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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: geekily on 2009 May 07, 14:17:00

Title: One Sim's Face Appears Distorted
Post by: geekily on 2009 May 07, 14:17:00
I have one particular Sim whose face, particularly her teeth/mouth, looks distorted. This has never happened on any of my other Sims. It started about halfway through her "child" stage, and I hoped it might go away once she aged up, but it didn't. I tried changing her hairstyle in case that might have something to do with it, as well as changing any make-up and not using any make-up. Regardless, she always ends up looking strange, even though the rest of my Sims look completely normal. She generally looks something like this, until the camera is positioned at eeeeexactly the right angle, and even then it's not much better:
 Is there any way to fix this?

Thank you so much!

Title: Re: One Sim's Face Appears Distorted
Post by: Jelenedra on 2009 May 07, 14:38:57
Have you tried changing her clothes?

It looks like her chin is in her shirt collar.

Title: Re: One Sim's Face Appears Distorted
Post by: jolrei on 2009 May 07, 14:42:26
Teeth outside of mouth issue could be related to use of custom skins.  Also, check your graphics settings and ensure that they are set to high (many custom skins require this).

See this thread:,11633.0.html

Title: Re: One Sim's Face Appears Distorted
Post by: geekily on 2009 May 07, 14:48:15
Have you tried changing her clothes?

It looks like her chin is in her shirt collar.

Oh, sorry, I guess I should have mentioned that yes, the problem is there regardless of what she is wearing. Thanks for the quick reply!

Teeth outside of mouth issue could be related to use of custom skins.  Also, check your graphics settings and ensure that they are set to high (many custom skins require this).

See this thread:,11633.0.html

Well, I am using custom skins, so I suppose that could be it, though this is the first time I've seen it after months of playing with those skins. My graphics are already set to high, so hopefully it's just a one-time thing that won't start affecting my other Sims, I guess. Thanks!

Title: Re: One Sim's Face Appears Distorted
Post by: Jelenedra on 2009 May 07, 14:55:09
There is a tool from MST2 (ChristianLove, I think) that can change a sim's skintone in game. If you want to check that real quick. It just could be that sim is just unlucky with that skintone.

I'd link it, but I can't pull up MST2 at work.