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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: huntington on 2009 July 10, 14:50:01

Title: ts3 problem with downloading help monkey
Post by: huntington on 2009 July 10, 14:50:01
ok before anyone states this, yes i have already asked the same thing on and other sites who i thought might beable to help me, so im crossing my fingers hoping someone on this site might know an answer to this..

ok i set up everything right and read all the dang directions,

my issue is..
when i download delphys help monkey i have an error message pop saying therewas an error coping file " d3dx9_31.dll file "
i have tried to skip coping this and go on and still the crap don't work, so im asuming this is very important file, not to mention that i don't think i can get awsome mod tho work with out this file.
when i did skip the file and tried to continue on, i clicked for my cc to install into sims 3 and it says it can't find root folder.

ok so there it is,
please help,,,,    thank you


Title: Re: ts3 problem with downloading help monkey
Post by: huntington on 2009 July 10, 14:55:26

yeah i have a vista (such a curse)
i am adminstrator and have tried uac and even the oter one i stilll have problems with that one file and the program not working at all .

so my best bet is to just re-install?

Title: Re: ts3 problem with downloading help monkey
Post by: huntington on 2009 July 10, 15:07:46
alright thank you, cross your fingers for me too  ;D

Title: Re: ts3 problem with downloading help monkey
Post by: huntington on 2009 July 10, 15:14:18
(alright i figured it out,)

my computer would not allow me to uinstall the program, i kept getting the same error message. have no fear anyone else with this problem can go to
and download there more advanced uninstaller. works like a charm

the error message says this:
>setup New/ setup.cpp (140)
@windows vista service pack 1 (6001)
IE Version: 8.0.6001.18783

ok so wtf does that mean.