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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Database on 2005 November 20, 11:41:20

Title: Bugged lot... and I haven't even finished building it!
Post by: Database on 2005 November 20, 11:41:20
When building a lot...this happened: :o


The doors and windows dissappeared! I had to delete the wall the "window" was on and rebuild it - completely messed up my wallpapering!

Title: Re: Bugged lot... and I haven't even finished building it!
Post by: gali on 2005 November 20, 11:49:08
You shouldn't have - just exit the lot with save, then enter again. They will appear again. It happened to me a lot of times, because I replace doors and windows each 6-7 days. It's some glitch of the game.

Title: Re: Bugged lot... and I haven't even finished building it!
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2005 November 20, 12:46:09
I've been wondering about this. I also have this happen alot. I wasn't sure what was causing it.

Title: Re: Bugged lot... and I haven't even finished building it!
Post by: radiophonic on 2005 November 20, 12:50:27
They are correct. It's a teeny-weeny bug. Exiting and re-entering would have fixed it.

Title: Re: Bugged lot... and I haven't even finished building it!
Post by: Database on 2005 November 20, 12:57:54
Ah... I'll remember that in future :D Thanks all,

Title: Re: Bugged lot... and I haven't even finished building it!
Post by: Kukes on 2005 November 20, 16:46:46
Actually, you don't even need to exit. Simply click on buy mode, and they reappear. This happens to me a lot, both when building and sometimes when changing levels during play.

Title: Re: Bugged lot... and I haven't even finished building it!
Post by: miramis on 2005 November 20, 18:43:29
The only time I've seen this happen is while saving, they disappear for a moment then return to normal.

Title: Re: Bugged lot... and I haven't even finished building it!
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 20, 19:33:19
I've seen this happen when I was on a different level than I thought I was. But, yes, buy mode usually brings them right back.

Title: Re: Bugged lot... and I haven't even finished building it!
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 21, 00:44:13
I have that happen if I have moveobjects on and/or boolprop snapObjectsToGrid false while placing doors or windows. It's easy to get them not quite properly aligned with the walls. I also echo the comment about accidentally placing them on the wrong level... :)

Title: Re: Bugged lot... and I haven't even finished building it!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 21, 01:53:23
Playing in wall-down mode can cause windows to disappear and be replaced by holes in walls. To fix this, switch to cutaway mode or higher.

Title: Re: Bugged lot... and I haven't even finished building it!
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 21, 05:13:40
What I personally do is remove the roof prior to adding a new section to the house, it does help for me.

Going out of build mode, lower a floor down, save, and then go up a floor does the trick too most of the time.

Title: Re: Bugged lot... and I haven't even finished building it!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 21, 05:28:03
You don't have to remove anything and that won't help. Just switch to one of the visible-wall modes and the problem should resolve itself.

Title: Re: Bugged lot... and I haven't even finished building it!
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 21, 05:31:11
Oh well thanks Pescado, I was going into too much trouble for nothing.  I will from now on do it the way you suggest.