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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Sagana on 2009 May 04, 01:43:41

Title: Missing Text
Post by: Sagana on 2009 May 04, 01:43:41
My computer has issues, and it crashes. When it crashes the sims to the desktop, or spontaneously reboots altogether, it often corrupts files it shouldn't be able to touch - the sims program files. I've done my best to lock them down (which is nothing like Pescado's best), making every file and every folder read-only and something else Pescado recommended in a similar thread at some point and it has helped, but obviously not completely fixed the issue as I now have program files corrupt in a new way.

It used to be mostly clothing files and I'd just go to the disk of the appropriate EP (uni often) and pull the textures out and replace them. At the moment, my game is missing text from menu items, most noticeably the word "more" on the button. The button works fine, I can click on it without an issue and I get another screen of options just as I should, but the actual word "more" does not appear. Also none of the text from the save menus exists at all. If I choose to go back to the neighborhood from a house, the text that should say something like "save first" or "just go the hood" etc. is all missing. Also the Seasons pop ups that say how many days are left in a season won't pop up. The ones that say how many days a sim has left in the age group work fine, however, so I suspect it might be data in Seasons that's corrupt, but I don't know for sure. There's some other text missing as well. It's not really a problem as I know enough about what those menus say to play anyway, but it's annoying and besides it's broken.

I really don't want to reinstall, however, especially as it's still playable as is. I've done normal things - removed all downloads to make sure there wasn't something weird in there causing it, checked for hack conflicts, checked other hoods to make sure it wasn't just the one, etc. Can I replace the files that should have that text from the disks? Can anyone tell me what to look for to find out what I need to replace? I don't even know where to start with that one.

Title: Re: Missing Text
Post by: nanacake on 2009 May 04, 12:34:06
1. Buy new Hard Drive
2. Install Sims 2 + EPs
3. ???????
4. Profit!