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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Brick_town on 2009 June 15, 11:56:01

Title: Marriage, moving in and kids?
Post by: Brick_town on 2009 June 15, 11:56:01
My male sim just had twins with his girlfriend that lives on a different lot, Both of the kids got her surname which baffled me and I never seem to get a propose to marry or a propose to sim?

This has confused the hell out of me! Is anyone getting similar problems or is it just me..

Plus when she comes over to my sims house she never brings the baby so I had to use a cheat to make one of the babies part of my sims active family.

Please help!

Title: Re: Marriage, moving in and kids?
Post by: eaglezero on 2009 June 15, 12:17:14
Well, she gave birth to them and since she wasn't married to your sim, they got her last name. That's very logical and not at all confusing, actually. With respect to marriage, read this post (,15247.msg439216.html#msg439216).