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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: LynnMar on 2009 July 16, 02:35:58

Title: Can I delete these
Post by: LynnMar on 2009 July 16, 02:35:58
A few weeks ago when dell had to put in the third cd/dvd drive in my computer, they said that I had to have a new install of windows because all my files were messed up but when they told me what to do over the phone.  I ended up with a folder in my os under program files, under windows that says "windows old".  I don't want all those files on my computer but I hate to call them, it takes forever to get through to them and then you get some foreign person and I can never understand what they are saying.  :D  My friend said that did some kind of restore instead of a clean install.
Here is a picture of them but I cannot get into system32 like you could on XP.    thanks


Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: LynnMar on 2009 July 16, 08:09:04
thanks jordi.  I am going to delete and cross my fingers.  I know I hate dell support but it is free for a year after computer purchase and I don't have a lot of money or I would go someplace else.   ;)

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: Annan on 2009 July 16, 12:14:03
Windows.old can be deleted if you're sure you've got everything working again.
Since you reinstalled in C:\Windows again it has renamed those files it cannot reuse, like the windir, Progfiles, and parts of the Users directories.

Also, Dell = Fail. You're much better off enlisting the skills of a local geek or going to a small computer shop to get your PC fixed, at least there you won't get some Indian script-reading call-centre monkey who has no idea what he is talking about, but an actual human who has touched the inside of a computer.

People from India are not real people now?

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 July 16, 12:37:43
Jordi wasn't talking about people from India, he was talking about the practice of employing monkeys to staff call centers, which are then outsourced to India because it reduces the cost of acquiring monkeys, where monkeys are an indigenous species and do not have to be imported. It is more difficult to import monkeys to where they are not indigenous due to legal restrictions upon trafficking in monkeys.

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: Annan on 2009 July 16, 13:09:18
It is not the monkey part I have issues with, it is that you followed it with that she could get an actual person to fix her computer, as opposed to someone in India working in a call centre. Even if you leave out the monkey part, you are saying that people in India are not even human.

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: Annan on 2009 July 16, 13:34:46
Actual, flesh and bones, person as opposed to anonymous voice over telephone?

You really should be careful projecting racism on others, it may reveal more about your own opinions than you want.

Jordi, I am only reading what you write. You have the history of being a bigot. Try not to project that onto me. Otoh, you did it to Kiki as well, so maybe it's just SOP with you.

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: Annan on 2009 July 16, 17:44:13
Just admit you're stretching it and regain some honour. You don't need to deflect your own prejudices by accusing others of being racists or bigots.

Anyone who has ever had the displeasure of dealing with Dell knows what their "support" is like. If you must believe that not being satisfied with being diverted to untrained personnel on a job of which the only requirements are being able to read lines and answer the phone makes one racist, in your sick mind that must mean that the vast majority of mankinds is so.

Jordi, try to understand what I am saying, please. It is not that hard. I am not arguing that Dell support is good, I am not arguing against the convention to call support centre workers monkeys, I am not saying that anyone should be satisfied with sucky tech support. I am saying that what you wrote is that people in India are not proper human beings. That might not be what you intended it to say, but given your record, I don't think it's a stretch to assume that's what you meant.

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: Annan on 2009 July 16, 18:03:51
You can try with the white supremacy thing, but it won't stick. If you are going to flame me, try to find something applicable at least. It is tedious otherwise. I mean, if you can't bother to insult me properly, don't do it at all, you know? Why do it half-assed? It doesn't reflect well on you.

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: Annan on 2009 July 16, 18:12:32
Wait, what? The no record thing? Are you denying the PIC thread on your failings before you souped? Those are your words, too.

I mean, either you are really unlucky that people keep misunderstanding you in the same way, or you are a bigot but for some reason can't admit it.

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: Annan on 2009 July 16, 19:22:03
No, I am denying the fucking conclusions by the Retard Posse based on the (stretching) quotes in that thread. You should be able to realize the true purpose of it: a Rohina bitchfest. For some reason she thinks she must make me her enemy, I must have somehow really offended her. The rest of you are just 'moar fight' weaklings who are jumping on the bandwagon.

In any case I'm not allowing you to paint me as a racist just because you're either a racist yourself and hopelessly projecting it on others, or are genuinely too stupid to understand what I actually posted.

Racism is simply unacceptable, and I will not allow you to proclaim that Indians are not humans.

How is it, living in that alternate reality of yours? Is the weather good?

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: Lerf on 2009 July 17, 17:34:54
No one's saying that Indians aren't human.  They're saying tech support workers aren't human.  I've know a few.  They're not.   ;D

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: LynnMar on 2009 July 20, 17:22:12
no, honey I did not mean to offend you.  I have nothing against people in India.  I just have a hard time understanding their English as they would probably be if I were speaking their language.  Some American companies outsource their support calls or else they charge you a higher fee to speak to someone who is born here and speaks our native tongue better.

Nobody is a monkey.    :-*

I like jordi, he always helps me out.    :)

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: GelatinousSubstance on 2009 July 20, 17:45:03
Nobody is a monkey.    :-*

Actually, if you believe in atheism, we did evolve from monkeys. So, it's not really that far from the mark.

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 July 20, 17:49:33
no, honey I did not mean to offend you.  I have nothing against people in India.  I just have a hard time understanding their English as they would probably be if I were speaking their language.  Some American companies outsource their support calls or else they charge you a higher fee to speak to someone who is born here and speaks our native tongue better.
The problem isn't even with the language. It's the fact that they have NO UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT THEY ARE ACTUALLY SUPPORTING.

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: Mootilda on 2009 July 20, 18:05:41
Nobody is a monkey.    :-*

Actually, if you believe in atheism, we did evolve from monkeys. So, it's not really that far from the mark.

Atheism has nothing to do with monkeys.  I believe that the word that you are looking for is "evolution".

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: GelatinousSubstance on 2009 July 20, 23:39:47
I must have been thinking about atheism anthropology and the study of evolution.

My bad.

I thought it was funny until you pointed out my error.

Now it's just funny in a different kind of light.

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: witch on 2009 July 21, 06:43:24

Title: Re: Can I delete these
Post by: ritaxis on 2009 August 01, 07:39:27
No, people did not evolve from monkeys.  Monkeys and people evolved from common ancestors.  Just like you are not a descendent of your first cousin.