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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Ayrell on 2009 June 05, 01:47:18

Title: Question about merging saves
Post by: Ayrell on 2009 June 05, 01:47:18
Hi everyone.

I have a question about merging saves. Since Pescado just released his awesome mod, which fixes the Story Progression thing, and I actually wanted to play the Maxis families as they are since the beginning of the hood and not as elders and with numerous unknown new kids, I decided to start a new saved game and import the sim I had been playing with (The One Family TM) to the newly created 'hood so that she wouldn't lose her skills, etc. When doing so the game warned me that she would lose all relationships. This is OK and I hoped it would happen, since I figure it would cause problems for her to have relationships with two sims who are actually the same.

My question is, does it actually cause problems to merge saved games like this? I figure that there is less chance for it seeing that there are no memories anymore, but thought I would ask because I'd rather play aged Maxis sims than a 'hood doomed to corruption.

English isn't my mother language so apologies for any mistakes, and thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Question about merging saves
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2009 June 14, 19:47:18
I've been wondering about this, too.

Did you place a copy of your sim in the bin and then place it in the other neighborhood?

I can't deal with the story progression thing.  On or off, awesome mod or not, free will on, low, whatever.  About the only way I figure I can live with this game AT ALL is:

Play each household for a day, week, whatever.  Save game under its own name - i.e. Riverview Goth, Riverview Bachelor.

When all households are at about the same time on the same day, put a copy of the household in the bin.

Then place all households into an "all" version of the neighborhood.

Then if I have a sim who's aged up to an adult, get him/her their own house.

Play each household and save under the name I was using for them before, overwriting the old game.

It would have been nice if the saved games kept each playable house separate like TS2 did.  Then I could just copy the house save file into the neighborhood.  But then, I probably wouldn't have to.

I'm still trying to figure out how I'll do this, but I'm in the process of giving it a try.  Game and households are still new enough not to care if I screw them up!