Title: Creatures and Adventures from Sporepedia torrent? Post by: MrMugg on 2009 July 30, 14:50:53 Awhile ago I had seen torrents of "current" Sporepedia collections that included creatures, etc. created by the community. I haven't been able to find that lately. Also, are there any torrents of user created Adventures? So far the most I can really find is a tool that downloads from Sporepedia by brute force, and I'm not sure how reliable it is or how safe it is.
Title: Re: Creatures and Adventures from Sporepedia torrent? Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 July 30, 14:55:50 It is unclear to me why you would want to download badly written crap from 12s who can't spell. Why not just get the Wonderful World of Notovny? Besides, what difference does it make? Everything looks the same when you are carpetbombing it from space.
Title: Re: Creatures and Adventures from Sporepedia torrent? Post by: MrMugg on 2009 August 04, 15:47:42 I was hoping by now that some imaginative players actually wrote some good adventures.