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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: cristalfiona on 2005 November 18, 13:44:41

Title: Sims change clothes?
Post by: cristalfiona on 2005 November 18, 13:44:41
Not sure if this should go here, or even if its possible, but a random thought that i had is that when sims change outfit (eg after shower) they should change into different clothes. Eg if they had 3 outfits in the dresser, the game should randomly choose one of those outfits. Maybe with an option to turn it off so they also dress the same.

Does anyone know if this can be done? Is anyone willing to take a shot at it, or point me in the direction of someone who would? Or as a last resort, teach me how to do things like this, so I can have a crack at it myself.

Title: Re: Sims change clothes?
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 November 18, 19:09:33
Well yes, of course it should happen, but so should washing their clothes and ironing them!  I've never understood the lack of laundry facilities, nor Maxis questioning our reasons for wanting them.  I'd love to see a teenage Don Lothario with a floppy hairdo standing by the washer in just his undies, waiting for his Levis to dry ...

And yes, I have suddenly decided that I am going to somehow fit the teenage Don Lothario and his floppy hairdo into as many threads as I can.

Title: Re: Sims change clothes?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 18, 19:41:44
There was, actually, supposedly support for this: There were actually 3 "everyday" outfits, casual 1, 2, and 3....but for some reason, this feature was never actually used. As far as I'm concerned, it's just as well a sim wears the same thing every day. There's not really that much you can choose from within a given stylistic set, and what a sim wears effectively constitutes his uniform, his identity, the means by which you pick him out of a crowd when you're hovering the equivalent of 800 feet in the air.

Title: Re: Sims change clothes?
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 20, 23:26:30
You could keep a dresser/chest of drawers/wardrobe-thingy in your bathrooms? So that the sim can change into a different outfit after the shower? The lockers from
University don't take up much room, and maybe someone could clone & re-mesh them so they fit better with household furniture.

I know what you mean - it is weird to think of them getting out of their dirty clothes and then putting the same clothes on again :).

Ancient Sim, I still boggle at people who want the sims to have to do laundry, though. Isn't it bad enough that we have to do it, without inflicting it on them? I'd love to be able to spin round and make my clothes magically clean ;D.

Title: Re: Sims change clothes?
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 22, 01:11:30
You could keep a dresser/chest of drawers/wardrobe-thingy in your bathrooms? So that the sim can change into a different outfit after the shower? The lockers from
University don't take up much room, and maybe someone could clone & re-mesh them so they fit better with household furniture.

Merola's single tile dressers rock.  I have them strewn about all of my houses.  They are functional as surfaces to place objects on as well.

There are many more color options than show in the picture at that link.   There's also a pile of clothes option which you can place on surfaces.

This has a negative environment score, I do believe, so I don't use the little pile.  (I also don't want to confuse it with JM's clothing tool, which looks exactly the same and is in every house).

Since Bathroom Uses You spits my Sims out of the bathroom immediately after taking a shower, I don't have the dressers in there...but my richer Sims who have lots of outfits change nearly daily, sometimes a couple times a day.  (What can I say, I played Barbies when I was a little girl.  ::) ) I have five or six end table dressers in every house...bedrooms, living rooms, even by the pool so we can change in a snap.

Ancient Sim, I still boggle at people who want the sims to have to do laundry, though. Isn't it bad enough that we have to do it, without inflicting it on them? I'd love to be able to spin round and make my clothes magically clean ;D.

There's nothing I wouldn't do for my Sims, including laundry.  My family, that's another story. :D 

Title: Re: Sims change clothes?
Post by: cwykes on 2005 November 22, 01:46:17
Don't you mean do TO your sims. -  Well perhaps you don't, but some people enjoy making sims suffer.

I usually have wardrobes in the bathroom by the front door, so they can change out of PJs before greeting visitors. (my first romance sim had a bad experience once doing that)  The one tile dressers I got from somewhere were a pain - they still occupied the same space only invisibly - so you couldn't click on things behind them even though you could see them.  Thanks for the link to Merola's.  Cycling through clothes might by nice occasionally if you didn't have some awful things in there left over from uncle Kent and Great Uncle Billy......

Title: Re: Sims change clothes?
Post by: nectere on 2005 November 22, 01:50:48
There is a great clothes hook dresser at MTS2 by Targa

Title: Re: Sims change clothes?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 22, 01:57:45
I'd love to see a teenage Don Lothario with a floppy hairdo standing by the washer in just his undies, waiting for his Levis to dry ...

And yes, I have suddenly decided that I am going to somehow fit the teenage Don Lothario and his floppy hairdo into as many threads as I can.

Ancient: Justin, Jericho, and I all feel seriously betrayed... :P

Title: Re: Sims change clothes?
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 November 22, 02:03:07
There is a great clothes hook dresser at MTS2 by Targa

Awesome!  That's perfect for some of my more casual houses where the end tables don't quite fit in.  

cwkeys wrote:

Don't you mean do TO your sims. -  Well perhaps you don't, but some people enjoy making sims suffer.

I don't run my Sims,  my Sims run me!  You want a sculpture costing more than $1500, okay, settle down, let me see how we can work this out for you.  :D

Title: Re: Sims change clothes?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 22, 02:23:49
I'd love to see a teenage Don Lothario with a floppy hairdo standing by the washer in just his undies, waiting for his Levis to dry ...

And yes, I have suddenly decided that I am going to somehow fit the teenage Don Lothario and his floppy hairdo into as many threads as I can.

Ancient: Justin, Jericho, and I all feel seriously betrayed... :P
hmmm Id love to see all but one of my male adult sims standing in their Undies waiting for  their clothes to dry.I have to get Josh and Jacob out of their old  man undies first though. Josh did put on a show this morning at breakfast though he showed up at the table to have pancakes in the nude. Justin looked shocked and screamed.Maria also showed up in the nude I quickly hit the DMA Box and put undies on her.I didnt think to look at Josh til justin did his little shocked bit. Jamie has a thing for formal wear of late. he has been wearing his Tux for 2 sim days now I undress him thinking he will spin into every day no such luck after he admires his male anatomy he spins back into the tux :-\

Title: Re: Sims change clothes?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 22, 02:24:41
I'd love to see a teenage Don Lothario with a floppy hairdo standing by the washer in just his undies, waiting for his Levis to dry ...

And yes, I have suddenly decided that I am going to somehow fit the teenage Don Lothario and his floppy hairdo into as many threads as I can.

Ancient: Justin, Jericho, and I all feel seriously betrayed... :P
hmmm Id love to see all but one of my male adult sims standing in their Undies waiting for  their clothes to dry.I have to get Josh and Jacob out of their old  man undies first though. Josh did put on a show this morning at breakfast though he showed up at the table to have pancakes in the nude. Justin looked shocked and screamed.Maria also showed up in the nude I quickly hit the DMA Box and put undies on her.I didnt think to look at Josh til justin did his little shocked bit. Jamie has a thing for formal wear of late. he has been wearing his Tux for 2 sim days now I undress him thinking he will spin into every day no such luck after he admires his male anatomy he spins back into the tux :-\

Title: Re: Sims change clothes?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 22, 02:27:11
What about after he showers? Do you have a nudist hack installed?

Title: Re: Sims change clothes?
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 November 22, 02:51:29
What about after he showers? Do you have a nudist hack installed?
nope no nudist hack and Jamie spins into that dang tux no matter what I think Im going to have to redress him with the DMA Box.Josh and Maria came downstairs to eat after a woohoo session