More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 21, 06:14:04

Title: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 21, 06:14:04
I started a new neighbourhood, and I deleted all the characters from the neighbourhood before placing any Sims in it.  I decided to let the Sims regenerate as needed.  But it's only generating male NPC's and I really need a female at this point.

So, is there a way I can get some female NPC's happening (for breeding purposes for my Legacy)?

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 21, 06:59:49
This is the founder for an Xtreme Start - no money to speak of to hire a matchmaker.

I've taken him to three different community lots - all the waiters are men.  You're right, it is aggravating to the extreme.  I was wondering about exporting some NPC's, but I have no idea how to do that.

P.S.  JFed, I absolutely love your series, and I know you already did one, but you should definitely do another series of some sort.  ;D

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 21, 07:36:18
deleteAllCharacters deletes all the Sims in the neighbourhoods, from townies to NPC's to player Sims.

It will regen NPC's as needed (when you call for pizza, etc).  Certain NPC's (Grim and the hula girls) were still visible in SimPE Sim browser when I checked the neighbourhood.

When I was calling NPC's, I would always get the same one.  I used to do the same thing; call over and over again to get the NPC I wanted.

I think I will call for a gardener - I have never seen a male gardener, so that should do it.

In previous Legacy attempts, I would definitely go into non-Legacy houses and boolprop whatever I needed.  Who cares if it may be slightly against the rules?  ;)

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 21, 07:40:40
Oh cool, that sounds like it would work. 

Thanks so much.  :)

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: miramis on 2005 November 21, 10:40:34
I've recently hit a brick wall with male npcs, I have females being born all over the place but the npc's are mostly female.  I've been marrying and boolpropping them into other homes, killed a fair number and let the better looking ones mate together in the hopes of male offspring.  I actually have some nice family trees coming from some of them but still the female npcs keep coming. Then again it's not helping that the male npcs that do show up tend to be scary in the looks department.  Funny thing is that when they have offspring outside of the legacy, the future generations end up looking rather nice, but you can bet your life on it if they had joined the legacy there would have been a lot of hideousness in the genes  ::)

Luckily for my current heiress I remembered Robi Charvat (exterminator) while flipping through the beginning photos of the legacy founder.  Now he's joined though there isn't much left.  I'm already up to 400+ character files through the killing & reproduction of the extra female and ugly male npcs and gen4 has only just been born.  Mind you I'm very fussy over who the heir/ess marries  :D

JFed, I check your simpage every so often just in case you take up another legacy or write a story.  If you do start another legacy at least you'll have this site to help through any bugs that may crop up.

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: witch on 2005 November 21, 10:59:00
I make my own sims in 'create a family', put them on a blank lot and use Inge's teleporter plus bush to make them into townies. You can still edit them in simp etc to give them jobs, skills turn ons etc etc. Plus the townies can be as interesting and varied as you like, not a frog mouth in sight. ;)

Inge is at

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 21, 11:04:40
Hmmm...that sounds good too.  I have gotten so many good ideas for my neighbourhood from here, I will be playing forever to make it all happen.  ;D

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: bluemoon on 2005 November 21, 11:59:29
I make my own sims in 'create a family', put them on a blank lot and use Inge's teleporter plus bush to make them into townies. You can still edit them in simp etc to give them jobs, skills turn ons etc etc. Plus the townies can be as interesting and varied as you like, not a frog mouth in sight. ;)

Inge is at

That's what I do, too! I usually use sims from ( They tend to breed nicely.

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: laylei on 2005 November 21, 18:24:34
I had that problem in Legacy Isle, my Legacy neighborhood. I did the deleteallcharacters cheat, and the game generated the most hideous, apelike men imaginable. Since my Gen2 heir was a girl... I ended up creating 2 lots (Ima Martyr and Mai Penance) where I boolpropped the most hideous of the NPCs and townie men into their families. I don't consider it cheating- I consider it saving my sanity!

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 21, 18:31:30
I did do what was suggested by pacific_k; I called for a gardener since I have never once gotten a male, I figured it was a safe bet, and then what happened?  That's right, two males in a row.  ::)  I exited without saving and finally got a female, although she is not good looking.

I'm thinking the deleteAllCharacters thing may have been a mistake, but it's too late now, since I am trying to stop restarting all the time.

If there was a way to only get rid of the townies (since they are absolutely useless to me), I would do that instead.

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: ari_ on 2005 November 21, 20:18:25
You can create just NPCs, by clicking on the mailbox in debug mode. That should create 3 of each.

I've started just making all NPCs and Townies over with the SimSurgery machine: I have one on each lot, and I also have Merola's Mindcontrolling Mirror, a normal mirror, and a Max-Aspiration painting (as well as TwoJeff's mod that makes the SimSurgery machine only fail if the aspiration is in green), so everytime a sim walks by that hasn't been been beautified yet, I snag him or her and they get a new face, and then a new custom hairstyle.

Whenever I exit the game, I seach all edited NPCs/Townies/Downtownies and make the change genetic with SimPE.

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: julieb on 2005 November 21, 20:25:30
I cannot figure out how to do anything with my sims in SimPe.  The most I can do with it is recolor stuff.  I really need to read a tutorial.  Is it hard to change their genetics?

I have found however that even the most hideous sim can benefit from great makeup and hair.  Thank the good Lord for Heleane's makeup and all of the custom hair out there.  They're saving my legacy!

P.S.  Jfed--I really loved your legacies, they cracked me up! And Blue, yours were great too...I can't wait to read your new one!

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 21, 20:32:47
Thanks for the compliment.  :)

Ok, here's a tutorial ( from Posie Flump on identifying and changing Sim DNA - I am just starting to learn SimPE myself, so I have no idea how to do it, but I am going to try this tutorial as well.

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: cwykes on 2005 November 22, 00:55:24
There's a thread on this board that explains what you normally need to edit in genetics.  It started about messed up DNA in strangetown - it explains exactly what you need to to and gives all the standard genetics codes and some others.

There's an NPC maker on MTS2.  I haven't tried it and disclaime all responsibility, but have a search there.

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: ari_ on 2005 November 22, 09:04:54
I cannot figure out how to do anything with my sims in SimPe.  The most I can do with it is recolor stuff.  I really need to read a tutorial.  Is it hard to change their genetics?

No, that part is really easy. Here's a tutorial specifically for making SimSurgery changes genetic: (

I have pictures of my the made-over Townies and NPCs from my old neighborhood (they're the standard ones from Pleasantview/all custom neighborhoods), if you want to see possibly results: (

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: jrd on 2005 November 22, 11:17:18
If you spawn the NPC and townie maker (testingcheats enabled), you can create NPCs and townies to your liking, with your selected age, skintone, and gender.

There's also an option to kill all townies or unlink all NPCs.

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 23, 02:09:53
There's also an option to kill all townies or unlink all NPCs.

I tried this option, and all of the townies showed up on the lot, and started dying of starvation.  Grim showed up and then the onslaught of graves started.  My tester Sim (in a brand new neighbourhood created just to test this) got a bad memory for each of these deaths, but not all of the townies died.  Some of them just walked off the lot.

Anyway, not too sure of what this was all about, but I wouldn't advise people to actually do this.  Especially since if they are just dead, the character files probably still exist (although I didn't check to see; I deleted the neighbourhood).

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: witch on 2005 November 23, 05:52:05
... or unlink all NPCs.

Hi Jordi :)
What does unlink NPCs mean?

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: cwykes on 2005 November 23, 11:06:40
I thought it meant - delete all their friendships and relationships.  That way you could delete them without messing up your sims know knew them.  But whether that's what maxis meant is another matter.  Also, I don't think just killing off the NPC end of a relationship would clean up the memories of your sims who knew them - unless maxis were more thorough than I can imagine!

Title: Re: Where have all the breedable NPC's gone?
Post by: jrd on 2005 November 23, 11:32:23
Unlink means disassociate the character file from an actual Sim. So they won't ever appear again, but the files still exist (so no burnination from missing Sim files). And they won't be "dead".

This is how Maxis hid Bella Goth.