More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Orikes on 2009 April 30, 18:43:01

Title: Missing Urns
Post by: Orikes on 2009 April 30, 18:43:01
On one of my lots, there should be four urns for four ghosts. I recently noticed that the urns were missing. If I pull up a summoner, only one of the missing ghosts is available under the 'Default' tab. I can't seem to find the other three. I've checked in SimPE, and the missing ghosts character files seem to be fine, but I'm not sure if I've got a potential problem here.

Any help or advice would be appreciated. :}

Title: Re: Missing Urns
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 April 30, 19:03:00
It sounds like you've accidentally shredded their files somehow. If they do not appear on an Ingelogical Teleporter in the default fambly and "Bring Out Yer Dead" is not available or fails to make them appear, something bad has happened to their files. Did you get all the Awesomeware you needed? Perhaps the fact that Orikeses hate being here has caused you to miss critical updates.

Title: Re: Missing Urns
Post by: Orikes on 2009 April 30, 20:52:07
Hey, I don't hate being here. I just don't like hanging out in Retardo Land. You guys can play rough and I'm too much of a softie. :)

As far as I know, I've kept up with most of the updates on your stuff. I may not cruise the forum every day, but I check and make sure I've got the latest and greatest every week or so.

Wouldn't the character files show as red in SimPE if the files were shredded?  I know I've checked in SimPE and they look fine from what my limited knowledge tells me. Which is pretty limited.

If I can resurrect the sims, then there's no problem with them, right?

Title: Re: Missing Urns
Post by: Orikes on 2009 April 30, 21:32:14
Okay, so they're unavailable for resurrection, so the files are probably shredded. Fuck.

I'm guessing there's nothing that can be done at this point. What I would like to know is what could have caused them to get shredded? I've been very careful about doing anything that might cause a problem, but obviously I missed something. What could have caused this?

(I'm going to keep playing now and just rebuild the hood when the current generation gets to college, if I can hold out until then.)

Title: Re: Missing Urns
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 April 30, 21:35:00
Try splicing the files that are damaged from your last available backup and making sure they are not set "Unlinked" afterwards. As for how it could have happened, no idea. You have no-unlink-on-delete?

Title: Re: Missing Urns
Post by: Orikes on 2009 May 01, 01:14:30
I'm pretty sure I do. I'll double check and make sure that when I get home from work tonight.

Thanks :)