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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Strangel on 2009 July 16, 08:24:39

Title: Altering "NPC - Put outfit on me"... Where would I find it?
Post by: Strangel on 2009 July 16, 08:24:39
From somewhere in the depths of MTS2 - found via search:
You can stop the reversion for an individual NPC using SimPE. In order to do this, open the character file ( ex. N001_User00071.package), and in the behavior function "Function - Init: behavior function", there is a line "NPC- Put NPC outfit on me". Bypass that command by redirecting the line that points to it the the line that "NPC- Put NPC outfit on me" points to. For example, if "NPC- Put NPC outfit on me" is line A and has 2/2 for its true/false targets, make the line that points to A point to line 2. This will make more sense when you are looking at the code. You could also do the redirect a little sooner if you want to be more efficient. The problem with this is the sheer number of NPC's in the game.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but when I open the package, open Function, open Init... I don't see anything like that.

Title: Re: Altering "NPC - Put outfit on me"... Where would I find it?
Post by: seelindarun on 2009 July 20, 18:33:44
I dunno what you're doing wrong either, it works for me.  :-\
Unfortunately, I can't see your SimPE screen.  You'll have to explain which NPC you're trying to edit, and either post a pic, or describe what it is that you do see.

Title: Re: Altering "NPC - Put outfit on me"... Where would I find it?
Post by: Strangel on 2009 July 20, 22:27:19
Hey, seelindarun. I'm thinking I may be going the wrong way 'round to find the function. I'll boot up and take a screenshot. Could you let me know your path to the function?

Trying to alter a CAS-Gypsy to keep the outfit I chose for her, rather than the standard wear.

Edit: Okay, clearly there's something more I should be doing before attempting to stomp on their need to change into their uniforms.
Here's what I get when I go to an old neighborhood's game-Gypsy: Bhav (
And here's what I get when I go to the constructed neighborhood's CAS-Gypsy: Bhav (

Title: Re: Altering "NPC - Put outfit on me"... Where would I find it?
Post by: seelindarun on 2009 July 21, 20:41:51
It looks to me like you're comparing apples and oranges.

In the first screencap, you're looking at the wrong BHAV.  You need to find the "Function - Init" BHAV.  Scroll down. 
I don't think I've ever found any object in the game that didn't have that BHAV; I just don't know what it looks like for the gypsy because I've never modded her.

In the second screencap, that doesn't look like an NPC at all.  If your proposed gypsy is still in CAS or just a regular sim that you haven't converted to an NPC yet, none of this is going to work.

Title: Re: Altering "NPC - Put outfit on me"... Where would I find it?
Post by: Strangel on 2009 July 23, 05:37:48
It looks to me like you're comparing apples and oranges.

In the first screencap, you're looking at the wrong BHAV.  You need to find the "Function - Init" BHAV.  Scroll down. 
I don't think I've ever found any object in the game that didn't have that BHAV; I just don't know what it looks like for the gypsy because I've never modded her.

In the second screencap, that doesn't look like an NPC at all.  If your proposed gypsy is still in CAS or just a regular sim that you haven't converted to an NPC yet, none of this is going to work.

Okay, thanks. I saw the "Can I change?" and thought I had the right one. I see Function - Init on her now. And the second screen was a CAS sim that I converted to NPC, called up, and used. She performs normally, but doesn't retain her chosen clothing.

What step in "make an NPC" have I missed? I set her NPC Type number, her GUID under OBJD.. booted the game to call her to a house (through Services) and see if she was working properly.
If I can't figure this out, I'll just leave her be and move on to checking out the other NPCs and see if they're missing all that, too.

Title: Re: Altering "NPC - Put outfit on me"... Where would I find it?
Post by: seelindarun on 2009 July 24, 00:54:38
Oooo, interesting...  By any chance is your new 'hood made with AL, and your old one first made pre-AL?

I ask because I think I remember that the routines for NPCs in AL are different.  They're held semi-globally, or maybe globally -- I can't recall exactly but I do remember Inge being interested in it because she was interested in custom NPCs.  I now think that maybe the right way to go about it is to hack that Init Person semi-global.  That would prevent all your NPCs from reverting.

Unfortunately, I'm mostly talking out my ass because I've never done it.  In fact, my memory could be way off the mark.  I'd suggest asking Inge on the simlogical forum, though.

Title: Re: Altering "NPC - Put outfit on me"... Where would I find it?
Post by: Strangel on 2009 August 03, 11:10:03
Will do, seelindarun. And nope, I don't have AL. Still, it's possible she'd have some information for me.