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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Mary on 2009 April 16, 18:38:05

Title: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Mary on 2009 April 16, 18:38:05
I do hope this is the right place to put this.
Since updating to explorer 8 I have found that whenever I play the sims 2 game, my internet connection changes from "always dial my default connection" to "never dial a connection". This happens if I am connected when I play or not. It used to happen with explorer 7, but only when the game crashed for some reason.
It only matters because I have the nuisance of having to click tools and then click connections and change it back every time I finish playing. I hope this makes sense and I hope someone can tell me why this happens and how to prevent it.
I'm grateful for any advice. thanks
Just want to add that I am on a Broadband connection not a dial-up connection in case it makes a difference.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Zazazu on 2009 April 16, 20:38:20
Are you playing from the Launcher?
What EP do you have?
Do you have Sims2 and all EP blocked on your firewall?
Do you even have a firewall?
Do you have the SecuROM?

Also, it might behoove you to switch to Firefox. I was hesitant as well, but not only is Firefox generally more secure, but it is infinitely customizable compared to IE.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Marhis on 2009 April 16, 21:09:25
Ok, I'm worried too.
At first it was random, now it happens every time.
As soon as I open TS2 (M&G), my internet connection dies; when I quit TS2, it promply resumes. Sometimes, disabling and then reenabling the firewall restored the connection, but not anymore.
Also, I checked in userProps, and the autologin is still false, with no password string.
I should have no SecuROM: never launched anything but nocd cracks, and did the securom removal dance anyway for good measure. Also, this happens only in Windows, the MacOS X part seems fine.

May I be infected with some virus/trojan/dialer/crap I don't know? Avast, AD-Aware and Malwarebytes' thingy are quiet and happy.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Mary on 2009 April 16, 21:38:22
My latest ep is mansion and gardens apart from that I have all the eps up to and including AL.  I do use the launcher, I have a firewall and yes I do know what one is. I also assume I have Securom.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: snowbawl on 2009 April 16, 21:41:12
Are you on a Verizon broadband connection by chance?

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Mary on 2009 April 16, 21:42:21
No Tiscali.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 April 16, 21:56:54
If you're on a broadband connection, why does your computer "dial" one at all?

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Mary on 2009 April 16, 22:01:47
Thats a good question. I think its because my computer is a few years old and I was on a dial-up at first.  When I go into the connections tab in tools thats what it has written on it. Normally when I open up explorer the broadband connection clicks on with no problem.  Its only happening with the game. 

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Zazazu on 2009 April 16, 22:04:39
My latest ep is mansion and gardens apart from that I have all the eps up to and including AL.  I do use the launcher, I have a firewall and yes I do know what one is. I also assume I have Securom.
If you're running from the launcher, and you have anything BV or newer, yup, you do. I would try SecuROM removal for good measure (sticky in the podium, or see Reclaim Your Game ( I never had issues with it screwing with my 'net connection. My version was BV. However, it does try to broadcast through your firewall, and I wouldn't be terribly surprised if the new & improved is resetting things.

Yeah, running malware checks is never a bad idea, but since these issues are only happening when TS2 runs, that would suggest a strong likelihood that it's TS2 or one of TS2's hangers-on that's causing it.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: dragoness on 2009 April 16, 22:07:20
So... let me get this straight.

You are on broadband, and therefore you don't need to dial in to your connection.

When you play sims, a setting in IE changes that pertains only to dialing in to a connection.

I think I'm missing why on earth this poses a problem. Can't you just leave the useless setting on whatever-it-is that Sims apparently wants it to be and go back to ignoring it?

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: snowbawl on 2009 April 16, 22:11:18
I don't get why anyone would want to play TS2 while connected.  The thing dials the mothership!

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Mary on 2009 April 16, 22:15:08
I know its a puzzle.  But when it  changes to never dial a connection it stops my broadband from coming on and when I open explorer it has a message saying that it can't connect to the internet.  So thats why it is a problem and I have to remember to fix it before I can go on line again.  I think its the new explorer 8 as its made the  problem worse, as I said before it only used to happen when the game crashed. I don't stay on line whilst playing.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Marhis on 2009 April 16, 22:44:06
I don't get why anyone would want to play TS2 while connected.  The thing dials the mothership!

I keep TS2 minimized when I want to do something else; I don't want to reload the damn thing dozen of times a day. I'm also a bit naive, but I thought it wouldn't, from a cracked exe, and without the launcher. Maybe, then, it closes my internet connection because it switches to dialup, like in elkieluca's pc? I'm in broadband, so that would explain why.

/me adds another item on her list of reasons for HAET EAxis

BTW, elkieluca, I use Firefox only, so apparently it's not an IE issue.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Mary on 2009 April 17, 10:25:00
Thank you Marhis for letting me know its not just IE. Also letting me know that someone else understands the problem I am having. I had begun to think I was talking gibberish.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Rhayden on 2009 April 17, 11:30:01
Since updating to explorer 8

I think you should be more worried about this than any other problem you may have.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Mary on 2009 April 17, 11:52:59
Rhayden can you tell me why?  I might go back to explorer 7 if its possible.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: jolrei on 2009 April 17, 12:03:56
Rhayden can you tell me why?  I might go back to explorer 7 if its possible.

Don't use Internet Explorer at all.  It's a target for all kinds of horrible things and is riddled with security holes.  Upgrade to Firefox.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: nekonoai on 2009 April 17, 13:05:10
I noticed while fixing a friend's computer that Sims tried to CALL HOME every time it was loaded. It would smack its head into the firewall (where it was DENIED access to the interwebs) four times before the window even came up. I didn't notice the internet going down at all, however, as I was chatting on grah while testing/playing sims at their house.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Mary on 2009 April 17, 19:17:06
I just opened Bodyshop to see if it also changes my Internet connection.  I had the browser closed and I was off line.  When I closed Bodyshop the same thing had happened. It had changed my connection to Never dial a connection. So it definitely is the Sims2 game that is doing this.  I guess I will just have to put up with it.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Zazazu on 2009 April 17, 20:55:22
If you have stripped your system of SecuROM, are running from a no-CD crack, and have blocked the game and EP from your firewall (you say you have one, not that you have blocked it's permissions) it should not be doing so and you won't have to live with it.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: timelycorruption on 2009 April 18, 00:53:36
Wait, why would ET TS2 be phoning home? Who are they phoning?

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Aner-Dyfan on 2009 April 18, 01:08:55
EAxis you fool. It is spyware, the reason they give is to make sure you have a legit copy, but it could be used for more malicious means. Even if not by EA but hackers making programs to piggyback on the traffic.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Marhis on 2009 April 18, 01:40:26
Just FYI.

I was using the stupid Windows Firewall. I have installed Zone Alarm, now, and blocked any access to TS2 exe.

Result: I'm posting this while TS2 is minimized ;).

Thank you, and fuck EA with a baseball bat.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: socurious on 2009 April 22, 00:35:00
Wait.  Whoa.  Hold on now.  I thought I made sure my game was NOT phoning home both when I installed, AND through the stupid firewalls.  Is it possible for the game to be trying to access EAxis?  Do NOT Want!  If so, how will I know?  Will I get some sort of message? 

Marhis, I assume by your post that Zone Alarm is better than other firewalls - even the (gasp) paid-for ones?

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Marhis on 2009 April 22, 01:29:22
Marhis, I assume by your post that Zone Alarm is better than other firewalls - even the (gasp) paid-for ones?

Honestly, when it comes to Windows I'm basically less than a n00b. I only did a quick search, found out that apparently Zone Alarm is recommended quite a lot around, and tried. The main difference I spotted first was that ZA allows you to set every program allowance to peek out your ethernet/wireless connection, while Windows firewall apparently lacks of (or I'm not able to find).
I can't state I picked the best, therefore it's better if someone else, more windows-wise, chimes in and enlightens us peons.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 April 22, 01:31:21
EAxis you fool. It is spyware, the reason they give is to make sure you have a legit copy, but it could be used for more malicious means. Even if not by EA but hackers making programs to piggyback on the traffic.
Actually, the information sent back is sufficient to allow malicious usage just by the timing information alone. You can glean LOTS of fascinating data just from SigInt.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: witch on 2009 April 22, 04:39:36
Marhis, I'm trialling Comodo at the moment. It's free and I think so far, better than Zone Alarm.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: Sigmund on 2009 April 22, 05:18:40
I'm currently using Comodo, and have used Zone Alarm in the past. I liked Zone Alarm but it seemed to be conflicting with PeerGuardian (no idea if it really does that much good, but it makes me feel better!) so now I'm trying Comodo. So far I haven't had any problems, though I'm noticing that it tends to give me more pop-ups than ZA did. I switched from the windows firewall because, as was already pointed out, it doesn't give you the option to block programs (looking at you, TS2) from connecting to the internet.

Title: Re: Sims 2 changing my internet connection
Post by: witch on 2009 April 22, 10:02:08
Yeah, it does tend to nag a bit until it settles into your usual routine.