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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: RabidAngel on 2005 November 19, 01:14:19

Title: Finally got around to installing the Patch and.....
Post by: RabidAngel on 2005 November 19, 01:14:19
Now suddenly, all of the Nightlife clothing shows up as white!! They look as though they are uvmaps(with words all over them and such), and unable to find the actual textures! I can't believe it, LOL...I've had the worst luck with this whole Nightlife thing!
Getting to the point, I reinstalled everything (again) and now I'm afraid to apply the patch...But I'm also afraid not to apply the patch...hehe
Tis a catch 22, and I'd love some guidance on this, not the first and surely not the last, issue I am having with the game.
Thank you and may the Boris be with you.

Title: Re: Finally got around to installing the Patch and.....
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 19, 02:53:32
Now suddenly, all of the Nightlife clothing shows up as white!! They look as though they are uvmaps(with words all over them and such), and unable to find the actual textures! I can't believe it, LOL...I've had the worst luck with this whole Nightlife thing!
Getting to the point, I reinstalled everything (again) and now I'm afraid to apply the patch...But I'm also afraid not to apply the patch...hehe
Tis a catch 22, and I'd love some guidance on this, not the first and surely not the last, issue I am having with the game.
Thank you and may the Boris be with you.
I remember the issues I had with the patch ooh it was a nightmare the long and the short of it was I had to reinstall and put my neighborhoods and CC in then patch the game after 5 reinstalls I finally got it to take correctly but it was time consuming and no fun did you try disabling hacks? one or two have been rendered obsolete by the patch and then enabling 1 or 2 at a timeits slow but it might reveal the problem also check and make sure you have the latest edition of CEP

Title: Re: Finally got around to installing the Patch and.....
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 November 19, 03:11:30
Not sure how much disk space you have on your hard drive. If you have plenty, copy over the EA folders and then apply the patch. If things go wonky again, delete the EA folders and put the back-up back in. At least you won't have to go thru putting nine hundred disks into your drive.

Title: Re: Finally got around to installing the Patch and.....
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 19, 03:43:39
Not sure how much disk space you have on your hard drive. If you have plenty, copy over the EA folders and then apply the patch. If things go wonky again, delete the EA folders and put the back-up back in. At least you won't have to go thru putting nine hundred disks into your drive.
you only have to reinstall the last ep not every single game pack

Title: Re: Finally got around to installing the Patch and.....
Post by: Liss on 2005 November 19, 06:42:00
Now that you mention it, I have a similar problem but it doesn't really bug me.  I noticed it on a bathtub.  It was a white bathtub, and it just looks white with no shading.  I wondered what the problem was, now I know :D

Title: Re: Finally got around to installing the Patch and.....
Post by: RabidAngel on 2005 November 19, 19:24:48
Wow, okay....Glad to know it isn't just me.
Thanks for the tips, I'll backup my EA folders since I have plenty of disk space and try it til it works! LOL
Thanks again, everyone!

Title: Re: Finally got around to installing the Patch and.....
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 19, 19:31:15
Wow, okay....Glad to know it isn't just me.
Thanks for the tips, I'll backup my EA folders since I have plenty of disk space and try it til it works! LOL
Thanks again, everyone!
Good Luck :)

Title: Re: Finally got around to installing the Patch and.....
Post by: ilikefishfood on 2005 November 19, 21:02:44
Post patch, I've had some weird things happen with some of my swimming pools.  One was showing up brown in neighbourhood view.  I remember somebody mentioned a prob with pool lights now, so I entered the lot, which had been saved at nighttime, and turned off the lights.  That kinda fixed the prob....if you use your imagination it kinda looks like a pool from the neighbourhood view....or a nice green football field *sigh*.

On another lot, upon entering the pool was brown.  Not brown water, solid brown.  I removed the area with the pool tool, but any attempt to place a new pool anywhere on the lot, gives me that brown crap.

Any body know what's up with that?

Thing is, it's not happening on all my lots....all the others are fine.  Great, actually, cuz I recently installed a wicked Radeon 9800 XT graphics card, so I have to assume the problem is NL patch related.

Title: Re: Finally got around to installing the Patch and.....
Post by: RabidAngel on 2005 November 19, 21:27:20
Thanks, Banglenuts...
Just a quick update to say that it worked this time around! Phew...I think it may have had something to do with having differing version of the CEP upon reinstallation  ...IE, I had the old one in my downloads folder....:o
Not sure, but that's certainly not a good thing to do, I'm sure, LOL...
SO thanks for making me aware of the CEP thing, as I probably would have overlooked it a second time around.
ILikeFishFood, I've never heard of the brown pool syndrome, but I know that if you have smartlights installed, it can corrupt your pool lights...
Even the newer version had the same effect on my game, so you may want to delete that hack, if you have it, and then enter all of your lots in the daytime that have pools (yeah, it's a pain, but I had to do it too) and delete the lights, and replace them with new ones.
I'm not sure if that has anything to do with your issue, but I thought i'd mention it in hopes that it may be of some help.

Title: Re: Finally got around to installing the Patch and.....
Post by: ilikefishfood on 2005 November 19, 21:45:13
Naw, don't have smart lights mod............but thanks anyway, RabidAngel.  I've decided to write this one off as a corrupted lot, and in yet another leap of blind faith, I will continue to play the Sims 2.  Sad.  Very sad.

Title: Re: Finally got around to installing the Patch and.....
Post by: MutantBunny on 2005 November 19, 21:51:04
I had issues with the patch until I uninstalled, reinstalled the game and EPs and did not put the patch in. I'll wait for a patch for the patch...... *sigh*

Title: Re: Finally got around to installing the Patch and.....
Post by: ilikefishfood on 2005 November 19, 21:53:32
I had issues with the patch until I uninstalled, reinstalled the game and EPs and did not put the patch in. I'll wait for a patch for the patch...... *sigh*

lol!  A patch for the patch!  I love it!  May I quote you on that?! *titter*