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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Emma on 2005 November 18, 15:06:11

Title: How rich is rich?
Post by: Emma on 2005 November 18, 15:06:11
Ok, I get the standard want to 'marry a rich sim' for my fortunes, and lock it when it comes up. I have had problems fulfilling that want even when they marry the Diva or Mr Big. I ask them how much money do they have and they always reply '§§§'. I have even had one who has replied '§§§§' (she married in with §19,000)
What I want to know is, how many simolean signs constitutes a rich sim, and how much in simoleans that is.
My sims usually are worth about §25,000-§35,000  :)

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: gali on 2005 November 18, 15:11:16
Usually, if you click on the "marry a rich sim" want of the Fortune sim, you can see there her/his limits. I know that Dina's limit is 15,000$, but there are others who shows a higher limit - as 25K, or 50K.

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: Nihale on 2005 November 18, 15:40:14
Might it depend on how rich the first sim is to begin with?

Take the DeFactos, for example. They have §2,000,000+. Would someone with equal or greater wealth have to marry one of them in order for the want to be registered?

Edit: Damn, I should have actually read what Gali put. Then I wouldn't have to have asked, would I?

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2005 November 18, 15:54:50
Usually, if you click on the "marry a rich sim" want of the Fortune sim, you can see there her/his limits. I know that Dina's limit is 15,000$, but there are others who shows a higher limit - as 25K, or 50K.

REALLY? lol Sheesh i learn something new everyday. I thought it was a default figure.  BTW i've always been confused (no jokes) but do you have to move the sim in before marriage to get the want to move the sim in with the actual marriage act.

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 November 18, 16:01:30
Usually, if you click on the "marry a rich sim" want of the Fortune sim, you can see there her/his limits. I know that Dina's limit is 15,000$, but there are others who shows a higher limit - as 25K, or 50K.

REALLY? lol Sheesh i learn something new everyday. I thought it was a default figure.  BTW i've always been confused (no jokes) but do you have to move the sim in before marriage to get the want to move the sim in with the actual marriage act.

Move them in with the actual marriage...if you move them in before the marriage takes place it won't fulfill the marry a rich sim want for whatever crazy reason.  I always thought this was stupid..but yeah know lol

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: Process Denied on 2005 November 18, 17:04:09
I always thought it was $50,000.  I didn't know that it changed with different sims.

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: gali on 2005 November 18, 17:07:52
Usually, if you click on the "marry a rich sim" want of the Fortune sim, you can see there her/his limits. I know that Dina's limit is 15,000$, but there are others who shows a higher limit - as 25K, or 50K.

REALLY? lol Sheesh i learn something new everyday. I thought it was a default figure.  BTW i've always been confused (no jokes) but do you have to move the sim in before marriage to get the want to move the sim in with the actual marriage act.

I really don't know if I have to move them in first - I never play with Fortune sims. But when I played at Strangetown, one of the sims wanted to marry a rich sim - I clicked on the want, and saw ( at least 50,000$).

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 November 18, 18:58:44
I always thought it was $50,000 too and I didn't know you could click on the want to find out.  I'm surprised Dina was happy with $15,000 - bit of a cheapsakte then really, isn't she.  It's peanuts when you're Martin Ruben and your girlfriend Jane Stacks won just under $6,000,000 on the Sim State Lottery.  He's lucky Dina was long dead when that happened.

I never remember whether the $50,000 (or whatever the figure is) includes the value of their house and contents, or is just the money in the bank, although I think it's the former.  I do wish they could satisfy the "Marry a Rich Sim" want when they're already living together, though. 

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 18, 19:11:56
I personally prefer to do it the other way around since when you ask a Sim to marry you, if it is not the last Sim on the lot, it will only bring a percentage of the money.  The game will calculate it depending on the real money they have not on what the house is worth in a whole (I use to know how much % but don't remember *damnit* I think it is something like 10%), so to make sure you need to know what would be 10% of the amount of the money that Sim have.

By making the rich Sim propose and, at the same time, making the "I want to marry a rich Sim" Sim move-in there by getting married you are sure that all the money there will count and that the want will be fulfill.

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: Regina on 2005 November 18, 20:59:01
As far as I've known, the amount has always been $50,000.  I've yet only to have one sim marry a 'rich' one and I had to set that up to test it.  I had the 'rich' sim living in his own house and all together he was worth just over $50,000 and this included the house, furniture and everything.

When I did the propose>marriage (I didn't move in the sim beforehand) the want to marry a rich sim was fulfilled.

I had another interesting thing happen in that I had a money sim move into a family in which I wanted her to marry into.  Although she never spun up the want to marry a rich sim, after she married, she had a memory of marrying a rich sim.  The family was worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $200,000 or so.

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 18, 21:01:32
You always get a "Married Rich Sim" green memory if the sim you marry is rich. Marrying a rich sim even overcomes the normal Romance sim "red" memory of being married.

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: Emma on 2005 November 18, 23:49:01
Usually, if you click on the "marry a rich sim" want of the Fortune sim, you can see there her/his limits. I know that Dina's limit is 15,000$, but there are others who shows a higher limit - as 25K, or 50K.

Oh, I didn't know that! ;D I haven't clicked on that want cos it seemed straightforward enough ;) Thanks.

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: radiophonic on 2005 November 19, 17:29:53
I was wondering this myself. I had a fortune marry a sim who had earned 170K from painting, working, etc. and I thought it would satisfy his want to marry a rich sim. No dice, she wasn't rich enough. I could only make this face:  :-\

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: Emma on 2005 November 20, 09:42:11
Well, I just made a fortune sim to test out the want-and when I clicked on it, it didn't say how much money is needed for this want to be fulfilled.She was in a 'trailer' and was worth about §18,000. Anyways, I made a sim for her to marry, familyfunded him §500,000, moved him in a 'mansion' and let the magic begin. She got the 'marry rich sim' want-I duly locked it and when I married them together-the want stayed locked! >:( Wasn't fulfilled. Gahh!

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: Venusy on 2005 November 20, 11:13:10
I think the Marry A Rich Sim want/memory is only triggered if the Sim actually earnt that cash. Try taking a Uni graduate. Put him/her in the Natural Science career. When the sim gets promoted to level 10, and earns a big cash boost of $30,000, quit the job, and repeat the process with the same sim. They should get the Earned $50,000 memory very quickly, and that should be enough to fulfil the want.

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: gali on 2005 November 20, 11:31:54
I think the Marry A Rich Sim want/memory is only triggered if the Sim actually earnt that cash. Try taking a Uni graduate. Put him/her in the Natural Science career. When the sim gets promoted to level 10, and earns a big cash boost of $30,000, quit the job, and repeat the process with the same sim. They should get the Earned $50,000 memory very quickly, and that should be enough to fulfil the want.

Venusy, all my sims are "milliarders", using Motherlode. When I build a house, it costs at least 650,000$. No sim can buy it, unless I cheat.

So, I moved Cassandra to a new house, and gave her 1,500,000$. Then I moved to a 2x2 lot another CAS sim, Knowledge, who was going to marry her, built only a wall with telephone, but gave him 1 million dollars too.

After he came to visit (with the welcome committee), I increased their relationship to 100/100 + love sign. When he came the next time to visit, he showed a want to marry Cassie.

As I hate parties (too much fuss), I married them instantly, and I saw the $ sign over their plumbob. I looked at their memories, and it was written there "married a rich sim".

So, a sim doesn't have to work to earn the large sum of money - you can cheat too, and still he will get the same memory.

Title: Re: How rich is rich?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 20, 12:35:38
Okay, the definitive requirements for "Marry a Rich Sim".

Your resident sim will satisfy this want if the following conditions are all met:
1. The sim being married into the family lives on another lot. The other sim must live on a DIFFERENT lot, and must not be in the fambly bin.
2. The sim moved in must bring at least $50K in cash. The amount of cash brought is equal to 10% of the original family's cash reserves, or the entire networth if that sim lives alone.

The sim moving in will satisfy the want if the following conditions are met:
1. The family that the sim is moving into has a networth of at least $50K, including the value of furnishing, home, and cash reserves.

Otherwise you fail. It has nothing to do with memories of how much money a sim has earned, etc., etc. This is it. It is purely determined by networth/money added to family, with aforementioned "must not be in the fambly bin" caveat. End of story.