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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Death-Jester on 2009 June 17, 08:29:40

Title: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: Death-Jester on 2009 June 17, 08:29:40
Apologies if this problem has been discussed before, but I used the search function and found nothing.

Recently, my Sim has been searching a lot for bugs and rocks/gems. I had a lot of them in my inventory, and after donating all the bugs to the Science Lab, I started selling the rocks/gems manually. That's when I noticed this:


I have a blank box in my inventory. It has no name when I hover over it, and it cannot be dragged or interacted with in any way.

This morning I started up the game again, and noticed it was still there, but ignored it for the moment. I went out collecting rocks and gems again, and that was when I noticed that all the gems were stacking together, behind this blank icon:


I cannot move the stack at all, I can only sell the gems individually.

I am running the latest version of Awesomemod, I don't know if that could be anything to do with it.

Has anyone encountered this before?

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 17, 08:44:24
This is an EAxian problem. To get rid of it, remove everything you want to keep from your inventory and store it elsewhere, then type "purgeinventory" into the console. Requires AwesomeMod. The sim's inventory will be wiped out, including the corrupt blank boxes.

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: BlueSoup on 2009 June 17, 08:55:53
As I just finished doing this, I can confirm it works.

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: Death-Jester on 2009 June 17, 09:14:00
Right, thanks for the info.

Edit: Yaaay, it worked. I thought it hadn't at first, because the blank box was still there. But when I put something into my inventory, it took the place of the blank box :)

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: Lorelei on 2009 June 17, 19:45:25
Note that if you have unmovable inventory items, like deeds / partnership papers, you'll have to transfer ownership to a family member Sim before purging. Items like work-related beepers pose a different problem, but, honestly, I'm not sure what purpose they serve, as the Sim who has a cop beeper has yet to have it DO anything. I also don't know if they would regenerate the next time you go to work.

Anyone who has done the purge with non-deed unmovables want to comment on what happens to stuff like work beepers?

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: BlueSoup on 2009 June 17, 20:42:11
Beepers are lost, and they do not regen either when you go back to work or next get promoted.  At least that's what happened with the cop beeper.

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: minidoxigirli on 2009 June 18, 01:32:18
Who the hell uses a beeper now, anyway?

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: Ryslin on 2009 June 18, 11:52:33
Beepers "seem" to allow the sim to go to work for emergencies. I just had a medical sim be called in. I don't know if this would work if she didn't have the beeper on her.

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: jolrei on 2009 June 18, 12:47:15
Beepers "seem" to allow the sim to go to work for emergencies. I just had a medical sim be called in. I don't know if this would work if she didn't have the beeper on her.

Well, if there's no particular penalty attached to not showing up, we have just discovered a new way of reducing the time spent by our sims in rabbitholes.

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: Malapietra on 2009 June 18, 13:02:14
Warning!! Using purgeinventory removes the ability to use their cell phone.

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: Lorelei on 2009 June 18, 14:20:16
Beepers are lost, and they do not regen either when you go back to work or next get promoted.  At least that's what happened with the cop beeper.

I wonder if you could use a tsting cheat to get it back, namely, switch to any other career / quit current cop jerb, then quit other job / switch back to cop jerb.

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: BlueSoup on 2009 June 19, 03:18:37
Warning!! Using purgeinventory removes the ability to use their cell phone.

No, it doesn't.  My Sim is perfectly able to use her cell phone after I used this.

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: Malapietra on 2009 June 19, 06:33:59
Well that's strange.  I wonder what caused my Sim's cell phone to stop working right after I used the command.

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: Fubuki on 2009 June 19, 06:50:29
My Sim, who's in the medical career and recently lost her beeper in an inventory purge, is still called to the hospital for emergencies. The beepers do nothing.

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: NoOrdinaryRabbit on 2009 June 20, 02:44:03
Frak. I'm having the same problem -- blank boxes -- in my fambly inventory.  Purgeinventory doesn't seem to work in this case. Any suggestions on how I can get rid of them?

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 20, 06:07:49
Wait for the next AwesomeMod to add a command for that. :P

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: Silverdrake on 2009 August 03, 22:41:34
Is there a way to purge the refrigerator inventory? I made the mistake of removing the More Ingredients mod when I patched - D'OH! I should have known better, but now I have those blank spots in the fridge again. I looked at them in Neighborhood Workshop, but couldn't delete them from there.

Edit: I think I may have found a solution that doesn't involve moving the family out and back: clear out all the visible items, and make Stu Surprise until the blank ones are gone. I need to do further testing on this to see if they really disappear, or if the Stu Surprise ingredients appear out of thin air. With the empty fridge, it was the only recipe that didn't cost anything.

(posted this before I saw Pescado's answer!)

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: Gastfyr on 2009 August 04, 02:11:18
Edit: I think I may have found a solution that doesn't involve moving the family out and back: clear out all the visible items, and make Stu Surprise until the blank ones are gone. I need to do further testing on this to see if they really disappear, or if the Stu Surprise ingredients appear out of thin air. With the empty fridge, it was the only recipe that didn't cost anything.
lol  Stu Surprise actually is useful for using up old ingredients.

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: Silverdrake on 2009 August 05, 15:39:05
Weeks of Stu Surprise would make anyone depressed.

Don't do this: I tried to get rid of the fridge inventory objects in Neighborhood Workshop, and got the dreaded TS2 screen. Luckily, it was just a test, so I just deleted that save.

lolz, I missed Pescado's answer about the updated awesomemod!

Here's how to fix the sims with blank spots in their personal inventories: clear out everything but the blanks. Do a PurgeReactions and a RefreshMotives. My sim could then tend the garden, and the blanks disappeared. The cell phone worked, too.

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: Budgie on 2009 August 31, 00:12:56
I think I have something similar to this happening in my game, but mine is in the fridge like Silverdrake. I didn't have that mod that it accidentally removed, but I have blank refridgerator slots as well. However, for some reason my sims can't get leftovers out of the fridge. I think it's a problem with a plate of grape pancakes, but they can't be taken out of the fridge. There are other fishes that have blanks slots as well. Is there a way to purge the fridge or something?

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 August 31, 07:14:11
If you have more blank slots, send me a save and I will examine this. I have a wild theory of what it may be.

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: Budgie on 2009 August 31, 19:37:36
Uh, pardon my stupid, but how exactly do I do that?

Title: Re: Blank Inventory Slot & Gem Stacking
Post by: Tynk on 2009 September 06, 18:18:42
I'm sorry if there has already been an option added to Awesomemod for this, I must have missed it.  I am also having an issue with blank squares in my fridge inventory that just has a number. I have about 15 slots like this in there. This only happened after I deleted the entire old house to rebuild a new one in its place. And in the process of deleting the old house, I deleted the special fridge you get from the culinary career. That is about the only thing I can think of that relates to it. How, though, I have no idea.