More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: lindaetterlee on 2005 November 19, 16:39:38

Title: Teens not aging at college
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2005 November 19, 16:39:38
Ok Pre-nightlife i would send a whole group of student to uni (like 8) now if i attempt to send anymore than one to uni and load them into a dorm/lot/house etc only one maybe two will age. Most of the time none will age. they will all still be teens.  Anyone else experienced this problem?


Title: Re: Teens not aging at college
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 19, 16:47:23
Ok Pre-nightlife i would send a whole group of student to uni (like 8) now if i attempt to send anymore than one to uni and load them into a dorm/lot/house etc only one maybe two will age. Most of the time none will age. they will all still be teens.  Anyone else experienced this problem?

I saw it once and Had to use the insimenator to age them

Title: Re: Teens not aging at college
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2005 November 19, 16:51:16
Thats what i've been doing for a while. It seems to strike all hoods . I am thinking it is a hack conflict lol but i didn't want to have to type up that whole list. Everyone knows i'm a downloadaholic.

Title: Re: Teens not aging at college
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 19, 16:59:37
Thats what i've been doing for a while. It seems to strike all hoods . I am thinking it is a hack conflict lol but i didn't want to have to type up that whole list. Everyone knows i'm a downloadaholic.
you could try disabling a few hacks at a time  to find the conflicting hack. the one that is stopping the aging process should be able to be isolated that way

Title: Re: Teens not aging at college-Jm need your help? lol
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2005 November 19, 17:17:27
OK i opened up the effected sims in ts2 enhancer lol its user friendly when you've been up for over 24 hours hehe. Ok here is what i'm seeing.  I sent ophelia ripp and johnny to college. All seperately because i had this problem before and i wanted to see if it was still a prob. Ok well i loaded Ophelia to the lot and she grew up. Then i moved in the two guys with her via the drop into household method. now prior to NL this would have them all grow up in order now it doesn't. So when i looked into their character files it shows they have been in the previous life stage for -107 and -137 days?; While ophelia and Tank both show previous life stages as 26 where it should be. Could this be the cause?

Title: Re: Teens not aging at college-Jm need your help? lol
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 19, 19:43:12
OK i opened up the effected sims in ts2 enhancer lol its user friendly when you've been up for over 24 hours hehe. Ok here is what i'm seeing.  I sent ophelia ripp and johnny to college. All seperately because i had this problem before and i wanted to see if it was still a prob. Ok well i loaded Ophelia to the lot and she grew up. Then i moved in the two guys with her via the drop into household method. now prior to NL this would have them all grow up in order now it doesn't. So when i looked into their character files it shows they have been in the previous life stage for -107 and -137 days?; While ophelia and Tank both show previous life stages as 26 where it should be. Could this be the cause?
yep it could be  easily

Title: Re: Teens not aging at college
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 November 19, 20:33:30
Are you using InTeenimator?  Because I only have this happen when this is installed in my game.  And I'm pretty sure I read it as a known issue in the Readme file.  I'll move a group of teens into a house via the "Send sims to college" button on the neighborhood screen, move them in, and they'll still be teens.  I then have to make them use a phone or computer and choose "Move to college", and them move them back in to make them grow into YA's.

The nice thing about this glitch though is that they doubled up on their scholorship money.  Whenever I would move a teen out and back in again to make them grow up they would bring back the same amout of scholorship money they brought the first time.  The founders of my newest frat house raked in about 16k doing that.

Title: Re: Teens not aging at college
Post by: ilikefishfood on 2005 November 19, 21:35:24
It's not an InTEEN glitch; it was designed that way.  The latest version, allows adults and teens to live on UNI lots (the school bus comes and everything), so a YA can bring along an adult spouse and kids, including teenagers.  Accordingly, the creator designed it so that the only way they'll transition to YA's upon entering a lot is to send them to college from the main neighbourhood via taxi, and then move them from the college bin, into a UNI lot. 

However, if you do use the 'send-to-college" option from the UNI neighbourhood view, and you move teens into dorms that way, they will transition after an hour (they will not transition if moved that way into uni residential lots).

This new version of inTEEN also allows YA's to get married on UNI lots and remain living there.  If they marry on a residential uni lot, their spouse can move in as normal.  However, the first adult to move back to the regular neighbourhood, will take any kidlets along with them.

It's all explained in the documentation.

Title: Re: Teens not aging at college
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 19, 23:20:23
So there you have it, it's that damn Inteenimator again. Did I mention that the Inteenimator is not awesome and we at More Awesome Than You do not support the use of non-awesome hacks?

Title: Re: Teens not aging at college
Post by: ilikefishfood on 2005 November 19, 23:52:16
So there you have it, it's that damn Inteenimator again. Did I mention that the Inteenimator is not awesome and we at More Awesome Than You do not support the use of non-awesome hacks?

Uh oh! My bad! *tucks lips in*

Title: Re: Teens not aging at college
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2005 November 19, 23:58:13
lol sorry jm i didn't know it was do to the not awesome. *hangs head in shame. LOL but ya still love me and fishfood right?

Title: Re: Teens not aging at college
Post by: Venusy on 2005 November 20, 00:01:42
So there you have it, it's that damn Inteenimator again. Did I mention that the Inteenimator is not awesome and we at More Awesome Than You do not support the use of non-awesome hacks?
Maybe you ought to put up a sticky: "DUTFI!" or "Don't Use The F'ing InTeenimater!" It seems like a lot of problems lately have been caused by this hack, and it seems like a lot of whining could be avoided by telling people to yank it out of the downloads folder before asking for tech support.

Title: Re: Teens not aging at college
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2005 November 20, 00:04:10
*sticks tongue out* i wasn't whinning. I was royally bitching.  There is a difference lol

Title: Re: Teens not aging at college
Post by: ilikefishfood on 2005 November 20, 00:41:03
Frankly I can't play without it (the unmentionable mod), but I certainly will refrain from talking about it here.  I only got one set o' lips, and I'm quite fond of them. :-*

Title: Re: Teens not aging at college
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 20, 00:42:33
Frankly I can't play without it (the unmentionable mod), but I certainly will refrain from talking about it here.  I only got one set o' lips, and I'm quite fond of them. :-*
I dont have it and dont want it but I do have the other unmentionable one and  use it  :P

Title: Re: Teens not aging at college
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 20, 00:50:56
Frankly I can't play without it (the unmentionable mod), but I certainly will refrain from talking about it here.  I only got one set o' lips, and I'm quite fond of them. :-*

Yeah, me too...I'll keep all Inteen questions at the Inteen site.  :P
Shame on me for being "less awesome".