More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: mistyravynmoon on 2005 November 21, 02:44:15

Title: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: mistyravynmoon on 2005 November 21, 02:44:15
Hello. I joined this site tonight because I have been told that a problem I am having is due to a hack from this site. Now there is a few things wrong with that statement. #1 I've never been here before right this minute. #2 I've never knowingly downloaded a triplets and quads hack. #3 it isn't showing up in my clean installer.
I guess I should explain what the problem is. I have had one heck of a baby boom. I thought that it was the inteenimator but I was told by them that there hack doesnt give options for adjusting odds for trips and quads. I could even live with the hack if it weren't for the fact that even setting the odds to zero is resulting in trips and quads. My poor Sims are loosing thier mind could someone help?

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: qvcatullus on 2005 November 21, 03:21:44
Well, I'm an idiot and can't help you, but I posted because I don't like it when threads with questions don't have replies. I'm sure that someone will come along to help you eventually. Still, you'll probably get a reply faster if you post this at the podium section of the site, since that's where folks usually hang out to answer questions. From what I can tell, people usually come here to bitch, and to RL to make fun of other people.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 21, 03:30:02
The Triplets & Quads hack is by TwoJeffs - you can find out more about it in his thread here (

Accidentally downloading a hack with a house is a PITA. The Maxis' lot packaging thingy is so broken :-/. Also, you may not have downloaded the hack from here. TJ was at Variousimmers for a few months, and only arrived here recently.

But check out that thread for the proper zip file & readme. The triplets & quads hack is a bit hard to set up properly (all those "Buy Food" dialogue boxes :) ).

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: mistyravynmoon on 2005 November 21, 03:39:30
Thanks a bunch :) It really wouldnt be a problem except that adjusting the births thingy isnt working .. that and the fact that I cant find it to get rid of it lol. Thank you.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 21, 03:47:41
Well, I'm an idiot and can't help you, but I posted because I don't like it when threads with questions don't have replies. I'm sure that someone will come along to help you eventually. Still, you'll probably get a reply faster if you post this at the podium section of the site, since that's where folks usually hang out to answer questions. From what I can tell, people usually come here to bitch, and to RL to make fun of other people.

That's not a very fair assumption. Forget about RL. It really has nothing to do with MATY, and the people here do not want to just "bitch". You'll find a lot of friendly, helpful people here if you give it a chance. I'm really sick of people judging MATY based on Retardo Land.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 21, 03:50:31
I think they meant that the Cheese and Whine section is for bitching (about the site), Brynne.  ;)

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 21, 03:52:57
That's not a very fair assumption. Forget about RL. It really has nothing to do with MATY, and the people here do not want to just "bitch". You'll find a lot of friendly, helpful people here if you give it a chance. I'm really sick of people judging MATY based on Retardo Land.
Thank you, Brynne.  I'm sick of it too.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: mistyravynmoon on 2005 November 21, 03:53:58
LOL Sorry. I'll try to be b*tchier next time LMAO

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 21, 03:59:54
Okay, I just misunderstood, then. My apologies to you, qvcatullus.
I see that attitude a lot and just jumped the gun on you... :-\

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: qvcatullus on 2005 November 21, 11:46:25
Okay, I just misunderstood, then. My apologies to you, qvcatullus.
I see that attitude a lot and just jumped the gun on you... :-\

No problem. The question was originally posted in Cheese and Whine, which I felt was probably the wrong place. That seems to be the corner for complaining (as the subtitle points out). You'll notice that I suggested the podium instead, with the implication that this is where we do NOT bitch. I always get lots of constructive help in the podium.
The problem being that once the whole thread got moved to the podium, that became easy to take out of context.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 21, 11:57:58
I'm really good at putting my foot in my mouth these days... :P
Thanks for understanding.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2005 November 21, 12:20:23
does it taste like chicken brynne?

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 21, 12:22:47
Tastes like ham, actually.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2005 November 21, 14:55:13
lol yummy

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 21, 20:02:09
Hello. I joined this site tonight because I have been told that a problem I am having is due to a hack from this site. Now there is a few things wrong with that statement. #1 I've never been here before right this minute. #2 I've never knowingly downloaded a triplets and quads hack. #3 it isn't showing up in my clean installer.
I guess I should explain what the problem is. I have had one heck of a baby boom. I thought that it was the inteenimator but I was told by them that there hack doesnt give options for adjusting odds for trips and quads. I could even live with the hack if it weren't for the fact that even setting the odds to zero is resulting in trips and quads. My poor Sims are loosing thier mind could someone help?

For hacks of this sort that might have jumped into your machine with a lot you need to check everything... Downloads, lot catalog, saved sims, and teleport... the entire ball of wax.  chances are the hack is a string of odd numbers and letters, not what TwoJeffs named it.  I've found hacks in the oddest places and they don't always announce themselves.  What I would do if you can't find it is to remove every download that is a string of numbers and letters... scan those and put back the ones that clean installer identifies as items (usually clothes, makeup, eyes, and skintones from packed sims or objects and recolors for packed lots).  Then you have to carefully add a few of the unmarked ones at a time to put any full sims back.  Or not... depending of if you have bodyshop or downloaded sims.  Any of those that read as "career" even if they don't show red are hacks of one sort or another.
Good luck!

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: qvcatullus on 2005 November 22, 01:21:09
Oh, great, someone had to ruin the rapidly-off-topic-heading rambling to give some USEFUL information, like the answer that the original poster actually wanted.  >:(


Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 22, 01:30:17
Going by the looks of that avatar, I'm thinking take this thread any damn direction you wish!

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 22, 01:56:19

Now that the original question has been answered... please take it any direction you like.  I'll keep my sim on a leash. Hahaha

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 22, 02:05:56
okay good 'cause he's kinda scary looking...

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 22, 02:07:27
Whew, I was just about to ask y'all to stop the car and let me out. :D

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 22, 02:14:39
okay good 'cause he's kinda scary looking...

He ain't nothin'. My nanny could take him.

Heh, my avie picture looks like she's saying 'You wanna piecea me foo'?

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Zoltan on 2005 November 22, 02:20:34
running Clean Installer should detect any hacks etc and you can delete them in that way

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 22, 02:21:14
okay good 'cause he's kinda scary looking...

He ain't nothin'. My nanny could take him.

Heh, my avie picture looks like she's saying 'You wanna piecea me foo'?

Dude, your nannies could take anybody.  Your nannies give a whole new level of respect to an otherwise maligned segment of Sim society. I regularly tip nannies $100 now because they scare me!  (I do not tip the pizza guy/gal.)

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 22, 02:47:14
okay good 'cause he's kinda scary looking...

He ain't nothin'. My nanny could take him.

Heh, my avie picture looks like she's saying 'You wanna piecea me foo'?
The first time I saw that nanny, I thought it was a guy.  I have a hard time seeing him her as a nanny!

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 22, 03:36:39

Heh, my avie picture looks like she's saying 'You wanna piecea me foo'?

*Three snaps in z formation*

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 23, 02:07:48
okay good 'cause he's kinda scary looking...

Hahaha...  On most days he'd take that as a compliment....   :o

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: qvcatullus on 2005 November 23, 04:05:03
okay good 'cause he's kinda scary looking...

Hahaha...  On most days he'd take that as a compliment....   :o

Oh, he's angry? It looked to me like many sim days of grilled cheese aspiration was catching up with him, if you know what I mean... (mmmm, dairy)  ;)

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 23, 04:19:39
welll, he's a 0 friendly sim and I dropped him into a lot with nothing... so before the newspaper arrived he just stood at the mailbox looking up at the camera, punching his fist and doing the furious animation every now and then (without the flaming thought bubble).  It's not something I ever want to do to this particular sim again...

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 23, 04:32:38
Well, you could give him all nice points, then he'd stand around ahhing and swooning all the time.  Active sims like to swing their arms and clap them together a lot.  They all have their annoying behaviors.  When you play sims too much, you start to recognize them.  :o

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 23, 04:34:26
I hate when they clap. The clapping drives me CRAZY! Who the hell walks around and randomly claps their hands while they are in the middle of walking? That and the scratching of their god damned armpits while they walk makes me nuts.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 23, 04:54:19
Aren't those the sloppy sims?  Seems like Lazlo Curious does that and he has no neat points.  He also eats wtih his hands and stuffs his hand in his mouth while eating.  It totally grosses out the other sims eating with him.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: aussieone on 2005 November 23, 05:07:40
Speaking of Sims and the r/s between their personality and animations... I used to have a mod that stopped the romance sims from doing that revolting shoulders back, arse stuck out swagger when you direct them to flirt etc with another sim. Does anyone know where I can find that again?  ???

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 23, 05:16:59
I hate when they clap. The clapping drives me CRAZY! Who the hell walks around and randomly claps their hands while they are in the middle of walking? That and the scratching of their god damned armpits while they walk makes me nuts.
I actually *DO* do the hand-punching thing that mean sims do. And hey, armpits get itchy.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 23, 05:19:10
I actually *DO* do the hand-punching thing that mean sims do. And hey, armpits get itchy.

Why does this not surprise me?  :P

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: aussieone on 2005 November 23, 05:23:39
I hate when they clap. The clapping drives me CRAZY! Who the hell walks around and randomly claps their hands while they are in the middle of walking? That and the scratching of their god damned armpits while they walk makes me nuts.
I actually *DO* do the hand-punching thing that mean sims do. And hey, armpits get itchy.

I always thought they were waving under their arms to circulate air into the area because their hygene wasn't great...I guess I should look at them more close up from now on  :P

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: jrd on 2005 November 23, 11:34:36
I hate when they clap. The clapping drives me CRAZY! Who the hell walks around and randomly claps their hands while they are in the middle of walking?

I do, sometimes. It's a good way to lose a little energy. I also do the hand-punch.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: resmc on 2005 November 23, 12:21:17
I have actually met people (okay, one.) who do that (and not just when they are alone.) It's better than them clapping at you. (yes, this person did also actually clap at me when she wanted me to do something. ??? )

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Renatus on 2005 November 23, 16:00:29
Dewshine, I want to squee at your avatar a bit because hey, it's Riddick from Pitch Black as a sim!


Okay, I'm done now.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 23, 16:37:14
Dewshine, I want to squee at your avatar a bit because hey, it's Riddick from Pitch Black as a sim!


Okay, I'm done now.

Hahaha.... Why yes!  it is.    ;D 
I'm making all the parts needed for him in the game (thank goodness goggles came with nightlife).

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Renatus on 2005 November 23, 19:47:47
You're very, very awesome because that looks REMARKABLY like him. Especially that angry sim-face.  :D

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 23, 20:14:20
who me? awesome??? 

*Hides my lips*

If you are interested in having a Vin Diesel or Riddick sim of your own I can package him up and put him at my Yahoo Group.  I'm not 100% happy with him yet, myself.  I keep tweaking the base model every time I pull it up in CAS.  To get him really right you need the Bodybuilder mesh series from Marvine and Beosboxboy  (from here (  I use the Teen Titan series so that he keeps the muscles as he ages.  There's a special genetic skin that's linked to the nude mesh so the muscles stay when he's showering too.  If I upload the face model though, it will have maxis default stuff and it will be up to downloaders to put the finishing touches on hiim. (I have the correct eyes at my Yahoo Group already, as well as pants and goggles).

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Renatus on 2005 November 23, 20:57:58
Yes please! I have no idea what I'd do with him but it wouldn't hurt to have him around.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 23, 21:23:46
Okay...  You can get him here:

He's got maxis default stuff and is skinny... whine enough and I might tell you where to get his hair... (It's at MTS2)

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Renatus on 2005 November 23, 21:28:11

Now all I need is some time to play the damned game!  ;)

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 23, 21:31:31
He's got maxis default stuff and is skinny... whine enough and I might tell you where to get his hair... (It's at MTS2)
But...he doesn't have any hair.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 23, 21:45:29
He's got maxis default stuff and is skinny... whine enough and I might tell you where to get his hair... (It's at MTS2)
But...he doesn't have any hair.

I don't think I've ever posted this, but: ROTFLMAO!
You will never see that from me again.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 23, 22:00:05
He's got maxis default stuff and is skinny... whine enough and I might tell you where to get his hair... (It's at MTS2)
But...he doesn't have any hair.
I don't think I've ever posted this, but: ROTFLMAO!
You will never see that from me again.
That is priceless.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 24, 01:25:17
Ah but he does have hair... it's just very very short!  LOL

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 24, 19:24:21
You're very, very awesome because that looks REMARKABLY like him. Especially that angry sim-face.  :D
I totally agree, it never occurred to me that he could be anything but Riddick, (downloaded him, thanks!)

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 25, 08:48:02
well this is sort of on topic...

My Riddick sim met the girl of his dreams... she's still a teen but I'm using a hack that allows her to have adult behaviors (don't kill me now, it just works for me to have her smaller than him...) I've been reading about twins in nightlife... I've never had twins born before.  (I have had both the male the female sim preggers at the same time and give birth one right after the other, but then I'm mean that way sometimes).  Anyhow... Audrey Riddick just had twin girls... My first set of twins in the game... (and I've been playing for a long time).

Here's Richard and Audrey on the sofa.  I'm using skins by beosboxboy (Med for him and pale for her) so any kids they have will carry on his buff genes... and males will develop muscles when they become teens)

This is Riley

This is Jackie.

thought I'd share how cute his babies can be.

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: aussieone on 2005 November 25, 09:23:13
Vin Diesel is one fine specimen of manhood for sure...he could 'almost' persuade me to turn  :)

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 25, 13:02:13
well this is sort of on topic...

thought I'd share how cute his babies can be.

am I crazy or are those babies wearing makeup?

Title: Re: I can not believe what is happening....
Post by: dewshine on 2005 November 25, 18:59:12
it's the skin I'm using.  I'll put up with that for the damn muscles...