More Awesome Than You!

TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Madame Mim on 2009 June 15, 07:33:12

Title: Corrupted hood - can it be fixed?
Post by: Madame Mim on 2009 June 15, 07:33:12
I recently had a crash on startup (which I didn't report in the Awesome mod thread because I hadn't changed my awesome mod version) and the next time I loaded up my game my Riverview looks like I'm running the first corrupted version install of it. I'm getting the funny lot names (although my Sim names seem to be fine) and the hospital seems to have dissapeared.

Does anyone know if there's a way to fix this hood or do I throw it out the window and start again - oh, hood is one that has had all npc's, sims, etc killed before I started playing but is otherwise set up with default settings.

Title: Re: Corrupted hood - can it be fixed?
Post by: rosess on 2009 June 15, 07:35:41
Have you tried restoring from the .bak file? 

Title: Re: Corrupted hood - can it be fixed?
Post by: Ashkitty on 2009 June 15, 07:36:17
-If your save game is corrupt, go to Documents\Electronic Arts\TS3\Saves, find your save.
-There should be two files, "save.sims3" and "save.sims3.backup"
-Move, rename or delete "save.sims3" I personally rename mine to "saveORIGINAL.sims3" but that's an old habit.
-Rename "save.sims3.backup" to "save.sims3" - ie, just remove the .backup extension.
-Load your game, and try to load the previous save. Crossing your fingers helps.

Tis all I know to do, but it's better than starting over. Can say it has worked for me, and I wasn't able to load up my game at all after a bad crash.

Title: Re: Corrupted hood - can it be fixed?
Post by: Madame Mim on 2009 June 15, 07:50:05
Thankyou. I will give that a go. It'll take me several Sim days play back, but (like you said) that's much better than loosing the whole hood. I will report back.

edit - interesting. Backup was corrupted too so I went to ditch the hood and start afresh - my Riverview is corrupted. It is once again showing the number soup description rather than the proper blurb. I will un/re-install Riverview and report back.

edit edit  - reinstalling has made Riverview 'normal' once more, but I've deleted the hood that started all these questions just in case.

Title: Re: Corrupted hood - can it be fixed?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 15, 10:36:38
I don't think anything was actually wrong with your save files, but that you deleted some critical file that was part of Riverview's datafiles, and you need to reinstall your crap.

Title: Re: Corrupted hood - can it be fixed?
Post by: Madame Mim on 2009 June 16, 01:14:03
Ah, well, they're all just testing hoods at this stage.

I wonder how I deleted important files. I'm very deliberately leaving Sims3 files alone atm.

Whatever - I say that whatever I did isn't a problem unless I do it again, and if it was something stupid at my end then that's a good thing because it means it's not going to be replicating itself all over Simdom.

Title: Re: Corrupted hood - can it be fixed?
Post by: Maia on 2009 June 17, 09:07:27
I also had this problem a few days ago, Riverview got corrupted and all the other downloaded store items disappeared. In the end I reinstalled my game as nothing else seemed to work. I assumed I'd managed to do it somehow but I've no idea how as I saved and quit my game and shut down the laptop and when I booted it up the next day it was borked, I didn't even use the laptop in the meantime, let alone touch any of the files.

I'm now using Delphy's installer and playing in SV to try to prevent it happening again but might go back to Riverview, as if it is going to keep happening then I'd like to know.

Title: Re: Corrupted hood - can it be fixed?
Post by: Alex on 2009 June 17, 09:32:19
I had some corruption problems. For me, I eventually realised that I had inadvertantly installed Riverview with one of the installers along with everything else, so then there were two conflicting Riverviews causing corruption in both hoods. Removing the package files fixed that, as I had used the evil launcher to install that one previously.

Title: Re: Corrupted hood - can it be fixed?
Post by: tizerist on 2009 June 17, 16:55:31
Download a program called Undelete to retreive files that went even further than the recycle bin.

Title: Re: Corrupted hood - can it be fixed?
Post by: Zaphod Beeblebrox on 2009 June 17, 22:06:57
God, Riverview is one borked piece of shit.  Downloaded the bastard, tried to play it, watched it CTD continuously, noticed that it was nowhere to be found on the main screen after a few CTDs, but the (BLARGH POS) Launcher insisted that it was wonderfully made of fail.