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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: sarianastar on 2009 May 11, 23:14:13

Title: Faceless Sims
Post by: sarianastar on 2009 May 11, 23:14:13
I have a problem that I haven't been able to find addressed anywhere. Apologies if this has been addressed and I just can't find it. My sims presently are showing blacked out faces. The females it's JUST the face, but the males it's the face, arms, neck, hands, everything, and the body appendages turn the colour of whatever clothing they're wearing. Below are two images as examples:



I've removed all downloads, all hacks, everything, and the problem persists. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Title: Re: Faceless Sims
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 May 11, 23:21:53
Reinstall time?

Title: Re: Faceless Sims
Post by: sarianastar on 2009 May 11, 23:26:40
Sigh. I was afraid of that. Thanks.

Title: Re: Faceless Sims
Post by: ingeli on 2009 May 12, 00:06:14
This happened to me when I had high res skins installed and used, and set the game to low res. Try change the settings.