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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Chaavik on 2009 June 11, 22:17:17

Title: Old Homework In Inventory Issue
Post by: Chaavik on 2009 June 11, 22:17:17
Does anybody have a problem with the old homework left in a Sim's inventory? The old homework could not be deleted, nor can it be thrown away if the old homework is placed on a table or a floor.

My child Sim aged up into a teen when she had homework in her inventory. That particular homework object became the old homework.

Is there a way to delete old homework from the Sim's inventory? It's clogging up the Sim's inventory with no venue to delete it or finish it.

Title: Re: Old Homework In Inventory Issue
Post by: infamy on 2009 June 11, 22:18:56
I just chucked it onto the "Drag Things Here To Sell Them" icon below the cell phone in the inventory.  Gone.

Title: Re: Old Homework In Inventory Issue
Post by: ingeli on 2009 June 11, 22:19:33
I place it on floor and delete it, with moveobjects on.

Title: Re: Old Homework In Inventory Issue
Post by: Chaavik on 2009 June 11, 22:21:00
All right. That I can do. I did wonder why she couldn't finish her old homework to bring her grade back up to where it was. Thanks for the suggestions!

Title: Re: Old Homework In Inventory Issue
Post by: Doc Doofus on 2009 June 12, 13:08:13
I wonder why they even keep it in the game.  The game obviously is aware of the situation and prepared for it, to some extent, because it changes the description of the homework to "OLD HOMEWORK."  Well, yeah, duh, it is.  Instead of going to the extra trouble of renaming it, why didn't the designers just make it disappear and save everybody the trouble?  Does it have sentimental value?

Interesting point: When you transition to teen, you lose your A and get dropped down to C and have to build it back up again.

Title: Re: Old Homework In Inventory Issue
Post by: Nikki on 2009 June 12, 13:13:13
Apparently other children in the household can copy the old homework when you take it out of the inventory and place it on a table or the ground.

Title: Re: Old Homework In Inventory Issue
Post by: phyllis_p on 2009 June 12, 13:58:40
Interesting point: When you transition to teen, you lose your A and get dropped down to C and have to build it back up again.

I hate that.  Why should an honor roll genius kid become suddenly average again just because s/he started high school?

Title: Re: Old Homework In Inventory Issue
Post by: infamy on 2009 June 12, 14:16:31
Apparently other children in the household can copy the old homework when you take it out of the inventory and place it on a table or the ground.

Now that is interesting.  I'll try that this evening.  Nice tip.

Title: Re: Old Homework In Inventory Issue
Post by: Zazazu on 2009 June 12, 17:14:22
Interesting point: When you transition to teen, you lose your A and get dropped down to C and have to build it back up again.
This is why I never bother with the "Be on honor roll for 3 days" want. Also, if a child ages up to teen in the morning, before school, they can't go to high school until the next day.

Title: Re: Old Homework In Inventory Issue
Post by: ZeKat on 2009 June 13, 10:44:11
Also, if a child ages up to teen in the morning, before school, they can't go to high school until the next day.

I've had some weird issues with that. When they age up in the morning, it tells me that school starts in 1 day, but after an hour or two, it suddenly says "Missing school!" and I can send them to school. Seems like the game can't really decide what to do.

Title: Re: Old Homework In Inventory Issue
Post by: Kyna on 2009 June 13, 13:56:13
I've had some weird issues with that. When they age up in the morning, it tells me that school starts in 1 day, but after an hour or two, it suddenly says "Missing school!" and I can send them to school. Seems like the game can't really decide what to do.

That could be the result of AwesomeMod, if you have it installed.  After the update to AwesomeMod that fixed the bug with the enforced day off whenever a night-shift sim got a promotion, I started seeing the same thing with sims who got a job or promotion shortly before their new work hours started.

Title: Re: Old Homework In Inventory Issue
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 13, 14:36:08
I hate that.  Why should an honor roll genius kid become suddenly average again just because s/he started high school?
It has to do with the typical stupidity of the way the grade system has ALWAYS worked. In real life, at the beginning of school, your grade is an undefined value of 0/0. This is implicitly treated as an "A+", because you have earned all of the possible points you can possibly earn. From there, things can only get worse. The Sims likes to spread this physically-unrealistic message that things can improve, mostly because a bleak future in which entropy ultimately always wins is not a message that resonates well with the sheeple. Sheeple hate thermodynamics.