More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Dark Trepie on 2005 November 20, 11:02:46

Title: Request: No Zerg rushing the photo booth when public woohooing.
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 November 20, 11:02:46
Sure, it was funny when two or three sims would run over and cheer.  But when EVERY sim on the lot, even those on the far reaches of the opposite corner of the lot, have to rush over to cheer it gets down right annoying.  And you get stuck there forever because people won't get the hell out of your way, or get out of the way of the people STILL trying to cheer.  Its even more obnoxious when sims run over there two minutes later to cheer because they couldn't be bothered to stop eating and run over there when it was actually happening.

A visual example to get my point across...


And for those that don't get my topic:

Zerg - Rush:  (noun)  1.  A term used in the RTS game Starcraft.  2.  The act of sending a mass batallion of little purple aliens to eat your opponent's base.

Title: Re: Request: No Zerg rushing the photo booth when public woohooing.
Post by: radiophonic on 2005 November 20, 12:52:09
C'mon, who doesn't enjoy a good #$@!# in public?  ;D

Yeah, it's a little annoying especially when they block you in.  ::)

Title: Re: Request: No Zerg rushing the photo booth when public woohooing.
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 November 20, 16:27:29
When the photo booth's a rockin'....

Personally I find the whole come over and thing cheer a bit creepy.  Funny the first couple times I saw it..but's just..yes creepy.

Title: Re: Request: No Zerg rushing the photo booth when public woohooing.
Post by: Andygal on 2005 November 20, 18:41:09
maybe it should just be modded so that they leave a clear space in front of the booth for the woohooing sims to get out?

Title: Re: Request: No Zerg rushing the photo booth when public woohooing.
Post by: gali on 2005 November 20, 18:41:55
No problem at all: put the clothing rackes with the booths in a closed room, with a door. Nobody will rush there. I have it - the woohoo is counted as a public woohoo, but nobody enters the room...:).

Title: Re: Request: No Zerg rushing the photo booth when public woohooing.
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 November 21, 00:20:51
I am glad to find out that the "photo booth" is a public woohoo because I thought only the hot tub was considered a public woohoo
I had a romance sim who did two public woohoo's in a hotub one right after the other, but on the second one the guys wife was there and she slapped him, so my romance sim who wanted the public woohoo now has a public woohoo as one of her fears.    :D

I would like to see   a hack to keep Miss C. from beating my sims to death when they woohoo in the photo booth.   I hate her.    >:(

Title: Re: Request: No Zerg rushing the photo booth when public woohooing.
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 21, 01:38:33
I use boolprop dormSpecificToolsDisabled false & moveobjects on when Downtown. That enables Buy Mode (but NOT Build mode, for some reason), and enables you to move the annoying NPCs out of the way.

It also lets you set up photos for your stories. Just saying ;).

Title: Re: Request: No Zerg rushing the photo booth when public woohooing.
Post by: Karen on 2005 November 21, 10:12:03
I would like to see   a hack to keep Miss C. from beating my sims to death when they woohoo in the photo booth.   I hate her.    >:(

Twojeffs' NPC and Visitor Zapper will let you ban her forever.  Try it, it works great!


Title: Re: Request: No Zerg rushing the photo booth when public woohooing.
Post by: witch on 2005 November 21, 10:18:55
Hey Trepie, I see a 'you sim' in the picture - guess you're not the one in the booth woo hooing? :(

I haven't seen crumplebottom for ages. Don't know if I have a hack that might be stopping her.

Title: Re: Request: No Zerg rushing the photo booth when public woohooing.
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 November 21, 18:49:37
Oh yeah, he just got out.  Then he had to push his way through the stupid onlookers because he had to use the toilet.  That sim has gone through so many incarnations because I reset neighborhoods so often its sad.  Maybe in one of his future incarnations he'll marry an actual human, who knows.  (Probably not.  Who would want to marry a human when they could marry a space alien!   ;D)

I'll keep this neighborhood around a lot longer I hope.  This will be the first time I've bothered to play the premade Uni characters.  So Pleasentview should be a lot more diverse and interesting.