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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: lindaetterlee on 2005 November 21, 05:32:54

Title: Recoloring a Custom Object
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2005 November 21, 05:32:54
hey anyone really good at recoloring objects lol?

I am learning but i am not sure what i'm doing wrong on this object. i've been trying to recolor lizz love's waterbed of love but somehow i keep screwing it up. The link for the bed is ( Could someone please tell me what the proper way to recolor this should be. i've tried both cloning and just using object workshop recolor neither are working on this object. Atleast for me lol.

Title: Re: Recoloring a Custom Object
Post by: nikita on 2005 November 21, 05:57:25
I think the problem is with the MMAT file.  It doesn't correspond to the new object GUID.  Try going into Object Data, select the first bed: Bed-Double-Moderate, check the box that says "update all MMATs" and then select the Update link to the left of that.  Save it and then try again.

Title: Re: Recoloring a Custom Object
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2005 November 21, 07:52:42
Thank you so much lol if there were benes i would coat you in them. it worked perfectly after that.

Title: Re: Recoloring a Custom Object
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 21, 13:14:15
Glad it sounds like it worked for you. Definitely do not clone objects for recolors. You basically only do that as a starting point for new meshes. Object workshop is the way to go for recolors. :)