More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Capitaine Marie on 2009 April 29, 04:50:16

Title: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2009 April 29, 04:50:16
My game has recently been crashing about one to two hours into play.  I tried updating video and sound drivers, removing custom content I had added around the same time, using the "Clear Trash" and "Nuke..." options on the FFS Debugger -- all to no avail. 

I started by removing most of my recently added custom content.  I played at least two hours with no crashes; and as it had been crashing about an hour in, I thought the problem content was one of those files.  So I tried narrowing those files down more.  But no matter what I left out, the game kept crashing about an hour in!

Then I tried playing with *only* those files I had originally tested.  The game went crazy with errors, including empty want slots. 

My system *exceeds* miminum system requirements.  I have all EPs/SPs.  I've been playing for months with no problems -- until now.

This may be just coincidence:  *Immediately* before the crashes started, I had aged up two female cousins in the household, from toddler, on the same day.  (They were also conceived and born on the same day.)

Does anyone have any suggestions?  I hope I explained my situation well enough; but since I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind right now, I'm not sure.  Please halp!!!

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: HomeschooledByTards on 2009 April 29, 04:53:26
Have you removed all custom content (including uninstalling things like CEP)?

Have you deleted the .cache files?

Have you renamed "The Sims 2" folder inside My Documents\EA Games? That forces the game to create a new The Sims 2 folder free from ALL custom content (including edits to any text config files).

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2009 April 29, 05:35:38
Have you removed all custom content (including uninstalling things like CEP)?

Have you deleted the .cache files?

Have you renamed "The Sims 2" folder inside My Documents\EA Games? That forces the game to create a new The Sims 2 folder free from ALL custom content (including edits to any text config files).

I deleted Accessory and Groups.cache.  I haven't removed all custom content; just most of the recently added stuff.  I thought since it took the game an hour or more to crash, and I've been banging my head against my desk trying to narrow down the content, it might not hurt to look into other possiblities.

I did try removing more than half my custom content at one point.  That's when the game went all wonky and my family's want slots emptied; so I was afraid to continue playing it that way.

I will keep trying chunks of custom content, though.  You mentioned CEP: Could it have become corrupted, and do you think it could help if I reinstalled it? 

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: nanacake on 2009 April 29, 10:44:26
You should make a test hood when doing the 50/50 dance. Saving the game is not an option during that time. Might want to load from a backup.

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: SnootCB on 2009 April 29, 12:09:42
It sort of sounds like a CC problem, but on the off chance it isn't: how hot does your machine typically get?  I sometimes have crashing problems on very hot days due to overheating issues.

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: jolrei on 2009 April 29, 12:19:19
I second the advice from jesslla to run a test 'hood in vanilla configuration with a regenerated Sims2 folder.  That will at least show conclusively whether it is a general game problem or (more likely) related to a specific 'hood or CC. 

If the game itself works, try running your 'hood from a backup without CC and see what happens.  If it crashes, you know your 'hood is borked.  If not, then it's likely a CC issue.

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: BattyCoda on 2009 April 29, 14:26:53
Check your event log and diagnostics on your video card.
My video card fan quietly died once upon a time and my game started to crash.
Only found the problem after dismantling my desktop, but there were hints in the event log.

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2009 April 29, 18:26:58
Thanks, everyone.  I'll try your advice, probably starting with a different hood. ;D

It sort of sounds like a CC problem, but on the off chance it isn't: how hot does your machine typically get?  I sometimes have crashing problems on very hot days due to overheating issues.
It better not be overheating; it's a gaming rig!  I also ran a GPU tester (GPU Caps Viewer); and if it's reading things correctly, my video card is not overheating.  But maybe you could recommend a differnt GPU tester?  My card is an ATI Radeon HD 3870 (I tried ATI Tool, but it doesn't play well with Vista).   

Check your event log and diagnostics on your video card.
My video card fan quietly died once upon a time and my game started to crash.
Only found the problem after dismantling my desktop, but there were hints in the event log.
Nothing showed up on a video diagnostic.  What would I look for in Events Viewer regarding a video problem?

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2009 April 30, 00:03:29
Sorry for double posting, but I didn't know if this thread would be updated otherwise.  I have a new problem.

I completely removed the Sims 2 folder so the game would generate a new one.  I then started a completely *vanilla* game with a new family in Strangetown and used the Motherlode cheat to redecorate their fugly house.  As I was adding furniture, carpet, etc., the screen would either flicker or the walls woud go down!  I've never, ever had that happen before -- not even when my previous game was crashing!

I have a five-month old gaming rig.  Is my graphics card suddenly failing, or should I roll back to the old video drivers?  Is this totally unrelated to my crashing problem?  Aaaaaarrrrrghhhh!!!!

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: HomeschooledByTards on 2009 April 30, 00:07:06
Sorry for double posting, but I didn't know if this thread would be updated otherwise.  I have a new problem.

I completely removed the Sims 2 folder so the game would generate a new one.  I then started a completely *vanilla* game with a new family in Strangetown and used the Motherlode cheat to redecorate their fugly house.  As I was adding furniture, carpet, etc., the screen would either flicker or the walls woud go down!  I've never, ever had that happen before -- not even when my previous game was crashing!

I have a five-month old gaming rig.  Is my graphics card suddenly failing, or should I roll back to the old video drivers?  Is this totally unrelated to my crashing problem?  Aaaaaarrrrrghhhh!!!!

It's possible. My rig was less than a month old when the video card started dying. Rolling back to the old drivers shouldn't hurt any.

What video card do you have? What temp is it running at? GPU-Z is a nifty little program for tracking temp over time.

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2009 April 30, 00:13:17
Sorry for double posting, but I didn't know if this thread would be updated otherwise.  I have a new problem.

I completely removed the Sims 2 folder so the game would generate a new one.  I then started a completely *vanilla* game with a new family in Strangetown and used the Motherlode cheat to redecorate their fugly house.  As I was adding furniture, carpet, etc., the screen would either flicker or the walls woud go down!  I've never, ever had that happen before -- not even when my previous game was crashing!

I have a five-month old gaming rig.  Is my graphics card suddenly failing, or should I roll back to the old video drivers?  Is this totally unrelated to my crashing problem?  Aaaaaarrrrrghhhh!!!!

It's possible. My rig was less than a month old when the video card started dying. Rolling back to the old drivers shouldn't hurt any.

What video card do you have? What temp is it running at? GPU-Z is a nifty little program for tracking temp over time.
I have an ATI Radeon HD 3870 x 2.  I ran one GPU sensor, but I don't think it's accurate: it says my video card temp is only 32 degrees Fahrenheit.  I'll try the one you recommended.

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: HomeschooledByTards on 2009 April 30, 00:19:55
I have an ATI Radeon HD 3870 x 2.  I ran one GPU sensor, but I don't think it's accurate: it says my video card temp is only 32 degrees Fahrenheit.  I'll try the one you recommended.

32F? That would be great! :)

My card started flickering and displaying pink artifacts while playing TS2 at first. It got progressively worse very quickly.

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2009 April 30, 00:26:09
I have an ATI Radeon HD 3870 x 2.  I ran one GPU sensor, but I don't think it's accurate: it says my video card temp is only 32 degrees Fahrenheit.  I'll try the one you recommended.

32F? That would be great! :)

My card started flickering and displaying pink artifacts while playing TS2 at first. It got progressively worse very quickly.

I tried the program you recommended and it said 42 degrees Celsius.  When I researched it, I found anything under 125 degrees Celsius is supposed to be fine.  I'm so confused.  :-\  Pes, where the hell are you?  :D

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 April 30, 00:46:23
I don't think you want your card running at 125. As for operating temperatures, mine is operating at -58 C, which is much better.

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2009 April 30, 00:59:19
I don't think you want your card running at 125. As for operating temperatures, mine is operating at -58 C, which is much better.

One tool read the temp at 0 degrees Celsius, the other at 42 degrees Celsius.  I don't know which one is right.  Do *you* know a reliable GPU sensor that works with Vista?  (And yes, I know you think Vista sucks.  ;D)

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 April 30, 02:27:53
I was just laughing at how hot your allow your computer to get. Mine operates in the negatives because it is cooled with dry ice.

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: jolrei on 2009 April 30, 03:06:35
Short of using dry ice, if your computer is running at all it is inconceivable that it would be operating at 32F (0C).  Computers generate heat.  Even at idle, the heat is roughly equivalent to that of the human body (33-36C).  It is more likely that the reading of 42C is more accurate.

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: reggikko on 2009 April 30, 03:59:09

I completely removed the Sims 2 folder so the game would generate a new one.  I then started a completely *vanilla* game with a new family in Strangetown and used the Motherlode cheat to redecorate their fugly house.  As I was adding furniture, carpet, etc., the screen would either flicker or the walls woud go down!  I've never, ever had that happen before -- not even when my previous game was crashing!

I was building an apartment in a completely clean hood and had that same thing happen. In my main, playing configuration, it does not. I don't know if it has to do with the video settings that ship with the game not playing well with the video card, or what. My card is an ATI Radeon HD 4800, and is also new.

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: jolrei on 2009 April 30, 04:04:53
Flicker with new ATI cards is not unheard of.

I have a HD 3850 and don't have the problem.  There's many cases where new drivers break things that were fine in earlier versions -- ask anyone with an nVidea card about that. :)  It's possible ATI broke something again.  You can download older driver versions from the ATI website, so download the 8.10 drivers, uninstall the 8.12, install the 8.10 and see if that fixes it.  If so, great!  If not, there's another issue going on.

Try rolling back the drivers.  In the thread this post is from, apparently jsalemi's advice was good.

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2009 April 30, 04:08:48
Flicker with new ATI cards is not unheard of.

I have a HD 3850 and don't have the problem.  There's many cases where new drivers break things that were fine in earlier versions -- ask anyone with an nVidea card about that. :)  It's possible ATI broke something again.  You can download older driver versions from the ATI website, so download the 8.10 drivers, uninstall the 8.12, install the 8.10 and see if that fixes it.  If so, great!  If not, there's another issue going on.

Try rolling back the drivers.  In the thread this post is from, apparently jsalemi's advice was good.

I'm going to try to roll back the drivers.  My graphics didn't flicker before I updated them.  Then I'll keep trying to find my bad custom content.

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: morriganrant on 2009 April 30, 21:11:37
It may be settings. I have that same card. I had to play with the drivers(I now have the newest) and all of the settings(in and out of the game) before the flickering in the sims 2 stopped and the ground in Fallout 3 stopped looking like poorly textured mud. No really, the ground looked higher then it was, so the character looked as if they were running through thigh high mud. Spore also gave me problems on the creature stage, in that instance, I had old drivers and then improperly uninstalled them so the issue continued. Which is what happens when when I am annoyed that my game is not functioning at 3 in the am. Now my games are lovely. Currently I'm using 8.5.

Title: Re: Am losing my fucking mind! Please halp!!!
Post by: moondance on 2009 May 01, 14:51:06
It is most likely the drivers, yes.  My ATI card was working fine* since I got this computer last spring.  Then the 9.x drivers came out. I upgraded., and immediately started up Sims 2.  Entire buildings would disappear momentarily and then return.  I downgraded back to the 8.5 drivers, and the problem was solved.

*Except the problem with triangle-shaped holes appearing in the chests of women wearing certain form-fitting clothes, or women who are naked.  This is why I immediately started up the game after I upgraded the drivers; I wanted to see if that was fixed. It wasn't.  Oh well.