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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: bimbelina on 2009 June 02, 00:57:39

Title: Secret Society members in regular clothes
Post by: bimbelina on 2009 June 02, 00:57:39
My SS members no longer wear their uniforms on campus or during abductions, but they are all wearing them at the SS lot.  When a sim is abducted, it's a cop that does the chicken dance and cuffs them.  Any ideas on how to get them back in uniform?  All EPs and SPs are installed.

Title: Re: Secret Society members in regular clothes
Post by: DrNerd on 2009 June 02, 01:29:58
It sounds like you've downloaded a hack or a mod of some sort that prevents people from wearing "special" clothing outside of a "special" occasion, like a college student wearing a toga to go downtown or adults going downtown in their work clothes.  Make sure that all of your hacks and mods are up-to-date, and check to make sure that you haven't downloaded a hack that was packaged with a lot or something.  Also check any of the clothing-related mods you have to see if any of them would affect the "special" clothing.