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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Blech on 2009 June 19, 10:13:55

Title: Search Galaxy Opportunity (Solved)
Post by: Blech on 2009 June 19, 10:13:55
My sim got this opportunity for logic, but I can't seem to fulfill it. Seems pretty straight-forward, "Search the galaxy using your telescope" and the science lab will give you monies. He's searched 3 nights in a row, and found 2 celestial bodies, but nothing happens. Has anyone else gotten this and fulfilled it? I'm thinking that maybe he just needs to find more celestial bodies or something, but the description says nothing about that at all. In fact, it doesn't say he has to find any at all, I'm just assuming so because otherwise the whole quest makes no sense.

Edit: It seems to take 5 discoveries before the opportunity is fulfilled.

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity
Post by: phyllis_p on 2009 June 19, 10:30:56
Look at the opportunity (in the opportunity tab).  Is it one of those ones where you have to return to the science lab to complete it?

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity
Post by: Blech on 2009 June 19, 10:39:37
I don't know, he hasn't completed it yet. It still just says "search galaxy".

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity
Post by: phyllis_p on 2009 June 19, 10:44:18
Surely that's not ALL it says?

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity
Post by: Blech on 2009 June 19, 10:46:51
He just now got up to 3 bodies found, and the purple text still says, "Search the galaxy using your telescope." This is really starting to piss me off. I don't like open-ended shit. It should at least give you some idea of how long this shit's gonna take.

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity
Post by: phyllis_p on 2009 June 19, 10:52:27
What does it say BELOW the purple text?

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity
Post by: Blech on 2009 June 19, 10:56:16
Here's the exact text.

Search the galaxy using your telescope.
The Science Facility has hit a bit of a slump and they haven't discovered any celestial bodies in quite some time. They need to discover something soon if they want to keep their grants, so they've asked local geniuses to do some backyard astronomy. Search the galaxy using your own telescope at home and you'll be paid well for your efforts.

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity
Post by: phyllis_p on 2009 June 19, 10:58:37
Okay, go to map view.  Is there an option at the science lab for you to click and return with your findings?

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity
Post by: Blech on 2009 June 19, 11:00:07
Nope, just the usual options.

Edit: The icon is there, though. Just no option to complete the quest.

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity
Post by: Roflganger on 2009 June 19, 11:09:39
If you click on the opportunity icon, it should either be available or greyed out.  If it is greyed out, hovering over the greyed out text should display a tooltip that may give you more insight.

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity
Post by: phyllis_p on 2009 June 19, 11:11:44
What Roflganger said.  Sometimes it will state to return during certain hours on certain days.

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity
Post by: Blech on 2009 June 19, 11:14:01
When I click on the icon it gives me the regular science lab options. The only thing greyed out is the "donate insects" option. I know that it's supposed to list the opportunity too, but it doesn't. I'm starting to think it's borked.

Edit: He's up to 4 bodies found now, and still nothing. No change in the text and no option at the lab.

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity
Post by: sloppyhousewife on 2009 June 19, 11:18:12
Have you tried to restart the game? That's how I fixed a similar problem with the omniplant quest - after a restart, the option suddenly showed up. I have to add, though, that my opportunity log already said "Go there to finish the opportunity", which doesn't seem to be the case here.

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity
Post by: Blech on 2009 June 19, 11:26:18
Have you tried to restart the game? That's how I fixed a similar problem with the omniplant quest - after a restart, the option suddenly showed up. I have to add, though, that my opportunity log already said "Go there to finish the opportunity", which doesn't seem to be the case here.

I can't believe this worked! LOL Thanks! The option's greyed out but at least it's there now. Now I'm back to my original problem of not knowing how to fulfill it though. When I hover over the option it just says that the requirements have not been met.

Oh, and my frustration made me forget my manners, thanks phyllis and roflganger for helping me out.

Edit: Solved. He just got up to 5 bodies discovered and can now go turn it in. Again, thanks for all the help guys.

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity (Solved)
Post by: Marhis on 2009 June 19, 11:52:57
My sim fulfilled the same opportunity with only 1 discovery (a star I, btw, named "Meh"), so I think you probably had the opportunity borked somehow: your 5th discovery could then be the only one the game recognized as valid.

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity (Solved)
Post by: Roflganger on 2009 June 19, 11:57:01
One neat feature - if you name a star after an existing Sim, you get the option to tell that Sim about "named celestial body".  There's even a wish that pops up to tell the lucky namesake that a star is named after them.  In a game that can be lacking in depth, I thought that was a nice little detail. 

(In all cases where this worked, I'd named the thing something like "Lorenzo's Light", so the fact that it recognized it even with the apostrophe added surprised me.)

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity (Solved)
Post by: Blech on 2009 June 19, 12:00:25
Yeah, I thought that was pretty cool, too. I had my sim name one after his daughter.

Title: Re: Search Galaxy Opportunity (Solved)
Post by: SendMeLies on 2009 June 19, 12:16:37
One neat feature - if you name a star after an existing Sim, you get the option to tell that Sim about "named celestial body".  There's even a wish that pops up to tell the lucky namesake that a star is named after them.  In a game that can be lacking in depth, I thought that was a nice little detail. 

And now I feel so DUMB because I didn't think about it. 15 perfect chances lost (and I even found 2 planets and a moon)