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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: tabbs on 2009 June 30, 06:00:50

Title: Installation Error : Microsoft WSE 3.0 X509 Certificate Tool ?
Post by: tabbs on 2009 June 30, 06:00:50
I'm just now re-installing my game after having to get a NEW OS because my previous OS got corrupted, and my Video card also died so I got a new one of those as well.

I'm now trying to install the game again and all I get is

Microsoft WSE 3.0 X509 Certificate Tool
After being at what appears 100% of the installation.
Then it goes to "Finish" so I click that and try to run the game -
It then says: Sims3launcher has encountered a problem and needs to close.

Anyone else having this problem? or knows how do I fix it?

Windows XP Spk3
GeForce 9800 GT
Dual Core 6600 - 4GB RAM

Not sure if that will help at all actually.
I'm about ready to just give up, but I know the great folks over hear will most likely have an answer.
Thank you :)

Title: Re: Installation Error : Microsoft WSE 3.0 X509 Certificate Tool ?
Post by: tabbs on 2009 June 30, 06:14:18
I have tried the add/remove programs thing. I tried that before even coming here - too scared not to try things before posting ya know?

Also I just remember just before I installed the new Video card I tried to do a "System Restore" roll back,
because I tried updating drivers on my "BAD" Video card, and well since the card was bad it just glitched to all hell.

Would this have anything to do with that?

Title: Re: Installation Error : Microsoft WSE 3.0 X509 Certificate Tool ?
Post by: Bass Junkie on 2009 June 30, 06:34:22
Have you taken the effort to Google your problem?