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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2009 May 19, 13:13:38

Title: no socials group hack/mod/thing ?
Post by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2009 May 19, 13:13:38
There are notownieregen, nostrayrespawn, nodormieregen, antivacationactions and so on hacks ... why is there no nosocialgroupsrespawn hack ?
Or did I just fail completely when searching for one ?

I have spend so much time building up a hood, with as few EAxis sims as possible and I really want to keep it that way. It annoys me to no end, that I canīt move in one of my sims in to an apartment building, without having a bunch of ugly EAxis sims flooding my hood ... yes it is stubborn and stupid, but I really really really do not want those social groups.

Title: Re: no socials group hack/mod/thing ?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 May 19, 13:54:34
There are notownieregen, nostrayrespawn, nodormieregen, antivacationactions and so on hacks ... why is there no nosocialgroupsrespawn hack ?
Or did I just fail completely when searching for one ?

I have spend so much time building up a hood, with as few EAxis sims as possible and I really want to keep it that way. It annoys me to no end, that I canīt move in one of my sims in to an apartment building, without having a bunch of ugly EAxis sims flooding my hood ... yes it is stubborn and stupid, but I really really really do not want those social groups.
You have to occupy all the units, and you have to occupy them fast, before other sims are needed to stock them. Notownierespawn will halt the generation of unneeded inhabitants, but the game will still spawn the minimum number needed to fill out an apartment building.

Title: Re: no socials group hack/mod/thing ?
Post by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2009 May 19, 15:42:43
You have to occupy all the units, and you have to occupy them fast, before other sims are needed to stock them. Notownierespawn will halt the generation of unneeded inhabitants, but the game will still spawn the minimum number needed to fill out an apartment building.

 :-\ .... that was not the answer I was hoping for, oh sigh

and bribing or begging someone here, wonīt help at all ? When it comes to begging, I could sink really low

OMG, I canīt believe I actually wrote that

Title: Re: no socials group hack/mod/thing ?
Post by: Kyna on 2009 May 19, 18:39:03
It annoys me to no end, that I canīt move in one of my sims in to an apartment building, without having a bunch of ugly EAxis sims flooding my hood ...

If the problem is that you don't want EAxis fuglies flooding your hood, then why not make your own social townies?  Before you move any of your playable sims into an apartment anywhere in your hood make enough social townies to fill your apartment buildings, keeping in mind which social groups go into high-end, medium and low-end apartments.  Don't bother moving them into apartments, just turn them into social townies and let the game take care of moving them in to your empty apartments as needed.

Title: Re: no socials group hack/mod/thing ?
Post by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2009 May 20, 11:45:49
If the problem is that you don't want EAxis fuglies flooding your hood, then why not make your own social townies? 

It will be either that solution or no apartments at all. The downside is that I will have the same socials, that will be neighbors to my sims, generation after generation, but maybe I can change their looks along the road and imagine that they are someone else. Maybe it will be fun to fool around with BS again :)

I will have to create 4x5 types of social groups, to be on the safe side, right ? And do I need to give them skills, jobs, badges and such first or will the game reset them, when I turn them into socials ?

Title: Re: no socials group hack/mod/thing ?
Post by: Kyna on 2009 May 20, 14:01:12
It will be either that solution or no apartments at all. The downside is that I will have the same socials, that will be neighbors to my sims, generation after generation, but maybe I can change their looks along the road and imagine that they are someone else. Maybe it will be fun to fool around with BS again :)
In my head, I tend to justify multiple generations of playables knowing the same townies by thinking of it more like my playables knowing the niece or granddaughter or whatever of the original townie.  In some ways it was easier to do when the neighbourhoods were smaller, as it was easier to imagine the hood as a small town.  I find that once you start throwing in a uni district, a downtown, a shopping district, a hobby district, etc, you start to lose that small-town feel and get a more suburban vibe from the main neighbourhood, instead.

I will have to create 4x5 types of social groups, to be on the safe side, right ? And do I need to give them skills, jobs, badges and such first or will the game reset them, when I turn them into socials ?

The number and type of social townies you create depends on the lot class of your apartment buildings, and how many of your apartments won't be occupied by playables.  For example: high status social townies (e.g. socialites) will only move into apartments with a high lot class.  If none of your vacant apartments have a high lot class, there's no point in creating social townies in the socialite group.  I believe it's been discussed here before, so if you search a bit you should find a list of which social groups go with which lot class.

I've found that the social townies I've created only get initialised upon move in to a vacant apartment.  That's when they get their skills, jobs, etc.  Until then they are unemployed and lack skills, even if you happen across them at a community lot or if they walk past your lot.  This is different to other townies / downtownies I've created, who are usually initialised with their careers, skills, etc the first time they appear in the game (e.g. when doing a walkby or appearing at a comm lot).

Title: Re: no socials group hack/mod/thing ?
Post by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2009 May 23, 14:38:32
Thanks Kyna for taking the time to explain all this ... I have never used the printLotClass "cheat" ... never thought that I would need it ever *LOL*

I did a seach, have been reading and need to do a lot more reading, before Iīm ready to throw myself and my sims in to all this ... but now at least I have an idea of what I need to do.

aaah, I just so wished it would be as easy as the nodormierespawn thing ... guess you canīt have it all :)