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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: rufio on 2009 June 18, 06:20:29

Title: I broke Controller - Urnstone Mover, apparently
Post by: rufio on 2009 June 18, 06:20:29
Disclaimer:  This is not in a clean game, but I don't think this problem has to do with CC.  Also, this is the first time I've loaded TS2 since The Horror came out.

Upon loading an apartment lot with one apartment on it, I repeatedly got the attached error.  It does not stop popping up until I hit delete, which I'm guessing is probably a Bad Thing, so after deleting I quit without saving.  It claims that Lot 139 is missing.  I looked in my Neighborhoods/N004/Lots directory, and lo and behold there is no file for Lot 139.  A review of some earlier SimSheet-related SimPE output reveals that Lot 139 was a non-flat lot I downloaded from TSR a long time ago, which some of my earlier sims lived in, and eventually moved out of.  The lot was eventually bulldozed during a neighborhood touch-up.  I don't believe anybody died there, though there might have been a pet or something.  I'm not sure what the apartment lot or its denizen has to do with this, and I successfully loaded and played a non-apartment lot earlier.

If it's a CC problem I can fix it, but it looks like I might have fucked something up bulldozing that lot.  Halp?

ETA:  Error definitely seems to be apartment-related - I loaded two different lots, an apartment and a non-apartment and it popped up only on the apartment lot.  Note that Lot 139 was not an apartment and was installed long prior to AL.

Title: Re: I broke Controller - Urnstone Mover, apparently
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 18, 06:47:44
It looks like one of your urnstone tokens contains fucked-up data. Use the Batbox to clear all the Urnstone tokens.

Title: Re: I broke Controller - Urnstone Mover, apparently
Post by: rufio on 2009 June 18, 06:49:42
Thanks.  I assume this can be done from any lot?  Will it cause urnstones to disappear, or are urnstone tokens for something else?

Title: Re: I broke Controller - Urnstone Mover, apparently
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 18, 07:20:50
Urnstone tokens track the motion of urnstone across lots. They are not necessary once the urnstones are settled securely in their final destinations. Also, they will regenerate, hopefully non-corruptly, if killed.