More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Firestarter on 2009 May 25, 00:21:56

Title: For GOD'S SAKE can someone fix my fail?
Post by: Firestarter on 2009 May 25, 00:21:56
Hey all - glad to join your merry band here.  I'm hoping someone can help me get out of Retard Land...

I downloaded some new hacks over the past 3 days, but noticed there weren't any townies showing up on my community lots.  I went through and deleted the ones I thought had to do with townies (mainly the ones that have YAs show up elsewhere other than the college lots).  I went to a community lot after leaving "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" and this error message came up: An error occured with object "Controller - CLP - Community Lot - Populator" #555.  Error: Bad gosub tree number.

Anyone have a clue as to what this means and how I can fix it?  The short bus rider will be eternally grateful.

Title: Re: For GOD'S SAKE can someone fix my fail?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 May 25, 00:46:29
Attach the error log from your Logs directory that contains this error and we will make fun of you.

Title: Re: For GOD'S SAKE can someone fix my fail?
Post by: Firestarter on 2009 May 25, 01:12:15
If one of you geniuses can solve my problem, you can make fun of me all you want  8)

Chances are I deserve it anyway for my stupidity

Title: Re: For GOD'S SAKE can someone fix my fail?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 May 25, 01:22:08
The error you are getting is not a part of any known Awesomeware and is not a part of EAxian code. Once again, I point the blame squarely at tight pants.

Title: Re: For GOD'S SAKE can someone fix my fail?
Post by: dragoness on 2009 May 25, 04:01:09
Remove all CC and see if the problem persists.

Title: Re: For GOD'S SAKE can someone fix my fail?
Post by: Firestarter on 2009 May 25, 04:15:53
I knew that spandex was a bad it's confirmed.

Definitely going to try removing the CC I just DLed - thanks for the help ;D