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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: KLGFCG on 2005 November 21, 07:47:50

Title: WTF... NH crumbling?
Post by: KLGFCG on 2005 November 21, 07:47:50
Ok, so I've been working on community lots in my main neighborhood all day. I had just done some work on a new lot and exited to the neighborhood screen to go check another lot. When I got to the neighborhood view, the new lot was gone. And not just the lot, either... the entire plot of land it was sitting on is gone, too, leaving a big blue hole in the neighborhood. I can't select it or place another lot over it. It's like a gigantic sinkhole opened up and swallowed that whole area of land. I do have a camera hack that lets one see further out in the neighborhood but I've had it awhile without problems. The lot that vaporized had several custom objects in it but nothing new. I can still select the lot when going downtown and it loads fine when I send a sim there. I'm just unable to see it in the neighborhood or edit it at all in build mode. I'm pretty upset... the neighborhood was finally starting to look awesome.  :-[ Any thoughts on how to fix it? ~KG

EDIT: Ok, crisis mostly averted. I found the lot in the Neighborhood lots file and deleted it. The land came back. I'll have to rebuild what I'd already done but I wasn't that far into it anyway. I'm much calmer now. I was figuring my whole neighborhood was about to go up in flames. I guess the lot just got corrupted... right?

Title: Re: WTF... NH crumbling?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 21, 09:59:21
I feel bad no one has replied to you yet.  I think it may have gotten corrupted, yes, although I am not sure why.  Good luck with the next incarnation.

Title: Re: WTF... NH crumbling?
Post by: wishy-washy on 2005 November 21, 18:27:32
Did you have any water on the lot? I remember hearing about an issue with lots that have water on them showing up in the neighborhood like that, but it never happened to me so I can't really help you. But maybe the water thing would be a start to help you search for other threads about it.

Title: Re: WTF... NH crumbling?
Post by: KLGFCG on 2005 November 22, 00:08:42
LOL, BlueSoup you're so sweet. I like having unusual problems... it's okay. No water on the lot, just a florist's shop. I did use moveobjects on to put flowers along the street but I do that on plenty of lots so I'm not sure why that'd corrupt things. Anyway, it's fixed now so I guess it doesn't matter why it happened unless finished, frequently used lots start vaporizing. ~KG