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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Kyna on 2009 June 16, 14:19:24

Title: Rabbithole / opportunity glitch
Post by: Kyna on 2009 June 16, 14:19:24
My sim, an International Super Spy living in Riverview, has an opportunity to "Stop Doomsday".  To do this he must turn up to the Outstanding Citizen Warehouse Corp. and disarm the doomsday weapon.  Unfortunately for him, those criminals are sneaky buggers, and the Outstanding Citizen Warehouse Corp. is now masquerading as a park.


The building on the lower left with the park icon, left of the building with the pool icon, is supposed to be the criminal headquarters - and was earlier.  My sim has raided it a couple of times since he hit the top of his career.  It is now, as can be seen, a park, although it still has its correct name.

Sequence of events (in case it is relevant): Opportunity came up.  I accepted it.  Had to go do real life stuff, so I saved the game & exited.  When I got back to the computer I updated AwesomeMod.  Went back in to the game.  In this particular neighbourhood I have only played this family, now on 2nd/3rd generation.

Can my neighbourhood be saved?  Or is it fubared and time to go back to the previous save?

Title: Re: Rabbithole / opportunity glitch
Post by: Bass Junkie on 2009 June 17, 05:07:26
Maybe your spy has finally dismantled the very organisation that digs its dirty hands into the pockets of Riverview citizens?

Title: Re: Rabbithole / opportunity glitch
Post by: SendMeLies on 2009 June 17, 07:07:25
Very same neighborhood.
Very same job.
Very same opportunity.
Very same Different bug.

Well, EA isn't even coherent.
(This is in game Friday. Got until monday to find a solution)

( (

My own sequence of events:
First generation family.
Got the opportunity, accepted. In game went to a spa for a full pampering - up to 7:30pm when the opportunity would be available. Out of spa, someone (Beth Simovitch) was playing the guitar outside the building. Didn't pay attention to her and clicked the opportunity  to complete.

Usually the sim would just go in and do his thing. But he says something is on the way and goes watch Beth play the guitar. I scat her out  and try again.
Something is on the way.
By 9pm crooks start trying to enter the building and they also are blocked out!
Saved the game and quit. Will try the patch - the patch seems to be solving everything these days.
If the patch doesn't work, will try copying the warehouse from a clean Riverview to the transfer area and replace the broken one. Is it possible? I'll try.
If not, save the family in transfer area and wait for the new patch. Or something.

These bugs are really annoying.
(I said it's the same bug but it isn't as my Warehouse is still a warehouse with thieves coming to work. The icon didn't change. So it is another bug)

Quick update:
Tried the patch, updated AwesomeMod, no go.
Can't replace the warehouse without borking even more the neighborhood.
Saved a copy to investigate later. Transfer to military career.
You're on your own, Riverview.

Title: Re: Rabbithole / opportunity glitch
Post by: infamy on 2009 June 18, 22:59:06
Exact same bug.  Noticed it when my Criminal Sim was unable to go to work.  Attemps to replace the Warehouse have been unsuccessful.

Editted to remove stupidity that appeared here briefly.

Title: Re: Rabbithole / opportunity glitch
Post by: Drakron on 2009 June 18, 23:25:11
I seen this reported on the BBS ... well TS3 official forums since they no longer use a BBS that predates even my own existence.

It seems the opportunity spawns some kind of marker that blocks the entry, the solution offered was going to edit town and delete the marker so the entry is no longer blocked.