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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: skandelouslala on 2005 November 16, 07:30:19

Title: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 November 16, 07:30:19
I used to always get excited about twins (I'm a dork, yes I know) but today I finally hit my breaking point and am officially sick of them.

In my new(er) custom 'hood..I have 5 houses in rotation.  4 of them have had twins within the past week.  I was ever so relieved last night when one of my sims actually popped out a single baby!

I would love to donate all my twins to the people on other sites who constantly whine and debate about how to have twins.  When you get them everytime you have a sim get's starts to get old fast *heh*

It all started when my first generation sims got pregnant for the last time..she had twins.  3 of her daughters went on to have twins.  I've always heard that twins themselves are more likely to have twins when they get pregnant so now I fear having an overload of twins in this 'hood.  Is there truth to this?  And will the "twin gene" eventually fade itself out to normal over the course of a few generations?

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Ms.Perception on 2005 November 16, 07:41:29
I hear you. I'm sick of them too. It bothers me when I see the little whiners at the official site whining about not having them. I want to STOP having them. I now use the triplets and quads hack to make it so that they only have one child. They were fun at first but now they've got to go.

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 16, 07:48:27
I personally hate twins.  I don't know if it has something to do with custom hood but out of 7 pregnancies I ended up with 3 set of twins whichs is a huge amount for a new hood, i never had so many in the past.  It was too much for me I put a back-up in which my sims did not even got a perfect match.

I would love if someone could check (maybe JM, twojeffs, crammyboy or any other good hacks/mods maker) if the odds of having twins change in Nightlife.  I am thinking of adopting child only from now on.. see how desparate I am....   >:(

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Regina on 2005 November 16, 07:58:53
My second-ever sim babies were twins, and I didn't even know how really to care for one at that point!

I know what you mean about the twins.  It seems like rarely do I get them if I actually want them (like I want a sim couple to have two children and wouldn't mind twins being born the first go-round) but all too often they pop out on the second birth, when I really want only one baby.

I was also going to suggest TwoJeff's triplet & quad mod as it has the option for choosing a single baby if that's what you want.

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 November 16, 08:11:57
If this keeps up I will definitely consider installing the triplets/quads hack to control the issue.  I can only take so much of the little buggers lol
I always get twins when I least want them as well. I posted about this in another thread..for first generation sim who had twins..I wanted 1 baby...ONE.  I was hoping for a boy but was willing to work with what the game gave me.  What did I get..twin girls of course.  And for that matter every set  of twins since have been boy/girl.  The game KNOWS what you're thinking dammit lol

I'm starting to think the chance of twins have been increased since NL as well.  At first I didn't but too many people have brought up the point that now it's starting to make me wonder after this experience.

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Regina on 2005 November 16, 08:16:50
The game KNOWS what you're thinking dammit lol

I'm thinking along those lines, too!  The other day I wanted a family to have a girl first.  Out popped a boy, so I decided to re-load until I got a girl.  It took four tries.  Normally I don't worry about gender, but in this case it needed to be a girl.  The second pregnancy was twins and I was okay with that, but wanted at least one girl.  The game gave me two boys.  So, I reloaded, and it took three re-loads before I got a different gender, this time two girls, so two more reloads of girls then finally I got a boy and a girl!  The other kids don't make much difference, but for the story in my head I needed the first two or three to be specific genders.  Indeed, the game is getting smarter.  :-\

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 16, 08:20:07
Use Inge's teleporter shrub to put one up for adoption. That way, you're not killing it, but sort of putting it away for later (when you resort to adoption) heh heh

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Regina on 2005 November 16, 08:24:04
Use Inge's teleporter shrub to put one up for adoption. That way, you're not killing it, but sort of putting it away for later (when you resort to adoption) heh heh

Now there's a thought.  Usually if my sims adopt, though, I have them adopt children because I don't want to be bothered with the infants and/or toddler stages, and we all know everyone wants babies and leaves the poor children homeless!  ;)  Even so, it's a great idea and might encourage me to actually adopt a little more frequently without fears of getting some of the default faces.

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: KLGFCG on 2005 November 16, 08:49:23
The game is evil. Just before NL came out, I made a new CAS family: married parents and two kids. Normally, I'm all about big families, but I didn't plan on these parents having any more little ones. So, the house was three bedrooms. I spent hours decorating and planning the house and when I was done, decided to have Brett and Beth christen their new house with a little marital canoodling (strictly safe woohoo... no trying for baby) after the kids were asleep. They promptly went to sleep afterwards and all of a sudden, I notice Beth's motives are dropping like a stone. I get a sinking feeling. That risky woohoo mod was to punish those who were a little too free with their affections, not burden a responsible family. Well, yeah. So, I didn't play the family again until NL came out. Normally, I play with the random version of twins/trips/quads since I love the excitement. But, it was pulled for the new EP and I distinctly remember thinking, "I'm so glad I'll only have one baby to squeeze in the house." In this particular custom hood, I'd never had natural twins. Uh-huh.... you all see where this is going. Twin boys. They're ever so cozy in the tiny former office. Sigh. ~KG

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 16, 12:59:38
The game KNOWS what you're thinking dammit lol

I'm thinking along those lines, too!  The other day I wanted a family to have a girl first.  Out popped a boy, so I decided to re-load until I got a girl.  It took four tries.  Normally I don't worry about gender, but in this case it needed to be a girl.  The second pregnancy was twins and I was okay with that, but wanted at least one girl.  The game gave me two boys.  So, I reloaded, and it took three re-loads before I got a different gender, this time two girls, so two more reloads of girls then finally I got a boy and a girl!  The other kids don't make much difference, but for the story in my head I needed the first two or three to be specific genders.  Indeed, the game is getting smarter.  :-\

I agree with this, too. The Don Lothario scenario I had where he was forced to adopt all my unwanteds best illustrates this.  :D Poor, Don. Poor, poor Don.

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 November 16, 16:19:44
I agree with this, too. The Don Lothario scenario I had where he was forced to adopt all my unwanteds best illustrates this.  :D Poor, Don. Poor, poor Don.
How can you treat Don in such a horrible way?  Do you not know that since seeing him as a teen with a floppy hairdo I am totally besotted?  And he's so VIRILE.  How many Sims on the verge of death (again) can do risky woo-hoo in a woo-hoo bed twice in a row and get both girls pregnant one after the other?  You have to admit that for a guy getting on for 80, this is no mean feat.

As far as the twins situation goes, I haven't had any in Nightlife yet.  One couple got pregnant yesterday and they barely have room for one more, let alone two, but she only conceived a single.  Maybe it's because they also have plenty of spare cash, so could have moved if necessary.  The game seems to like the irony of twins in households where there's no spare room or spare cash.

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: gali on 2005 November 16, 16:51:00
I pass the period of baby-toddler quite calm, because I use an "eternal booster" (downloaded from SlicedSims-pay site). When a baby is born, it makes him platinum-all green all the time, so no need of bathe-feed-change diapers at all. When he becames a toddler, The nanny has nothing to do, except snuggle/play, if he is alone. I use for this the Merola's mirror.
When he is a toddler, I use the "Magic Potty", with which, in 3 clicks, he teaches potty train, walk and talk (downloaded from MODTS2). In his memories, HE taught himself all the three, lol.

A lot of hacks, but I hate the period of baby/toddler...:).

So, I can have even the 6 toddlers of Brynne, and take care of them without a problem...:).

About Don, Ancient, I can't forgive him Leaving Cassandra at the altar. Each time I play in Pleasantview, he is banned - I don't play him, and I don't befriend my sims with him.
I know he is made that way, lol, nevertheless, I hate him...:).

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Muisie on 2005 November 16, 17:21:13
Yeah really, and do they HAVE TO POOP AT THE SAME TIME ? ? ? ? 

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 16, 19:11:42
I agree with this, too. The Don Lothario scenario I had where he was forced to adopt all my unwanteds best illustrates this.  :D Poor, Don. Poor, poor Don.
How can you treat Don in such a horrible way?  Do you not know that since seeing him as a teen with a floppy hairdo I am totally besotted?  And he's so VIRILE.  How many Sims on the verge of death (again) can do risky woo-hoo in a woo-hoo bed twice in a row and get both girls pregnant one after the other?  You have to admit that for a guy getting on for 80, this is no mean feat.

ahem. I treated Don in a horrible way before you discovered how hot he was as a youngster. And he makes a great daddy, dammit!  :D

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Issy on 2005 November 16, 19:12:07
So many people yelled and screamed for twins, and almost everyone used a mod that gave them more than 1 child :P I guess they upped the odds of having twins in NL (even tho its not proven but most say it's likely).

I've had many sets of twins myself since NL and yes it is getting quite annoying.  I have yet to see an abduction in my game.  Yes I could download a hack but I've always wanted it to happen "naturally".  Most of my sims are knowledge too.  /sigh

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 November 16, 22:52:16
I agree with this, too. The Don Lothario scenario I had where he was forced to adopt all my unwanteds best illustrates this.  :D Poor, Don. Poor, poor Don.
How can you treat Don in such a horrible way?  Do you not know that since seeing him as a teen with a floppy hairdo I am totally besotted?  And he's so VIRILE.  How many Sims on the verge of death (again) can do risky woo-hoo in a woo-hoo bed twice in a row and get both girls pregnant one after the other?  You have to admit that for a guy getting on for 80, this is no mean feat.
ahem. I treated Don in a horrible way before you discovered how hot he was as a youngster. And he makes a great daddy, dammit!  :D

Yes, I know he's a great Dad.  Well, in his younger days he wasn't so good, he was too busy sowing his wild oats, but once he settled down with Dina he was a brill father to their twins.  They both became elders while they were still toddlers (or babies, can't remember) and Dina did sod all, just stood there hanging like a monkey.  I SO hated that woman.  Maybe it's 'cos she had HOT DON, although I didn't think that at the time.

Anyway, what I said earlier about no twins since NL ... forget it.  Just had a Sim with a baby newly-turned-toddler get preggers again - might have been able to squeeze one more in, but that's all.  They don't have a great deal of spare cash, plus her father lives with them.  The game KNEW this.  She won't be having them for a long time though, there are quite a few other families to play to catch-up with that family.  Hope she enjoys being pregnant.

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 17, 02:05:25
Use Inge's teleporter shrub to put one up for adoption. That way, you're not killing it, but sort of putting it away for later (when you resort to adoption) heh heh

Now there's a thought.  Usually if my sims adopt, though, I have them adopt children because I don't want to be bothered with the infants and/or toddler stages, and we all know everyone wants babies and leaves the poor children homeless!  ;)  Even so, it's a great idea and might encourage me to actually adopt a little more frequently without fears of getting some of the default faces.

Age them to child before you send them, doesn't Nightlife even have a handy code for this? The InSiminator (or Tombstone of Life and Death) also does it nicely.
I usually place a group of downloaded Sims on a lot and use them to breed a pretty adoption pool for the neighbourhood. Using the InSiminator's 'have babies/twins with', accelerate pregnancy, and aging options,  you can have it done in a couple Sim days. Once they've had two pregnancies, I wipe their memories and turn them into townies. I have a nice selection of appealing orphans (various ages, genders)  and no nasty Maxis-monkeys (who almost always show up with the same name 4 townies already have)

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2005 November 17, 02:13:51
I have noticed that twins seems to be as genetic as hair and eye color.  In one family of mine, I had a first generation Sim give birth to twins.  The female 2nd gen twin gave birth to a single child, and that 3rd gen child grew up to give birth to twins.  So somehow in my case it skipped generations.  However, the 3rd gen's husband had twin siblings.  So hmmm... ???

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 17, 02:15:18
So many people yelled and screamed for twins, and almost everyone used a mod that gave them more than 1 child :P I guess they upped the odds of having twins in NL (even tho its not proven but most say it's likely).

I've had many sets of twins myself since NL and yes it is getting quite annoying.  I have yet to see an abduction in my game.  Yes I could download a hack but I've always wanted it to happen "naturally".  Most of my sims are knowledge too.  /sigh

Well you could use twojeffs "abductions - higher odds" mods, it will do what it is saying that is just slightly increase the possibility of your Sims to get abducted, so it will still be a natural one.  Here is a link to that mod in case you are interested: (

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Issy on 2005 November 17, 02:21:09
Thanks for the link Missdoh :) I already put that in couple weeks ago but so far still hasn't worked.  Then again I haven't played a great deal since.

If not I'll just download a hack that does the trick entirely.  I'm just a lil freaky over the whole male pregnancy thing, I know it's a game but it's still ewww to me :P

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Andygal on 2005 November 17, 02:23:01
I think it's hilarious. lol. Though I don't want to know which hole that kid comes out of.

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 17, 02:25:00
Issy if you are familiar with boolprop testingcheats you could set the telescope so the next Sim using it will automaticaly get abducted, that way it won't happen all the time like if you would put a hack telescope.  When I am desperate and really want it to happen after a few regular tries, it is what I do.

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Andygal on 2005 November 17, 02:27:47
I did that once. I wanted Lazlo to be abducted so all three of the brothers would have alein kids but thegame wasn't co=operating with me. So I did it that way. First time I ever got up the guts to use the testingcheats.

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Issy on 2005 November 17, 02:33:11
I've never used the cheat codes, I try and play fairly cheat-free.  I will use fixes etc to enhance gameplay or get rid of annoyances tho.

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: eaglezero on 2005 November 17, 02:59:51
About Don, Ancient, I can't forgive him Leaving Cassandra at the altar. Each time I play in Pleasantview, he is banned - I don't play him, and I don't befriend my sims with him.
I know he is made that way, lol, nevertheless, I hate him...:).

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person whose Don Lothario MARRIED Cassandra instead of leaving her at the altar ... Of course, now he's Don Goth, which is a silly name. He and Cassandra have two children together, and he also has a child with Dina (or is it Nina? Whichever is the blonde one) because she married Mortimer, and then he died, and she was sooo sad, and he was, you know, consoling her. Or something. Possibly he was just trying to get into platinum so he could get promoted at work. Still, what Cassandra doesn't know won't hurt her.

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 17, 03:21:21
I've never used the cheat codes, I try and play fairly cheat-free.  I will use fixes etc to enhance gameplay or get rid of annoyances tho.

I mostly use it to change pre-made Maxis Sims personality or skills (which Merola multi-painting do too but find it easier with boolprop). Never used it to create pregnancy or kill a sim or other things like that.  But in desperate situtation (like wanting a Sim abducted) it can be really useful and it is not really cheating, well not for me since I made it try it naturally a few times before I get desperate.

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: vecki on 2005 November 18, 02:30:31
About Don, Ancient, I can't forgive him Leaving Cassandra at the altar. Each time I play in Pleasantview, he is banned - I don't play him, and I don't befriend my sims with him.
I know he is made that way, lol, nevertheless, I hate him...:).

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person whose Don Lothario MARRIED Cassandra instead of leaving her at the altar ... Of course, now he's Don Goth, which is a silly name. He and Cassandra have two children together, and he also has a child with Dina (or is it Nina? Whichever is the blonde one) because she married Mortimer, and then he died, and she was sooo sad, and he was, you know, consoling her. Or something. Possibly he was just trying to get into platinum so he could get promoted at work. Still, what Cassandra doesn't know won't hurt her.

Mine did in a previous incarnation, but he was soon back to his old ways and Cass finally caught him with Nina (Dina is the blonde one).  They had one son together, Hector, before he had the twins with Nina.

This time, Don married Kaylynn and they have a daughter, Karissa, and Cassandra married Darren Dreamer.  Their first daughter Bella just became a child, and Cass has just gotten pregnant again.  I broke down, I confess, I broke my one child policy after Brandi Broke fraggin had twins on me!

Don and Kaylynn's jobs operate on different times so while she and Karissa are out at work/school, Don is busy woo-ing the ladies of Pleasantview.  I'm sure he'll get caught one day.  I'm constantly having to pick up the rubbish bin as it is because Daniel Pleasant is furious at Don and Kaylynn for getting married, and Mary-Sue is still pissed at Kaylynn for woo-hooing with Daniel.  She ain't too fond of Don either because he tried to flirt with her 3 and a half seconds after meeting her.

Mary Sue and Daniel, on the other hand, look like they might be working things out.

Title: Re: I am officially sick of twins.
Post by: Andygal on 2005 November 18, 04:17:39
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person whose Don Lothario MARRIED Cassandra instead of leaving her at the altar ... Of course, now he's Don Goth, which is a silly name. He and Cassandra have two children together, and he also has a child with Dina (or is it Nina? Whichever is the blonde one) because she married Mortimer, and then he died, and she was sooo sad, and he was, you know, consoling her. Or something. Possibly he was just trying to get into platinum so he could get promoted at work. Still, what Cassandra doesn't know won't hurt he

My Don married Cassie the first time I played Pleasantview. They had two kids, Don had gotten Nina pregnant before I reset.

This time around he's with Nina and Cassie is with Darren.Although he actually did marry her but it didn't last long cause she caught him with Dina.