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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Rainne on 2009 July 11, 02:31:46

Title: Kicked out sims vanished, not in neighborhood???
Post by: Rainne on 2009 July 11, 02:31:46
I'm hoping one of you awesome people can help me.

I had a family with three kids.  One of them got married and I kicked out the newlyweds, and was able to follow them with a camera to a house where they moved in, and they now show up on the neighborhood view just like any other friends.

Then a second one got married, and I kicked out that bunch, but they just vanished halfway down the block, and now they don't show up anywhere on the neighborhood screen.  Help!  How can I find and track these people?  I tried using the "bless" command with awesomemod, which as I understood it was supposed to put a halo on the screen where they are.  This also does not happen.  I am confooooooooozed.  Any and all help would be greatly appreciated! :)

Title: Re: Kicked out sims vanished, not in neighborhood???
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 July 11, 02:51:39
You kicked them out. They are now homeless townies, living on the streets with only the clothes on their backs. They're fine, though.

Title: Re: Kicked out sims vanished, not in neighborhood???
Post by: Rainne on 2009 July 11, 03:01:50
Is there any way to move them into a house?

Title: Re: Kicked out sims vanished, not in neighborhood???
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 July 11, 03:06:59
Is there any way to move them into a house?
Yeah. When you're moving them out, you pick "house" instead of "kick out". In which case you buy a house from them out of the fambly funds, and then they go live there.

Title: Re: Kicked out sims vanished, not in neighborhood???
Post by: Rainne on 2009 July 11, 03:11:37
No, I know about that.  Here's the thing - when I moved the last family out, i tried to move them into a house, the pomeranian or something, in Riverview, but the game wouldn't let me move them in; it kept saying the house needed enough bed space and at least one refrigerator.  Well, it HAD a double bed (there were only 2 of them, newlyweds) and it had a fridge.  So I couldn't get them to move.  But then when I used "kick out", they moved into an expensive house that the family couldn't have afforded.

So that's why I used "kick out" this time; I thought it would move them into a random house like it did the last set.  I see that it did not, I have no idea why; most likely I am Doing It Wrong but I have no idea why.

Anyway, now that the others are townies, is there any way to un-Townie them?

Title: Re: Kicked out sims vanished, not in neighborhood???
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 July 11, 03:17:58
No, I know about that.  Here's the thing - when I moved the last family out, i tried to move them into a house, the pomeranian or something, in Riverview, but the game wouldn't let me move them in; it kept saying the house needed enough bed space and at least one refrigerator.  Well, it HAD a double bed (there were only 2 of them, newlyweds) and it had a fridge.  So I couldn't get them to move.
It may be missing other components, especially if one of them is pregnant. Pregnant sims count as 3 people.

But then when I used "kick out", they moved into an expensive house that the family couldn't have afforded.
Yes, and that exploit was fixed in AwesomeMod: Sims are no longer allowed to magically acquire a million dollars and move into an expensive house after being kicked out onto the street.

So that's why I used "kick out" this time; I thought it would move them into a random house like it did the last set.  I see that it did not, I have no idea why; most likely I am Doing It Wrong but I have no idea why.
Because that exploit was fixed, so you can't abuse the system like that anymore.

Title: Re: Kicked out sims vanished, not in neighborhood???
Post by: Rainne on 2009 July 11, 03:20:57
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that explains it.  I must have moved the first set before I updated AwesomeMod.

Thank you, Pescado.  My lack of understanding has now been rectified.  :)