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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: cwykes on 2009 June 20, 08:04:28

Title: How do you change a dog's Master?
Post by: cwykes on 2009 June 20, 08:04:28
How do I change a dog's master?  I couldn't do it in SimPE.  The only relevant thing I can see in SimPE is the dog's memory "got a master".  I changed that, but the master icon is still on the wrong sim when I check in game.  Am I looking in the wrong place or is it just that SimPE isn't really set up to edit pets?  If the SimPE route is a bust, what do I have to do in game? 

Title: Re: How do you change a dog's Master?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 20, 08:15:33
How do I change a dog's master?  I couldn't do it in SimPE.  The only relevant thing I can see in SimPE is the dog's memory "got a master".
A dog's master is fixed for the life of the master or the dog. If you want to change it, you have to edit the relationship in SimPE.

Title: Re: How do you change a dog's Master?
Post by: cwykes on 2009 June 20, 10:34:37
There's no tick box for master on the dog's relationships panel.  It is identical to a normal sim panel.  That's the problem

Title: Re: How do you change a dog's Master?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 20, 10:47:45
One of the ticks is analogous, then.

Title: Re: How do you change a dog's Master?
Post by: cwykes on 2009 June 20, 11:08:08
Doesn't look like it.  I have two dogs in the family with different masters.  The relationship tab of sim description has the same boxes checked regardless of who is master.  If you start with the sims, they have 'known' and 'bff' checked for both sim to dog and dog to sim.  If you start from the dog's sim description, only 'known' is checked for sim to dog and dog to sim.   So it's consistently inconsistent.