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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Indiasong on 2009 July 06, 21:17:21

Title: doors and windows gone
Post by: Indiasong on 2009 July 06, 21:17:21
It happened in Sims1 if I remember correctly, and it happened today. I had to hammer the walls down to get rid of the invisible doors, windows and gates.
Only on one lot, though.
Is it a first?
And another bug, one of my sims disappeared from the left menu, poof. He still existed in the relationship panel of his family.
I exited without saving, and lost lots of playing time.

Title: Re: doors and windows gone
Post by: lilmissmanderson on 2009 July 08, 21:44:28
mmm...i had that too, it's a bit endless

Title: Re: doors and windows gone
Post by: GelatinousSubstance on 2009 July 08, 21:56:17
I don't know if this will work. But when that happens to me in TS2, I just switch between build and buy mode a couple of times and they suddenly show up again. Sometimes I have to jump up or down a floor. But it works every time.

Title: Re: doors and windows gone
Post by: witch on 2009 July 08, 22:59:46
Mmm...I had that too, it's a bit endless.

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Title: Re: doors and windows gone
Post by: Indiasong on 2009 July 09, 21:23:27
Since I had an answer, thank you, this lot with my original family of 8 now is bugged again: I can't select a sim on the left, it stays stuck on the same sim, well the first information panel does, I can control the other sim, but I can't see wishes. I can see the other panels, but they are garbled in a medley of information of all the other sims in the familly.
So I can't play. I had problems just entering the lot, awesome didn't work, the left thumbnails kept the family I was coming from, and through edit town, instead of entering a lot, everything disappeared but the neighbourhood picture.
Someone else had the same problem, but nobody answered and she hasn't posted since.

Title: Re: doors and windows gone
Post by: GelatinousSubstance on 2009 July 09, 22:27:22
The game automatically makes backups of the saved file. Have you attempted to restore?

Title: Re: doors and windows gone
Post by: Indiasong on 2009 July 09, 23:12:58
I had to save to get into the household, so I can't go back to the last time it worked, as I had played another family.
If I want to start again, I just have to delete what is in saves?
Or I could try to evict them first, and bulldoze.