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Awesomeware => AwesomeMod! => Topic started by: coconnor on 2009 July 26, 19:07:14

Title: There Are No Schools In This Town?
Post by: coconnor on 2009 July 26, 19:07:14
All at once, things I had never experienced before started happening in my game ... such as the crazed clone situation - the first time there were about 600 - I gassed them and deleted all custom Sims from the library.  The next thing to occur happened around aging up - I had two children who aged to teens.  The first one went okay, but on the second, when I looked to see if she had the normal "C" to begin highschool, I was surprised to see that there was a note saying that there were "No Schools In This Town".  So, to work around this I sent her to the school and manually chose "Start Highschool".  You had to choose it like it was a job.

Then two of my toddlers aged into children (same thing had to be done for them).  And, in the background, one of the teens had aged up autonomously aged to young adult and got a job as a test subject.  Ugh!  I then used Edit Sim to age her back to teen.  In the midst of all this, I got the "Flagrant System Error".

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

I really had none of these problems before adding Indie to the mix.  Can't wait for Awesome Story mode.

Title: Re: There Are No Schools In This Town?
Post by: Motoki on 2009 July 26, 19:14:59
Honestly Coconnor if you had 600 bogus clone entries PLUS all your sims in your neighborhood, even if you gassed them all, I have a suspicion that particular save file is already borked.

Title: Re: There Are No Schools In This Town?
Post by: coconnor on 2009 July 26, 19:27:59
Honestly Coconnor if you had 600 bogus clone entries PLUS all your sims in your neighborhood, even if you gassed them all, I have a suspicion that particular save file is already borked.

I should have written down the exact number that was reported "gassed".  Not sure exactly how many, but I will say the list stretched from top to bottom of screen, don't think I could read them all.  And there were duplicate (sometimes tripled) family names.  I first started to notice in the Sims relationships panels that it seemed relationships were duplicated.  For example, one of my Sims is "Leader of the Free World".  He appeared as the boss in one Sim's work relationship panel and then again in the same panel as his "father-in-law".  Nepotism, bug?  Heh!  I'll play it some more to see if it normalizes or if this lack of school thing continues.  Can it get worse?

Title: Re: There Are No Schools In This Town?
Post by: Motoki on 2009 July 26, 20:17:46
You know, I strongly suspect this game was not well tested over long term with a lot of character entries ending up in the neighborhood. I've found by poking through the save that character entries seem to remain even if you get rid of those characters from your neighborhood.

I know TS2 starting having issues when the save file had lots and lots of character entries. With this game I seem to notice more issues in neighbors that I've played longer or mods (like Indie Stone) have moved tons and tons of sims into. I suspect there's a correlation. I guess time will tell.

Quote from: Coconnor
Can it get worse?

It can always get worse!  :o

Title: Re: There Are No Schools In This Town?
Post by: coconnor on 2009 July 26, 20:41:10
You know, I strongly suspect this game was not well tested over long term with a lot of character entries ending up in the neighborhood. I've found by poking through the save that character entries seem to remain even if you get rid of those characters from your neighborhood.
I know TS2 starting having issues when the save file had lots and lots of character entries. With this game I seem to notice more issues in neighbors that I've played longer or mods (like Indie Stone) have moved tons and tons of sims into. I suspect there's a correlation. I guess time will tell.
Quote from: Coconnor
Can it get worse?
It can always get worse!  :o

Just nuked them again!  129 "asses" were gassed!  Everything else seems ok for now.  I also note double postings in the newspaper when Sims read it.  EAxi's Sims only after I gas them.  Should I remove the EAxi's Sims, too?

Title: Re: There Are No Schools In This Town?
Post by: gamb on 2009 July 27, 01:53:57
Stupid question, but were they ghosts?  Ghostly spawn automatically enroll in elementary school, but not high school (at least, this has been the case for the 6 ghostly spawn I've raised thus far).

Title: Re: There Are No Schools In This Town?
Post by: MzDeb on 2009 July 27, 02:02:22
All at once, things I had never experienced before started happening in my game ... such as the crazed clone situation - the first time there were about 600 - I gassed them and deleted all custom Sims from the library.  The next thing to occur happened around aging up - I had two children who aged to teens.  The first one went okay, but on the second, when I looked to see if she had the normal "C" to begin highschool, I was surprised to see that there was a note saying that there were "No Schools In This Town".  So, to work around this I sent her to the school and manually chose "Start Highschool".  You had to choose it like it was a job.

Then two of my toddlers aged into children (same thing had to be done for them).  And, in the background, one of the teens had aged up autonomously aged to young adult and got a job as a test subject.  Ugh!  I then used Edit Sim to age her back to teen.  In the midst of all this, I got the "Flagrant System Error".

Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

I really had none of these problems before adding Indie to the mix.  Can't wait for Awesome Story mode.

I had this happen a few times.  The first couple times I had aged up toddlers and 12s in the morning.  When the bus didn't come around for them, I did what you did and forced them to  go to school.  The third time, I thought, "Well, screw it."  The next morning the bus came and they went to school all by their own selves. There was no grade penalty for the little critters, so I actually thought of it as a bonus.  Instead of spending time at school, they could actually learn something at home ... just like real life!  Unfortunately, it hasn't happened since.  

Oh yeah, and that was before I installed ISM.

Title: Re: There Are No Schools In This Town?
Post by: coconnor on 2009 July 27, 02:04:24
Stupid question, but were they ghosts?  Ghostly spawn automatically enroll in elementary school, but not high school (at least, this has been the case for the 6 ghostly spawn I've raised thus far).

No, alive & well.  I have no idea what happened. I have continued playing the same game - despite having to "nuke" clones three or four times - and it seems that all is working now, although, I am reluctant to say that, because of Murphy's Law.  No one else has aged up yet, so I suppose that when that happens, I will see if the situation has changed or not.

I am thinking of dropping Indie, since I never had it to begin with and I didn't have these problems until I integrated it.  Still don't know if that will save the game at this point.

Title: Re: There Are No Schools In This Town?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 July 27, 02:12:38
You know, I strongly suspect this game was not well tested over long term with a lot of character entries ending up in the neighborhood. I've found by poking through the save that character entries seem to remain even if you get rid of those characters from your neighborhood.
The base game had some bugs in cleanup, but since TS3 uses .NET, and there is no "global sim list", the moment a sim fails to be linked from anywhere, it succumbs to the garbage collector and vanishes into the ether.

Title: Re: There Are No Schools In This Town?
Post by: chaos on 2009 July 27, 03:35:35
Has anyone done any tests to see whether adding two versions of the same type of rabbithole is a VBT, or not? I've never experienced any problems with sims not going to work or school, nor have I experienced any pileups at said locations, but I also tend to play legacy style, with only one active fambly per town, and often don't have any spawn to speak of. It seems logical that adding a second school to a town might solve the problem of school pileups, but I could also see it causing a BFBVFS if having multiple schools confuses the game's routing mechanism.

Title: Re: There Are No Schools In This Town?
Post by: Gastfyr on 2009 July 27, 03:44:09
I've been wondering about that myself.  The two schools thing.