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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: eevilcat on 2009 July 04, 14:18:26

Title: Borked Phones
Post by: eevilcat on 2009 July 04, 14:18:26
My phones appear to be borked since giving the homeless sims in my legacy 'hood somewhere to live as I get an error when trying to phone sims to chat or invite over (see attached file). There also seems to be a related problem resolving the list of known sims in the UI as I get an entry with a red thumbnail and no name. If I click on it I still get the chat/invite over options and it looks like it may be a work related sim, possibly a boss from one of the career paths. Is there any way to track down and fix the problem sim? I'm happy to delete them if need be. The bug seems to affect all sims in the household.

Title: Re: Borked Phones
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 July 04, 15:09:27
A review of this log reveals only that I had nothing to do with the problem. Other than that, it's not clear what is happening or why. I call BFBVFS.

Title: Re: Borked Phones
Post by: eevilcat on 2009 July 04, 15:20:00
I thought that might be the case so I'll trash the game and start the legacy again making sure that I home the homeless first.

EDIT: just checked the previously saved version of the game and it's probably borked too. Is there any chance that a floating/homeless household with a single baby could cause the problem? Can the game cope with that scenario?

Title: Re: Borked Phones
Post by: Aquilegia on 2009 July 05, 09:34:53
I just hit this bug last night, despite rehoming all the homeless sims earlier in the day. After a lot of tiresome trying of things and going back to the main menu when it didn't work, I used destroyalltownies with apparent success--some of the rehomed townies had unhomed themselves and I had a few new ones in to boot. One of those little bastards was the issue and once it was deleted, the relationships panel and sim switching worked properly.

If it had been really bad I could have blessed my playables and used therapture, but I'm glad it was only a few townies that got the axe.