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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 19, 05:54:59

Title: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 19, 05:54:59
Now that Pescado has his very own copy of Nightlife, I am hoping that he will be able to fix this bug.  I just had two more sims lose vacation days because they are Mad Scientists, and Monday is one of their days off.  Late Monday evening, after when they would have gone to work on their work days, I get the message that they've used one vacation day.  I used the InSimenator to add the days back, but for sims who don't have vacation days, they take a performance hit.  We've talked about this before on this board, but I am hoping that something can be done about it soon.

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 19, 06:22:29
I'm aware of this and actively hunting it. I'll probably be able to pin it down when my next family hits Sunday night, I've got some night-shifters there.

My belief is that the bug is localized to jobs that span midnight, where you go to work before midnight and come back after.

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 19, 06:26:06
I'm aware of this and actively hunting it. I'll probably be able to pin it down when my next family hits Sunday night, I've got some night-shifters there.

My belief is that the bug is localized to jobs that span midnight, where you go to work before midnight and come back after.
Great.  That certainly describes the Mad Scientist job, but it is a NL but and certainly wasn't fixed in the patch.  >:(

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 19, 09:47:18
I'm aware of this and actively hunting it.

I got this mental image of a guy in a flowing white beard wearing Dan Akroyd's get up from Ghostbusters. 

Who you gonna call?  ;D

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 19, 15:01:13
Now that Pescado has his very own copy of Nightlife, I am hoping that he will be able to fix this bug.  I just had two more sims lose vacation days because they are Mad Scientists, and Monday is one of their days off.  Late Monday evening, after when they would have gone to work on their work days, I get the message that they've used one vacation day.  I used the InSimenator to add the days back, but for sims who don't have vacation days, they take a performance hit.  We've talked about this before on this board, but I am hoping that something can be done about it soon.

Thank you so much Rainbow. I wasn't aware of the fact that this was discussed earlier, and I was sure I had done something, somehow to mess up my game. My scientists all got a message like that, and I was about to go into my downloads folder and purge the custom careers I have (only 2, I don't mess with custom careers much, but I needed some alternative evening/night jobs for my vampires).

JM, I am glad to hear that you are trying to do something about it, it is seriously annoying. I had two of my scientists quit/retire because of this idiocy. I wasn't even remotely ready for them to be retired, threw a monkey wrench into my playing plans right then and there. I'm trying to keep my vampires alive without the 'motives' cheat, and that was one of the careers that was good for them.

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: Ambular on 2005 November 19, 18:32:14
Question: Is there any way this bug could affect custom careers?

I ask because I have two I made that are having a similar glitch, but only a very few people have reported the problem and it kicks in immediately, so the affected Sims are penalized for missing a day of work rather than getting a vacation day.  It also seems to happen on every day off (none of the work days span midnight.)

SuperFly over at MTS2 has been looking into it for me, but neither he nor I have been able to reproduce the problem in our own games, and he can't find a problem with the career code.  One person seems to have fixed it by reinstalling the two careers separately, but so far that hasn't worked for anyone else.

Anyway, it'd be really helpful to know if it's a glitch in the game rather than something boneheaded I did when making them (which, alas, seems far more likely)...

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: miramis on 2005 November 22, 13:00:31
I had this with my sim at the top of the paranormal career (I think it was paranormal), what I've also noticed is that the nanny is turning up at the wrong time of day too, she's supposed to be there to cover the 8am - 4pm shift (top of medical) but apart from the first day she's now turning up at 1am and leaving just after he goes to work.  Could this be a related problem?  I've only recently started using the nanny since installing the NL patch, so I'm not sure if this is a problem from before that or not.

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 22, 13:03:24
That ain't nothin' new, those old bats have been turning up at the wrong time of day for me since installing University. Even if you don't have University but just NL, NL contains a lot of University's underlying code changes.

Supposedly the NL patch fixed the nannies coming at weird times. I guess not. :P

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: miramis on 2005 November 22, 13:40:03
Well they're not much good if they come when the parents are home, I'm basically paying them for nothing.  I did fire her last night, she wasn't impressed hehe.

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: cwykes on 2005 November 22, 14:57:51
Hey guys - Please remember that this problem goes back to the base game.  It's not an NL or even a Uni problem.  Those of us with older PCs who haven't moved out of the stone age yet would dearly like fixes that work in the base game.  Whatever you do will be great JM, just if you have a choice about how you do it, a version that works for everyone would be even more awesome!   

Climbing on hobby horse..........I'm still peeved Maxis didn't add a 3rd patch to the last set for base game only.  A lot of problems weren't actually Uni problems!...  Climbs off hobby horse...  I guess editing the patch for the base game would be too hard....

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 22, 16:02:11
Well they're not much good if they come when the parents are home, I'm basically paying them for nothing.  I did fire her last night, she wasn't impressed hehe.
I agree the nannies are nexto useless heck even my sim babies dont like them.I have the unmentionable hack in my game and made the Baby selectable and checked his relationship panel to see how he felt about his family and the nanny well he was at 100/100  with his family but  only 4/4  with the Nanny Karen Gast. this baby has been an infant  for 7 sim days now  I play with aging off  so he wont  transition for another 5 sim days which will make him a year old. and he will be a toddler for the next month and a half  Sim time so as a consequence he spends a great deal of time under the nannies tutelage while his parent and teenage sister are at school and/or work. this babies Father is one step below mad scientist and I know when he makes it  he will be penalized for the monday. so Im praying for a fix soon for the Monday off penalty

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: Process Denied on 2005 November 22, 17:19:23
I currently don't have any mad scientists but I do have sims that go to work before mid and come back after and they don't seem to have that prob.  Is it only the mad scientist career or do I just don't have the bug yet???

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 22, 18:18:07
I haven't used the nanny in ages.  I have been using Dizzy2's Sitter hack, and it works great.  It also helps the baby make friends because both the sitter and the sittee receive a relationship boost.  Plus the sitter can clean house and work on skills while they are not having to tend to the baby.  Before NL when I was using JM's social worker hack, I had even left the babies alone while the parents were at work.  The toddlers and babies were just fine by themselves, as we know there isn't really much that can happen to Sim children.  They knew how to use the potty and they had Inge's bottomless bottle.  The only thing was if they got tired they couldn't get in the crib, but usually one of the parents were home by then.  I know that's not realistic, but it was preferable to the nanny.  And I've actually tested to find out what would happen to a baby or toddler if you don't feed them or put them to bed.  While it is hard to watch them cry, nothing bad will happen to them.  They won't die, they'll just cry and pass out on the floor until someone comes and takes care of them.  But I actually like Dizzy's sitter.  It seems a lot more realistic than using a nanny anyway.  There are just a few tiny issues like going to community lots or saving the game when the sitter is there, but nothing major.  Basically, the sitter will be gone when you load the lot again, and they won't get paid, but it's no biggie. 

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 22, 18:27:46
I haven't used the nanny in ages.  I have been using Dizzy2's Sitter hack, and it works great.  It also helps the baby make friends because both the sitter and the sittee receive a relationship boost.  Plus the sitter can clean house and work on skills while they are not having to tend to the baby.  Before NL when I was using JM's social worker hack, I had even left the babies alone while the parents were at work.  The toddlers and babies were just fine by themselves, as we know there isn't really much that can happen to Sim children.  They knew how to use the potty and they had Inge's bottomless bottle.  The only thing was if they got tired they couldn't get in the crib, but usually one of the parents were home by then.  I know that's not realistic, but it was preferable to the nanny.  And I've actually tested to find out what would happen to a baby or toddler if you don't feed them or put them to bed.  While it is hard to watch them cry, nothing bad will happen to them.  They won't die, they'll just cry and pass out on the floor until someone comes and takes care of them.  But I actually like Dizzy's sitter.  It seems a lot more realistic than using a nanny anyway.  There are just a few tiny issues like going to community lots or saving the game when the sitter is there, but nothing major.  Basically, the sitter will be gone when you load the lot again, and they won't get paid, but it's no biggie. 
I have the DMA sitter in my game. however I did a test run with Karen Gast. I had my family befriend her and she now takes care of  the house like a champ and the baby is not neglected by her. she even has put a meal on the table for my sims. I'm totally Shocked at how well she does just by making her a friend

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 22, 18:38:41
I haven't used the nanny in ages.  I have been using Dizzy2's Sitter hack, and it works great. 

Dizzy2's sitter? What sitter? I swear I go to MTS2 and I look specifically for his stuff, but I've never come across this one. Is it on MTS2, or is it a secret ;D?

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: Venusy on 2005 November 22, 18:42:24
[shaking green text]Try ( [/shaking green text]

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 22, 18:46:41
I haven't used the nanny in ages.  I have been using Dizzy2's Sitter hack, and it works great. 

Dizzy2's sitter? What sitter? I swear I go to MTS2 and I look specifically for his stuff, but I've never come across this one. Is it on MTS2, or is it a secret ;D?

MTS2 is acting a little slow at the moment...

EDIT:  I use the one with Inge's no social worker hack rolled into it.

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 22, 19:13:49
Thank you kindly, I'll download as soon as I get home. I'm not strong enough to deal with the nannies, I don't like it when my more violent tendencies show up :D :D

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: Rascal on 2005 November 22, 20:04:35
Hey guys - Please remember that this problem goes back to the base game.  It's not an NL or even a Uni problem.  Those of us with older PCs who haven't moved out of the stone age yet would dearly like fixes that work in the base game.  Whatever you do will be great JM, just if you have a choice about how you do it, a version that works for everyone would be even more awesome!   

Climbing on hobby horse..........I'm still peeved Maxis didn't add a 3rd patch to the last set for base game only.  A lot of problems weren't actually Uni problems!...  Climbs off hobby horse...  I guess editing the patch for the base game would be too hard....

I second this totally!

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 November 22, 21:12:02
I currently don't have any mad scientists but I do have sims that go to work before mid and come back after and they don't seem to have that prob.  Is it only the mad scientist career or do I just don't have the bug yet???

The only one I've noticed it with is the mad scientist.  I have one who's a professional party guest and she isn't affected by it.  But then, she does work on Sun. night, so that may be a moot point.

And it's only the Sunday night/Monday morning shift (that's not a working day for them) that's affected in my game.  They don't work Mon. night either, but I don't get the "used a day of vacation" message that night.

At first I thought it might be happening only to sims who were mad scientists pre-NL, as I had one become a MS since I got NL/patch, and he didn't get the notification the first Sun. night, but he did get the "don't do it again" message the next week, so that thought is out.  Don't know why he didn't get it the first week, unless he hadn't been in the job long enough.

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: miramis on 2005 November 22, 22:40:37
I've had it with Mad Scientist and the Paranormal career, can't speak for any other careers.

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 22, 23:45:43
All my careers that cross the date/day line (before and after midnight) do that in my game, even the custom careers.

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 23, 04:15:56
Not all the careers that span midnight do it in my game. I have two sims that are both on the 18:00-01:00 shift. One is a Resident (in Medicine), the other is a Supporting Actor (in Acting). The Supporting Actor is scheduled to have Sunday off, and he just got the "missed work" dialogue box come up. I don't think I've seen this on a day off before, except when he actually missed work. I'll keep my eyes open.

Title: Re: Request: Fix for Monday Day Off Penalty
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 09, 13:07:07
Burninated (