretty adoption pool. Either a single parent in CAS, or a lot with 6 pretty Sims, the Insiminator, Teleport shrub and twojeff's trip/quad mod and poof, pretty babies. All ties severed and they're packed off in a decent outfit at the peak of cuteness. Former parents have their memories wiped, are given jobs and added to the townie pool.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: laylei on 2005 November 23, 07:54:55
Hehe, that's why in every neighborhood, I make a family with one adult and 7 attractive children/toddlers, then kill the adult and let the pretty kiddies be put into the adoptive pool. That way, I can adopt a few times with a guarantee of a good-looking child.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 23, 08:01:11
Hehe, that's why in every neighborhood, I make a family with one adult and 7 attractive children/toddlers, then kill the adult and let the pretty kiddies be put into the adoptive pool. That way, I can adopt a few times with a guarantee of a good-looking child.

Gasp!  ;)

Death is so not necessary!  Can be accomplished bloodlessly with the shrub!

I heart Inge's shrub. 

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: laylei on 2005 November 23, 08:02:29
Hehe, that's why in every neighborhood, I make a family with one adult and 7 attractive children/toddlers, then kill the adult and let the pretty kiddies be put into the adoptive pool. That way, I can adopt a few times with a guarantee of a good-looking child.

Gasp!  ;)

Death is so not necessary!  Can be accomplished bloodlessly with the shrub!

I heart Inge's shrub. 

The shrub scares me. I'm too afraid I'll mess my game up.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 23, 08:08:16
Hehe, that's why in every neighborhood, I make a family with one adult and 7 attractive children/toddlers, then kill the adult and let the pretty kiddies be put into the adoptive pool. That way, I can adopt a few times with a guarantee of a good-looking child.

Gasp!  ;)

Death is so not necessary!  Can be accomplished bloodlessly with the shrub!

I heart Inge's shrub. 

The shrub scares me. I'm too afraid I'll mess my game up.

First of all, I'm teasing about the death thing...people should play their own game the way they want. 

As far as the shrub goes, don't be afraid in the least.  I'm sure that there are potential issues (as there are with any hack or certainly any Maxis object, can you say radio controlled car)...but I use the shrub constantly with nary an ill side effect at all.

Most most most excellent.

(I understand you shouldn't try to mess with dead people with it, so I never have.)

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: eaglezero on 2005 November 23, 09:49:33
But seriously, my funniest adopted Sim story was when I got a cute little red haired toddler called Jordan.
I cooed at him like you would any Sim baby, but when he turned into a toddler he had ugly dread/braid hair (which though looking good on darker sims IMO looks silly on white ones) so I sent him to the mirror to change them and lo and behold was I shocked to find out that Jordan should have been Jordana!

Okay, I've looked for the mirror that allows you to change toddlers' hair, but I haven't managed to find it. Do you know where it came from?

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 23, 10:00:10
Okay, I've looked for the mirror that allows you to change toddlers' hair, but I haven't managed to find it. Do you know where it came from?

On MTS2 (  It says testing, and doesn't have Nightlife clicked, but I have it and it seems to work just fine.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 23, 10:11:50
I like to adopt child aged kids so I don't have to deal with the baby and toddler hassle. Adopting is also very handy for dealing with those have 10 children wants.
If I wanted to adopt an ugly baby (hey, they must be up for adoption for a reason!), I wouldn't pick one older than toddler. Child-adoptees tend to be...well, mentally deficient, to be generous. And the last thing I'd want is an ugly, RETARDED baby.

I don't worry too much about their looks, even though I haven't gotten any that were too terribly bad yet, because I give every sim plastic surgery at some point. I find even two nice looking sims can have something funky about their kid. Most times I just try to refine features and Gigge-ize them (smaller eyes, face up a bit higher, lips less wide etc) but sometimes certain features between two sims do not mix well. Any sim auto generated by a Maxis template automatically gets some sort of sort of surgery from me also.
Every single sim gets the simsurgery? Man, that's harsh. I haven't put a single sim through that. I like 'em as nature intended, and if they turn out hideously ugly....well, that's life. At least if they're from my sims, I know that there's still not-ugly in their gene pool. Townies, though...well, let's just say that I don't call my neighborhood "Chernobyl Farms" for nothing.

Hehe, that's why in every neighborhood, I make a family with one adult and 7 attractive children/toddlers, then kill the adult and let the pretty kiddies be put into the adoptive pool. That way, I can adopt a few times with a guarantee of a good-looking child.
Killing the adult results in a junk character file gumming up your neighborhood. Bad. What you could do is simply mindwipe everyone, sever all family ties with the thingamajingus, and then use the adult for some other purpose.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 23, 11:25:11
Hehe, that's why in every neighborhood, I make a family with one adult and 7 attractive children/toddlers, then kill the adult and let the pretty kiddies be put into the adoptive pool. That way, I can adopt a few times with a guarantee of a good-looking child.
Killing the adult results in a junk character file gumming up your neighborhood. Bad. What you could do is simply mindwipe everyone, sever all family ties with the thingamajingus, and then use the adult for some other purpose.

When I've done it this way (single parent method) I've severed family ties, wiped their memories, then either thrown them to the townie pool (using the shrub, or in PE) or reverted them to an adoptable age and added them to the adoption pool.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 23, 12:59:04
When I've done it this way (single parent method) I've severed family ties, wiped their memories, then either thrown them to the townie pool (using the shrub, or in PE) or reverted them to an adoptable age and added them to the adoption pool.

Okay, that's well nigh on brilliant, reverting the adult's age.  Heck, people who didn't want to use the shrub, could probably get the social worker to come by just doing that!

Will definitely try it the next time I need kids.  I'm full up with potential adoptees at the moment.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 23, 17:09:02
Hehe, that's why in every neighborhood, I make a family with one adult and 7 attractive children/toddlers, then kill the adult and let the pretty kiddies be put into the adoptive pool. That way, I can adopt a few times with a guarantee of a good-looking child.
hmm not advisable because you end up with an overload of useless files gumming up the game. what I do if I want pretty toddlers and kids in thhe adoption pool is create a parent with an overload of kids and use inge's bush to adopt out a few. it places those toddlers and kids in the adoption pool. or if I know that I need more than a couple of children in the pool I have teleported in townie kids done surgery and placed them in the adoption pool.some of the townie kids are well worth fixing up a bit and placing them in the pool.
  Chloe  Gonzaga with minor nose surgery turns out  drop dead gorgeous when she Transitions to teen.,Marsha turns  out  gorgeous with out surgery just  a new hair do.
    I have also made a CAS Parent with Seven Kids  and Placed them in the neighborhood .then aged the single parent to elder and gone into SimPE and given the elder one day to live .tthus ensuring a "natural" death due to old age and preventing an overload of useless files

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: eaglezero on 2005 November 23, 17:56:44
Okay, I've looked for the mirror that allows you to change toddlers' hair, but I haven't managed to find it. Do you know where it came from?

On MTS2 (  It says testing, and doesn't have Nightlife clicked, but I have it and it seems to work just fine.

Thank you so much!

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 November 23, 18:12:35
My situation is resolved.  I used the teleporter shrub, warped her in, put her up for adoption, and the social worker brought her by.

And Marsha makes three.


Now for my next little project.  Someone is going to have to get friendly with Mr. Big because I want him to move in and find his own place.  Then he can start a family with the Diva.  Of course, I will be motherloding or familyfunding the crap out of him.  Because he's Mr. Big you know.  He should be filthy stinking rich.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 23, 18:21:51

And Marsha makes three.

** runs screaming **

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 November 23, 18:44:21
Trepie, is that your lesbian couple? lol! In my game the girl with the blonde hair, hat and glasses(Alyn or something like that), is married to one of my Legacy sims and the dark haired sim (Elise somethingorOther) in your pic, is married to Nervous Subject. Too funny.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 November 23, 18:54:18
Hah!  Yeah, this is in Pleasentview.  In Strangetown I'm trying to get the blonde haired one married to Vincund Curious.

The dark haired one is also married to Nervous Subject in my game.   :o  Small world we live in...

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: KellyQ on 2005 November 23, 20:30:49
Hah!  Yeah, this is in Pleasentview.  In Strangetown I'm trying to get the blonde haired one married to Vincund Curious.

The dark haired one is also married to Nervous Subject in my game.   :o  Small world we live in...

We'll have to exchange pictures when they have kids. ;) She's a very pretty sim, especially for a Maxi-made one, I actually haven't changed one thing about her, highly unusual!

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: laylei on 2005 November 23, 21:14:22
Hehe, that's why in every neighborhood, I make a family with one adult and 7 attractive children/toddlers, then kill the adult and let the pretty kiddies be put into the adoptive pool. That way, I can adopt a few times with a guarantee of a good-looking child.
hmm not advisable because you end up with an overload of useless files gumming up the game. what I do if I want pretty toddlers and kids in thhe adoption pool is create a parent with an overload of kids and use inge's bush to adopt out a few. it places those toddlers and kids in the adoption pool. or if I know that I need more than a couple of children in the pool I have teleported in townie kids done surgery and placed them in the adoption pool.some of the townie kids are well worth fixing up a bit and placing them in the pool.
  Chloe  Gonzaga with minor nose surgery turns out  drop dead gorgeous when she Transitions to teen.,Marsha turns  out  gorgeous with out surgery just  a new hair do.
    I have also made a CAS Parent with Seven Kids  and Placed them in the neighborhood .then aged the single parent to elder and gone into SimPE and given the elder one day to live .tthus ensuring a "natural" death due to old age and preventing an overload of useless files

How is that any different from what I do? You're still making a parent and children. You're still making extra characters.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 23, 21:59:31

How is that any different from what I do? You're still making a parent and children. You're still making extra characters.
The game unlinks the character files when a sim dies. "parent" becomes a miniscule ghost file at that point. the children go into the adoption pool.when a sim calls to adopt a child  or toddler the child or toddler that just entered the adoption pool is the first one out to the new parents. the game simply adds the new parents names to an already existing file for that child or new file is created.better to have a miniscule non game affecting file than a character file which is quite large gumming up the game. thats the difference. my sim toddlers and kids are literally orphans when the social worker picks them up

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: gali on 2005 November 23, 22:03:47
Trepie, I like Marsha very much, but never moved her in.

Will you be kind to show us the Teen Marsha, the Student Marsha, and the Adult Marsha?

May be that will convinse me to move her in (I don't need adoption, I have "moveinall").


...windy_moon, don't run screaming...:).

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: laylei on 2005 November 23, 22:08:18
Hehe, that's why in every neighborhood, I make a family with one adult and 7 attractive children/toddlers, then kill the adult and let the pretty kiddies be put into the adoptive pool. That way, I can adopt a few times with a guarantee of a good-looking child.
Killing the adult results in a junk character file gumming up your neighborhood. Bad. What you could do is simply mindwipe everyone, sever all family ties with the thingamajingus, and then use the adult for some other purpose.

When I've done it this way (single parent method) I've severed family ties, wiped their memories, then either thrown them to the townie pool (using the shrub, or in PE) or reverted them to an adoptable age and added them to the adoption pool.

I don't understand... mindwipe? Sever ties?

It probably involves SimPE, right? No thanks, that thing is way too overwhelming. I'll just accept the loss of my neighborhood if I have to.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 23, 23:08:44
Hehe, that's why in every neighborhood, I make a family with one adult and 7 attractive children/toddlers, then kill the adult and let the pretty kiddies be put into the adoptive pool. That way, I can adopt a few times with a guarantee of a good-looking child.
Killing the adult results in a junk character file gumming up your neighborhood. Bad. What you could do is simply mindwipe everyone, sever all family ties with the thingamajingus, and then use the adult for some other purpose.
I used to think the same thing now I love SimPe.I have gottensims from Brynne that are all family members in her game but of course arriving in mine they have no clue that they are related . Sim PE allows me to link them and set appropriate Memories for them

When I've done it this way (single parent method) I've severed family ties, wiped their memories, then either thrown them to the townie pool (using the shrub, or in PE) or reverted them to an adoptable age and added them to the adoption pool.

I don't understand... mindwipe? Sever ties?

It probably involves SimPE, right? No thanks, that thing is way too overwhelming. I'll just accept the loss of my neighborhood if I have to.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 23, 23:31:47
There are hacks that will do it too. I know you can sever ties via the Insimenator and I think one of the spawned objects with testingcheatsenabled on will do it too. Carrigon had a bottle that wipes all memories.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 24, 00:00:11
When I've done it this way (single parent method) I've severed family ties, wiped their memories, then either thrown them to the townie pool (using the shrub, or in PE) or reverted them to an adoptable age and added them to the adoption pool.

Briliant idea. I've only just found out about the agesimsthingwhatever and I have reverted a few elders back to adult (just being curious), but I've not thought of that yet. I should have, ZZ is reverting NPC's she hates back to babyhood (I think all of the nannies she has are babies. That way they can't just show up and bug her, poor ZZ had a huge nanny invasion happening once). She's been doing it for a while, so it's not as if I never heard of it before. I usually just wipe them, unlink them, and throw them into the townie-pool as adults. I'll try that one as soon as I can though, it gives me an extra non-adult.


Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 24, 01:06:11
Stupid question 101:

Why wipe them?  When they are adopted via the social workers, they come with no memories.


I'll take the extra step, if recommended, I'm just curious. (And what about the 7 kids I put in the adoption pool already without wiping?  A number of these are out and about having been adopted into my Sims families.)

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 24, 02:24:08
Why wipe them?  When they are adopted via the social workers, they come with no memories.
It's the same reason you wipe and magnetically erase a hard drive before selling it. Even though the buyer will reformat it again anyway, YOU NEVER KNOW!

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 24, 02:28:24
I agree. I actually did one of those kill the mom with 7 kids families and had the social worker come so I could adopt designer kids and there was a bug where somehow the link did not get severed. :P It was annoying because the adopted parents weren't recognized.

It's like going to the bathroom, better to wipe than be sorry later.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: KnightSkyKyte on 2005 November 24, 05:30:51
I'm so thankful for TJ's havechildnotadopt and his pregforallgenders hacks... the gay couple I made are drop dead sexy, and I really, really wanted to see what kind of offspring they'd have (somehow, whilst they are attractive, none of the genetic kids generated as a result are quite as attractive as the parents... and they've had 8 of them...)

However, it avoided adopting fugly townie kids; I did try the "make 7 attractive kids and one adult, kill adult and then adopt attractive kids" once - but discovered TJ's hack not long after, so hopefully, one killed off adult won't be too bad.... it's been nearly a year, so hopefully I avoided the BFBVFS *crosses fingers*

The plastic surgery reward object has been a godsend for ugly adopted ones, though (the first two). What's with the tiny slitty eyes and hugely wide nostrils you could park a truck in and are long enough to make Pinocchio feel inadequate anyway?

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 24, 06:08:52

It's like going to the bathroom, better to wipe than be sorry later.

*bursts out laughing*

Yeah, but don't you guys shake more than you wipe?

back on topic quickly before the whole damn thread goes to hell in handbasket

Okie doke.  If Motoki and the awesome Pescado say I should wipe, I will learn to wipe!  It's either that or do laundry over the Thanksgiving holiday.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 24, 18:17:05
yes, it's better to be safe than sorry and the only time I had a problem was when I actually let the Social Worker take a toddler away (I'd never seen it and was curious) Once adopted, all he wanted was to see his biological mother, though she was in his relationship panel as 'best friend' only, her subsequent children turned up as siblings until I finally severed the ties and wiped his memory. (Carrigon's bottle works well for anyone too timid to use PE - I use the InSiminator to sever ties and age if I want to do it in game)

I don't actually kill the parents anymore, I did once or twice, but prefer adding them to the adoption pool. I did try breeding 2 gay Sims but I'll admit, their child was far uglier than most of what Maxis had given me, plus, they didn't seem to recognize him as their child (spin any wants towards him)

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 24, 20:51:14
yes, it's better to be safe than sorry and the only time I had a problem was when I actually let the Social Worker take a toddler away (I'd never seen it and was curious) Once adopted, all he wanted was to see his biological mother, though she was in his relationship panel as 'best friend' only, her subsequent children turned up as siblings until I finally severed the ties and wiped his memory. (Carrigon's bottle works well for anyone too timid to use PE - I use the InSiminator to sever ties and age if I want to do it in game)

I don't actually kill the parents anymore, I did once or twice, but prefer adding them to the adoption pool. I did try breeding 2 gay Sims but I'll admit, their child was far uglier than most of what Maxis had given me, plus, they didn't seem to recognize him as their child (spin any wants towards him)
I have 2 gay male parents I am thinkig about letting have a child together.
   Im not sure when though as the couple has 4 toddlers in the house right now.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: KnightSkyKyte on 2005 November 25, 00:16:17
I did try breeding 2 gay Sims but I'll admit, their child was far uglier than most of what Maxis had given me, plus, they didn't seem to recognize him as their child (spin any wants towards him)

That's interesting - I never had this problem with them - they keep wanting to snuggle their bub, and later, to play, snuggle, potty train etc. their kid & never lost interest in it as it grew up... they were both family aspiration, not sure if that makes a difference, though. I use the havechildnotadopt and the preg for all genders hacks TJ did, and I only have JM's and TJ's hacks with two exceptions (Inge's 4-keys lockable door and Targa's machine).

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 25, 13:24:02

That's interesting - I never had this problem with them - they keep wanting to snuggle their bub, and later, to play, snuggle, potty train etc. their kid & never lost interest in it as it grew up... they were both family aspiration, not sure if that makes a difference, though. I use the havechildnotadopt and the preg for all genders hacks TJ did, and I only have JM's and TJ's hacks with two exceptions (Inge's 4-keys lockable door and Targa's machine).

I don't use preg4all, this was my only male/male birth and only because I was curious. Shouldn't have done it, one of the dads was 5th gen Legacy heir -  (or would have been except he decided he liked boys) he was product of several generations of ugly Maxis Sims.
They were Knowledge and Finance, they spun nothing towards their birth child, but they adopted from the pretty baby pool and spin wants for the adopted one all the time, maybe like myself they just aren't interested in ugly kids... heh heh.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 25, 15:25:24
When I was using testing cheats to get my same gender sim pregnant, they still spun up wants for the baby. They even spun a "have a baby" want on *top* of the adoption one they already had (eventually I let them adopt too - at that point, I didn't know I needed a hack to fix it). One was family, and I don't remember what the other was. Finance maybe. But then, sometimes my heterosexual parents aren't interested in their natural-born (or adopted) kids either. They did tend to lecture when he needed a diaper change tho (poor kid) and have "change diapers" in their fears. Dumb parents. One of them was the George MacCarthy (or whatever his name is) townie and the other was a CAS sim and the baby was pretty cute - not great, I can't really make good sims, but decent-looking.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 25, 15:31:54
I have uninterested parents too, but these were more like oblivious. My game is full of glitches, this one was fairly minor. I expect it will disappear if I ever get it cleaned out and install the EPs.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Process Denied on 2005 November 25, 18:49:20

I don't use preg4all, this was my only male/male birth and only because I was curious. Shouldn't have done it, one of the dads was 5th gen Legacy heir -  (or would have been except he decided he liked boys) he was product of several generations of ugly Maxis Sims.
They were Knowledge and Finance, they spun nothing towards their birth child, but they adopted from the pretty baby pool and spin wants for the adopted one all the time, maybe like myself they just aren't interested in ugly kids... heh heh.
I find, especially in Maxis made families, that they don't spring up many wants for their first child it is usually for the second and third then if they have more,they start losing interest.  Of course there are exceptions,one out of three games Cassie actually took full interest in her child.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 25, 19:12:35

I don't use preg4all, this was my only male/male birth and only because I was curious. Shouldn't have done it, one of the dads was 5th gen Legacy heir -  (or would have been except he decided he liked boys) he was product of several generations of ugly Maxis Sims.
They were Knowledge and Finance, they spun nothing towards their birth child, but they adopted from the pretty baby pool and spin wants for the adopted one all the time, maybe like myself they just aren't interested in ugly kids... heh heh.
I find, especially in Maxis made families, that they don't spring up many wants for their first child it is usually for the second and third then if they have more,they start losing interest.  Of course there are exceptions,one out of three games Cassie actually took full interest in her child.
odd but you know you are right I used to play pleasant view and  the wants were alway for the second kid in the maxis families

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 25, 20:03:23

I don't use preg4all, this was my only male/male birth and only because I was curious. Shouldn't have done it, one of the dads was 5th gen Legacy heir -  (or would have been except he decided he liked boys) he was product of several generations of ugly Maxis Sims.
They were Knowledge and Finance, they spun nothing towards their birth child, but they adopted from the pretty baby pool and spin wants for the adopted one all the time, maybe like myself they just aren't interested in ugly kids... heh heh.
I find, especially in Maxis made families, that they don't spring up many wants for their first child it is usually for the second and third then if they have more,they start losing interest.  Of course there are exceptions,one out of three games Cassie actually took full interest in her child.

Maybe custom neighbourhoods are different from the presets (which I haven't played much) because I've had a gazillion kids in my custom neighbourhoods and this is the only set of parents I've had who have never spun a single want towards one of their children. I mean, they're not all kid focussed, but this couple represents the only time I've ever had a Finance or Knowledge parent not spin a want for private school the second the kid transitioned.  Again, this isn't a big deal (though now I'm almost tempted to shut down the game so I can load that neighbourhood up and check them out again)

I guess the other variable is that they were so much older than most of my first time parents. And they never did spin a want for kids, I just gave them one because my Knowledge Sim had been maxed skill and top of career so long and had nothing to do but pine for his husband while he was at work that he was starting to get a little dull. They were so uninterested in him that I had them adopt a sibling for company and suddenly, they were loving parents (but still not to their biological kid)

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 26, 03:03:59

II guess the other variable is that they were so much older than most of my first time parents. And they never did spin a want for kids, I just gave them one because my Knowledge Sim had been maxed skill and top of career so long and had nothing to do but pine for his husband while he was at work that he was starting to get a little dull. They were so uninterested in him that I had them adopt a sibling for company and suddenly, they were loving parents (but still not to their biological kid)

that's sad for their first born and Biological child

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 26, 06:45:26
It is sad, but he can't read their minds and I direct them to give him attention.

They're pretty frisky though so the boys are very good at occupying themselves with skill building while 'dads' are busy in the other room which accomodating their wants would be 4-5 times per day. It's all good, they'll be max skill before teen.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 26, 12:41:37
It is sad, but he can't read their minds and I direct them to give him attention.

They're pretty frisky though so the boys are very good at occupying themselves with skill building while 'dads' are busy in the other room which accomodating their wants would be 4-5 times per day. It's all good, they'll be max skill before teen.
I have a toddler who loves his xyllophone so much that he already has 8 creativity points.I play with aging off in my game so I get to know the quirks and oddities of my sims.
 for the most part since the little guy has already been potty trianed and is walking and talking I let him play with whatever toy he wants.I interrupt him for daddy time and eating of course. once he is max skill on the xyllophone I will try and steer him to another toy
 It's hard at times to make sure the little guy gets his social time as there is a baby in the house as well that is his cousin
 and shares the nursery with him and in about 50 sim hours  he will have 3 newborn cousins join the nursery.his cousin that is a baby will be getting a new sibling and his Uncle Justin and Aunt Val are Having Twins.of course these are alll Biological children to their parents including this little guy.
  I worry most about his social time because his Mommy and Daddy Divorced 2 days after his birth. and Daddy is raisiing him . His Daddy is a perma plat popularity Sim.His cousin Denise's parents are a Perma Plat Romance Sim for a Daddy and a Family sim for a Mom. while his cousin's parents are married  and provide the traditional  two Parent family.he only has daddy as mommy never bothers to visit him.its almost like she would rather forget he exists.I have thought about having Daddy either meet someone and remarry or adopt a child to give little Jordan a sibling
 However your post about the biological child being ignored has made me rethink the Idea of adoption.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 27, 13:18:39
It is sad, but he can't read their minds and I direct them to give him attention.

They're pretty frisky though so the boys are very good at occupying themselves with skill building while 'dads' are busy in the other room which accomodating their wants would be 4-5 times per day. It's all good, they'll be max skill before teen.
I have a toddler who loves his xyllophone so much that he already has 8 creativity points.I play with aging off in my game so I get to know the quirks and oddities of my sims.
 for the most part since the little guy has already been potty trianed and is walking and talking I let him play with whatever toy he wants.I interrupt him for daddy time and eating of course. once he is max skill on the xyllophone I will try and steer him to another toy

I have thought about having Daddy either meet someone and remarry or adopt a child to give little Jordan a sibling
 However your post about the biological child being ignored has made me rethink the Idea of adoption.

I wouldn't worry about it if the dad is spinning wants already. It wasn't that they stopped caring about their ugly kid when the adopted one came along, they'd never spun wants towards him. I just assumed they were more interested in each other than kids until they adopted one and treated him the way normal sims of their aspirations would.
The biological one was born using the technology of the InSiminator, and as I'd never used that method for a single gender birth, I just assumed it may be a glitch with that.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 27, 14:29:19
It is sad, but he can't read their minds and I direct them to give him attention.

They're pretty frisky though so the boys are very good at occupying themselves with skill building while 'dads' are busy in the other room which accomodating their wants would be 4-5 times per day. It's all good, they'll be max skill before teen.
I have a toddler who loves his xyllophone so much that he already has 8 creativity points.I play with aging off in my game so I get to know the quirks and oddities of my sims.
 for the most part since the little guy has already been potty trianed and is walking and talking I let him play with whatever toy he wants.I interrupt him for daddy time and eating of course. once he is max skill on the xyllophone I will try and steer him to another toy

I have thought about having Daddy either meet someone and remarry or adopt a child to give little Jordan a sibling
 However your post about the biological child being ignored has made me rethink the Idea of adoption.

I wouldn't worry about it if the dad is spinning wants already. It wasn't that they stopped caring about their ugly kid when the adopted one came along, they'd never spun wants towards him. I just assumed they were more interested in each other than kids until they adopted one and treated him the way normal sims of their aspirations would.
The biological one was born using the technology of the InSiminator, and as I'd never used that method for a single gender birth, I just assumed it may be a glitch with that.
ok godd because Daddy has always spun wants toward his son, and he is a popularity sim not a family was kind of cute in the nuraery Daddy was dog tired so I told him to go to bed but no he went running to the nursey to tend to his child anyway.I had to cancel out his Idea as plenty of adults were already there  changing 3 diapers and feediing 3 newborns while 2 other adults were putting his toddler and his neice in the high chairs to be fed and a 6th adult was standing there in the midst of all that activity eating a bag of chips. these have to be the most attentive Sim's I've ever seen when it comes to babies ,toddlers and children. and the funny part is  only 1 of the adults is a family sim. the rest are Popularity and Romance.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 27, 14:47:01
  I worry most about his social time because his Mommy and Daddy Divorced 2 days after his birth. and Daddy is raisiing him . His Daddy is a perma plat popularity Sim.His cousin Denise's parents are a Perma Plat Romance Sim for a Daddy and a Family sim for a Mom. while his cousin's parents are married  and provide the traditional  two Parent family.he only has daddy as mommy never bothers to visit him.its almost like she would rather forget he exists.

I've found that in my households where only one of the parents actually lives with the child, the child will only spin wants for the parent he is living with.  The fathers raise the children almost exclusively in my game.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 27, 14:56:06
  I worry most about his social time because his Mommy and Daddy Divorced 2 days after his birth. and Daddy is raisiing him . His Daddy is a perma plat popularity Sim.His cousin Denise's parents are a Perma Plat Romance Sim for a Daddy and a Family sim for a Mom. while his cousin's parents are married  and provide the traditional  two Parent family.he only has daddy as mommy never bothers to visit him.its almost like she would rather forget he exists.

I've found that in my households where only one of the parents actually lives with the child, the child will only spin wants for the parent he is living with.  The fathers raise the children almost exclusively in my game.
Jordan only spins wants for Daddy and occasionally one of the other relatives in the house . he never spins Mommy wants.Denise on the other hand spins wants for both her parents probably because they are both in the home.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 27, 15:16:48
  I worry most about his social time because his Mommy and Daddy Divorced 2 days after his birth. and Daddy is raisiing him . His Daddy is a perma plat popularity Sim.His cousin Denise's parents are a Perma Plat Romance Sim for a Daddy and a Family sim for a Mom. while his cousin's parents are married  and provide the traditional  two Parent family.he only has daddy as mommy never bothers to visit him.its almost like she would rather forget he exists.

I've found that in my households where only one of the parents actually lives with the child, the child will only spin wants for the parent he is living with.  The fathers raise the children almost exclusively in my game.

I prefer single parents, particularly Romance dads (though I do seem to derive perverse pleasure from giving in to the occasional Family mom's multi-kid want and punishing her by making her actually care for all those kids- this is surely the ADD kicking in -heh heh)
Single parent kids only spin wants for the parent raising them, though I did make a mistake of letting Romance dad become best friends with his twins while visiting and that changed things (boo)
I hate toddler wants in 2 parent homes. I prefer 1 parent, toddlers are taught to potty/talk/walk then left to skill. I have someone make a stash of smartmilk so my toddlers pretty much spend their toddlerhood in a room building skills and only getting talk/play/snuggle so they can spin skill-wants.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 27, 15:24:22
  I worry most about his social time because his Mommy and Daddy Divorced 2 days after his birth. and Daddy is raisiing him . His Daddy is a perma plat popularity Sim.His cousin Denise's parents are a Perma Plat Romance Sim for a Daddy and a Family sim for a Mom. while his cousin's parents are married  and provide the traditional  two Parent family.he only has daddy as mommy never bothers to visit him.its almost like she would rather forget he exists.

I've found that in my households where only one of the parents actually lives with the child, the child will only spin wants for the parent he is living with.  The fathers raise the children almost exclusively in my game.
My little toddler Jordan has 9 creativity skill points all from that toy xyllophone and 10 body skill points  so he is definitely skilling on his own heplays for hours at a time with the xyllophone his cousin Denise cant get near it so she contents herself with the shape sorter.the rabbit head is ignored for some reason

I prefer single parents, particularly Romance dads (though I do seem to derive perverse pleasure from giving in to the occasional Family mom's multi-kid want and punishing her by making her actually care for all those kids- this is surely the ADD kicking in -heh heh)
Single parent kids only spin wants for the parent raising them, though I did make a mistake of letting Romance dad become best friends with his twins while visiting and that changed things (boo)
I hate toddler wants in 2 parent homes. I prefer 1 parent, toddlers are taught to potty/talk/walk then left to skill. I have someone make a stash of smartmilk so my toddlers pretty much spend their toddlerhood in a room building skills and only getting talk/play/snuggle so they can spin skill-wants.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 December 03, 08:44:16
We'll have to exchange pictures when they have kids. ;) She's a very pretty sim, especially for a Maxi-made one, I actually haven't changed one thing about her, highly unusual!

It's been a while since I got back to Nervous's family.  I wanted to get all of the other families established before I went and started making everyone breed.  Strangetown seems small at first, but once you split up the Curious brothers, the Singles ladies, and move Nervous out of the Beakers and get them all settled down and married up, the neighborhood becomes friggin' HUGE.

Nervous and his wife just had a little girl.  Named her Cassy.  Can't really judge what she'll look like because she's still an infant.  But here's hoping she looks more like her mom than her dad.

I used Merola's mind control mirror to take a quick look at her personality.  She's deffenently her father's daughter in some respects...  The mother is going to have to whip the sloppy out of her when she gets older.

Gali, you wanted to know what Marsha was going to look like when she got older.  So here she is as a teen.


Her hair style changed to that when she grew up.  I haven't bothered changing it yet though.  Probably won't either since its decent enough for me.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: reggikko on 2005 December 03, 10:35:45
I always restore Nervous' birth personality. He's really not a bad Sim at all. Put him in Military or Law and he's a happy camper. One time, way back when, I killed Loki and got Nervous and Circe together. They were a good couple and the kids weren't at all ugly. They did inherit some of Nervous' features, but they were "softened" a bit by Circe. Circe and loki always have ugly children together in my game.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 03, 11:38:21
I always restore Nervous' birth personality. He's really not a bad Sim at all.
He's not really bad. I had Olive whip him past 301 neatness before kicking it, and that more or less settled everything that really is a problem.

Circe and loki always have ugly children together in my game.
That's because Loki has a really extreme, really ugly face. It's really pinched in and thin, nearly the polar opposite of BlueSoup. I wonder what a Loki/BlueSoup hybrid would look like.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 03, 12:07:47
Thanks, Trepie - Marsha  looks very pretty, and I will move her in (I have "moveinall" hack); always wanted to marry her to one of my kids...:).

I think Maxis has given us potential beauty sims, which we have to reveal, by taking the chance and play with all the NPCs.

And Nervous daughter, from the look in the picture, will get her mother's face. Nervous, like Komei, is a recesive character (face). I married him to my CAS sim, and all his kids got the phisionomy of the mother. None of them, even the males, got Nervous face.

Reggikko, strange - I played with Loki and Circe many times, and their kids were pretty. True that Loki has very ugly face, but I didn't see the inheritance of it to his kids.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 03, 12:19:36
Thanks, Trepie - Marsha  looks very pretty, and I will move her in (I have "moveinall" hack); always wanted to marry her to one of my kids...:).


another Family that turns out some nice looking offspring is thee Tricou Family But you have to do some sim pe Hunting to figure out which teens in the Garth House belong to Jon Smith/Jonathon Tricou. here is one of the Tricou teens after transition.(

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 03, 12:28:43
Bangel, lol, I always delete all the Tricou family, because all of them are dead and increase my neighbourhood sim's number. Is any of them alive? And he lives in the Garth House (never played at downtown)?  I have to open some hood and visit there, while some of them is still alive.

I really like their look - all of them seem pretty to me, especially the females.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 03, 12:37:23
Bangel, lol, I always delete all the Tricou family, because all of them are dead and increase my neighbourhood sim's number. Is any of them alive? And he lives in the Garth House (never played at downtown)?  I have to open some hood and visit there, while some of them is still alive.

I really like their look - all of them seem pretty to me, especially the females.
the Female in the picture is a Tricou she was a teen in the Garth house.I resurrected the Tricou Family and when I was in SimPE I took a look at Various Teens in the Garth house for their Family Tree until I found the 6 that were The Tricou Patriarchs Kids. .usually at least one will show the  siblings and JonSmmith as the father. here is Gvaudoin Tricou Just after Transition to YA(

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 03, 12:51:55
OK, I openned Strange Town, and went to Downtown. I found there only one house for sale (the large one, 85K$ - house of falling leaves or something), and found there 2 tombs of Tricou family.

Where you find this Garth House you talk about? In which neighbourhood? Who lives there?

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: veilchen on 2005 December 03, 13:05:11
Gali, my Tricou's are all in Pleasantview. I resurrected Fricorith and had him call the Grim Reaper to resurrect the rest of his family. They are all very good-looking sims, and they are fun to play with. When you go 'downtown', you can see all their graves in the cemetary, by the way.

By the way, remember the pictures you emailed me? Sabrina (my niece) has put the 'kitty in the glass' on blank cards, put holiday decorations around it and is sending them as holiday greetings to friends and family. Thanks again for sending the pictures. :D

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 03, 13:21:47
Oh Veil, am I glad...:). This kitty is "the apple of my eyes"  ;D ;D

OK, I'll move to Pleasantview to see what happens there.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 03, 13:57:25
Gali, my Tricou's are all in Pleasantview. I resurrected Fricorith and had him call the Grim Reaper to resurrect the rest of his family. They are all very good-looking sims, and they are fun to play with. When you go 'downtown', you can see all their graves in the cemetary, by the way.

By the way, remember the pictures you emailed me? Sabrina (my niece) has put the 'kitty in the glass' on blank cards, put holiday decorations around it and is sending them as holiday greetings to friends and family. Thanks again for sending the pictures. :D
My Tricou's  were all in my Custom neighborhood which I assume the  game  generated as soon as U created the custom hood

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: gali on 2005 December 03, 14:29:30
Well, I had to re-install NL, in order to be able to see all the Tricou family, in household Garth...:).

Do I have to move in one of the teens first, and let him resurrect the father? I see that the father had 4 kids with no mother, but Kay has him and another female sim as mom.

If I move in Kay, will she be able to resurrect her parents?

I think too, that a custom neighbourhood will be better, Pleasantview is too populated...:).

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 03, 14:47:06
Well, I had to re-install NL, in order to be able to see all the Tricou family, in household Garth...:).

Do I have to move in one of the teens first, and let him resurrect the father? I see that the father had 4 kids with no mother, but Kay has him and another female sim as mom.

If I move in Kay, will she be able to resurrect her parents?

I think too, that a custom neighbourhood will be better, Pleasantview is too populated...:).
Iressurected  Fricorith in sim pe and he started the resurrection of the main family. I then used  Inge's teleporter shrub to reunite the teens with their father because even though they show him as the father  they cant resurrect him as they dont have a relationship with him. grimmy wont let you resurrect someone you dont know. use sim PE to resurrect one of the main family members and then have the main family member ie Gvaudoin,Nylisset,Fricorith,Jennail,Jennicor,Kvornan and Kiernan are all main family members . start ressurecting the rest of the family. each time a resurrection is done the newly ressurected will roll a want to ressurect a family member.
 After  I had all 8 family members resurrected. I then Summoned the teens with Inge's bush and moved them in. I then edited the memories in SimPE to have Jennicor adopt the teens.unfortunately whoever you ressurect in SimPE . will become a ghost again after saving and exiting the game . when you re-enter. I used Two Jeffs career rewards Package to get the resurrect o nomitron object and  single sims house to move  the Sim PE resurrectee in to perform the resurrections. again Inge's Bush is awesome to move  the Sim Pe  resurrection into a house to start the ressurections rolling.
  after re entering my game Fricorith  became  a ghost  again  so I sent Jennail to the grim phone and she resurrected her son Fricorith permanently. he is alive and well in my game as a teen.

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: witch on 2005 December 03, 19:45:17
I used Merola's mind control mirror to take a quick look at her personality.  She's deffenently her father's daughter in some respects...  The mother is going to have to whip the sloppy out of her when she gets older.

An ADHD sim!  :D  ::)

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: cabelle on 2005 December 03, 21:57:57
Well, I had to re-install NL, in order to be able to see all the Tricou family, in household Garth...:).

Do I have to move in one of the teens first, and let him resurrect the father? I see that the father had 4 kids with no mother, but Kay has him and another female sim as mom.

If I move in Kay, will she be able to resurrect her parents?

I think too, that a custom neighbourhood will be better, Pleasantview is too populated...:).
Iressurected  Fricorith in sim pe and he started the resurrection of the main family. I then used  Inge's teleporter shrub to reunite the teens with their father because even though they show him as the father  they cant resurrect him as they dont have a relationship with him. grimmy wont let you resurrect someone you dont know. use sim PE to resurrect one of the main family members and then have the main family member ie Gvaudoin,Nylisset,Fricorith,Jennail,Jennicor,Kvornan and Kiernan are all main family members . start ressurecting the rest of the family. each time a resurrection is done the newly ressurected will roll a want to ressurect a family member.
 After  I had all 8 family members resurrected. I then Summoned the teens with Inge's bush and moved them in. I then edited the memories in SimPE to have Jennicor adopt the teens.unfortunately whoever you ressurect in SimPE . will become a ghost again after saving and exiting the game . when you re-enter. I used Two Jeffs career rewards Package to get the resurrect o nomitron object and  single sims house to move  the Sim PE resurrectee in to perform the resurrections. again Inge's Bush is awesome to move  the Sim Pe  resurrection into a house to start the ressurections rolling.
  after re entering my game Fricorith  became  a ghost  again  so I sent Jennail to the grim phone and she resurrected her son Fricorith permanently. he is alive and well in my game as a teen.

I made my own custom neighborhood Arbordale for the sole purpose of resurrecting all of the Tricous to make them the "founders" of the neighborhood. I started by sending 3 of Jon Smith Tricou's townie teen kids to Academie LeTour (I'll send the other 3 shortly, Jon Smith Tricou has a total of six "foster" children that are teen townies). As soon as the first one graduated (with the help of the college adjuster) he got a job in the paranormal career and used the Grim Reaper phone reward to resurrect Jon Smith Tricou. Then I had Jon put the ressurection phone in his inventory and moved him to the "House of Fallen Trees" (after restablishing the Tricou fortune with the family funds cheat). Jon then resurrected the rest of his family members. I did move Jennail, Kvornan & Fricorith out to their own place though, I've got plans for both Tricou daughters to have more children. They're all quite beautiful sims. I've changed them into Victorian clothes from All About Style (it gave them a neat "Tuck Everlasting" sort of look), changed some aspirations because I'm fed up with the Pleasure aspiration. I also changed most of their names to old fashioned Victorian names to fit the "story" for the neighborhood. Jon Smith and his wife (now named Genevieve) have two more grandchildren, boys Wesley and Edward. Gvadoin (now Amelia) is a Knowledge sim who just started at Academie LeTour. She's got quite the crush on Edwin Sharpe who had moved into her dorm to get a break from his trampy sister Roxy and her skanky boyfriend. Fricorith (now Roderick) is deeply in love with the blonde teen with braids. They'll both head to college very soon.

Edited because I gave the incorrect number of Jon Smith Tricou's "foster" townie teens. There are six of them. :-[

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 03, 22:17:25
I move Jon Smith and His wife Jennicor into their own place in custom Neighborhood and then used the teleporter Shrub to move his teenage children in with he and  Jennicor,
 I then went into SimPe and edited Memories and relationships so That Jennicor is the adoptive mother of Jon Smith's Teen children.
  Jennail,Kvornan and Fricoeith moved to their own place quickly and Jennail Has since given Birth to 2 more Boys. so she has a total of 3 sons at home right Now. Nylisset,Kiernan and Gvaudoin also quickly moved into thei own Place  and Nylisset also gave birth to a Son Damian.
 of Jon Smiths other children 2 have been to Uni Zaitarrio whom I renamed Sean was the first to go and graduate with the help of TJ's  college adjustor.He has since married the Daughter of My Custom neighborhood Romance City founder. Colleen and Sean Have 2 children Janet and Ryan Tricou.Sean is now Captain Hero and Perma Plat.Jon Smiths Daughter  Crystal is a SSU right now as a freshman and Madly in love with the Grandson of My Founder Jory.
  Gvaudoin is also currently a YA at SSU and is Married to another Grandson of My Founder .Her Husbands name is Xander Kimball but as he too is a YA at uni there are no plans for children right now. Jon Smith and Jennicor have a total of 5 new Grandchildren since their ressurection. when the Eight YA's at SSU graduate Fricorith and some neighborhood teens will head off to SSU as well as a couple more of Jon Smith's teens

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: cabelle on 2005 December 03, 22:58:28
Sounds like you're having as much fun with your Tricous as I am. Arbordale has fast become one of my favorite neighborhoods. :)

Title: Re: The whole adopting children business.
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 03, 23:59:47
Sounds like you're having as much fun with your Tricous as I am. Arbordale has fast become one of my favorite neighborhoods. :)
yes I am having lots of  fun I did give some of the Tricous Makeovers but other than that I left them alone.