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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: veilchen on 2005 November 15, 21:52:58

Title: The NL Patch
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 15, 21:52:58
I've tried to find an existing thread for some answers, but I am way to tired to go hunting beyond page 14 of the podium. I have a question that maybe some people here can answer.

I have not yet installed the patch that came out after NL. I'm a little bit leery of it, I seem to read about all kinds of problems that people have post-patch. I read through all the issues the patch addresses on the sims site, and I either don't have the problem, or I have a mod that fixes it.

So, my question is, do I really need to install it at all? Am I inviting trouble, like a BFBVFS, or something similar catastrophic by not installing it? I'm not sure anymore, the patch is sitting on my desktop glaring at me accusingly, and I still don't know whether I should install, or whether I should not try to fix things that are not yet broken.

Besides, I heard that the patch also knocks the one good glitch out, the potty training glitch, which to my shame, I rather like.

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 15, 21:57:21
I would personally suggest you install it but move your download folder before you do, then look at the list of hacks/mods that are compatible on this site or others and then place the ones you read that are safe or look for upgraded version.

For me, the patch solve a lot more problems than it created some.  What I understand is not mainly the patch that caused problem to some but more Nightlife itself.

So you know also, about 2 weeks ago I took the time to test the unfamous "remote control car" to see if it was really fix.  I can assure you it is.  Important after the patch that you remake your "objects.package" file a read-only again since the patch does not make it that way and they did not resolve the Mrs. Crumplebottom getting bitten with it.

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 15, 22:06:03
I have only the ones in the game that come with JM's (and of course, Boris') personal sanction for NL :).

I have a back-up of my downloads on my external drive as well. I had a nasty surprise way back when with the sims1, when I re-installed per their tech advisors and ended up losing most of my stuff. That was, by the way, the absolute last time I ever asked the 'help' personell about the sims1 game. I didn't even consider it when I ran into problems with the sims2, I went straight to the highest authority: JM.

Thanks for the advise Missdoh, I think I'm just the tiniest *cough*  bit paranoid when it comes to the game.

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: nectere on 2005 November 15, 22:08:53
I seem to still be able to potty train using the cancel method post patch.

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: MokeyHokey on 2005 November 15, 22:14:50
I've had no trouble with applying or playing, with patch, and I use a looong list of hacks-- I typed it out in the phone hack thread.  Seriously, I've not had any real issues (except the squiggle lines, fixed with a reinstall and "read only" status applied to my object packages) with the Sims2 since it came out.  :)

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: seventhson on 2005 November 15, 22:16:22
My game is running perfectly since the patch, so I'm one of the lucky ones. But then it ran pretty well before the patch, too...

As a very un-awesome guy, my suggestion would be that if you have no issues with the unpatched game, and you have mods that do what the patch does, you might as well leave it as it is. If something crops up, you can always patch it.  :)

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 15, 22:24:15
I think I would install it. The patch actually includes some things that aren't on the readme. I can't remember now, but it seemed like there were one or two fairly big issues that it fixed (most probably to do with generating too many people and/or losing portals - which might not be a problem for you right now, but could be in the future). Also it actually does change some gameplay things - the "ask" interactions (and throwing food) no longer count as romantic interactions. That was the biggest one for me, but I think there are a couple of smaller things as well.

I think the biggest NL issues are ones the patch doesn't address as they pushed it out too soon. I'm worried/paranoid about jump bug issues, but I don't think you'll escape them by not patching. The phone (especially cell phones) is still buggy, inventories are particularly buggy, cars a bit, and (imo) the biggest bug in the game is the matchmaker (stay away from potions - I'm not really sure if they got that fixed in the patch, but still...).

There are also a few known incompatability issues (the lights and some of the dt houses, daily gardener and some of the phone options, etc.) In any case, in my personal don't-know-anything opinion, the patch won't hurt your game and could make it better :)

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 15, 22:31:49
I sort of feel the same way - I reinstalled the game, and now I don't have the patch anymore.  I never had a huge problem with the game beforehand though, and I had a lot of hacks from Pescado that probably prevented my game from being a LFBVFS.

Once I had the patch installed, I still noticed a few glitches with the game, mostly with the cars and some new NL features.  To me (someone who doesn't play large neighbourhoods or families), it wasn't worth it, and I would rather have the potty training glitch (it seemed almost impossible to get a toddler trained with the patch).

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 16, 00:00:16
Oh boy. Throwing food? I've never seen that. Gosh, I do play very boringly. But you all have been very helpful, you gave me an idea here. If I partition my drive and install one game w/patch and one without, that should work. I can swap neighborhood files from one account to another, can I not? I hope so. That way I could have two identical games, and if one turns into a BF....etc, I still have the other one.

Although I must say Sagana, the words 'too many iterations' and 'losing portals' are the magic words that are causing an instant rise in my paranoia level.

The potty training is nice Blue, but I found that if I order the whoever to potty train the toddler, and keep the toddler's bladder drained with the painting, the kid will sit on the loo until it's trained. And Nectere did say that she kept the glitch (thanks). *sigh*.
By the way, it's really very nice to 'see' you Blue.

Thank you  MokeyHokey and Seventhson, I appreciate it. I wonder why I am so leery of maxis' fixes, hmmm... ;)

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 16, 00:24:34
Potty training glitch - I didn't keep it with the patch installed....hmm...

Nice to see you too, Gaby.  :)

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 16, 00:39:36
You need a glitch to housebreak them?

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: laylei on 2005 November 16, 01:05:43
I still have the potty training glitch post-patch.

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: Ilikecoffee on 2005 November 16, 01:15:28
Important after the patch that you remake your "objects.package" file a read-only again since the patch does not make it that way and they did not resolve the Mrs. Crumplebottom getting bitten with it.
That will teach me to read everything.  I had assumed that since this was the biggest problem with Nightlife that the patch would fix it.  I just went back and read the list and you are absolutely correct.  Thank you.

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 17, 17:43:16
Veilchen and Bluesoup if you like to play the Univeristy part I would strongly suggest you install the patch, did you read the huge list of fixes on the Sims 2 website?

I have about the same type of neighborhood you have Veilchen which is about 275 Sims in the 3 pre-made hoods and I have 3 extra custom hood and my game runs fine with the patch, no bugs so far.

Also, I presume that when twojeffs and JM and other modders create their mods/hacks they have the patch install.  So in other words you won't have the same coding as they do in their game and some mods/hacks might not work properly in your game.

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: Andygal on 2005 November 17, 18:27:16
Veilchen and Bluesoup if you like to play the Univeristy part I would strongly suggest you install the patch, did you read the huge list of fixes on the Sims 2 website?

And those aren't even all the fixes. There were some fixes that didn't end up on the offical fix list for some reason.

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: Sagana on 2005 November 17, 18:31:26
Although I must say Sagana, the words 'too many iterations' and 'losing portals' are the magic words that are causing an instant rise in my paranoia level.

yeah, me too :) but I was trying to say I believe the patch helped some of those issues (not saying it fixed it or anything - it is Maxis and all, but helps) so you're better off to install it. Also they'll probably assume you have it for further fixes and/or force the installation for expansion packs, so you might as well be current.

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: Kristalrose on 2005 November 17, 18:32:14
I have a whole slew of hacks/mods/recolors, and I have downloaded the patch.  No problems so far.  :)

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 November 17, 18:35:08
I did play without the patch for a long time, and I did play with the patch for a while as well.  I don't play my game involved enough, or long enough, to have noticed much of a difference either way.  Right now, I am not planning to play with the patch, although I probably will install it again at some time in the future.

Title: Re: The NL Patch
Post by: PKTrekGirl on 2005 November 17, 19:40:12
This thread is good timing for me.

I have downloaded the patch, but have been afraid to install it because my game is running pretty well without it.

Now granted, I have tons of mods/hacks.  I prolly have about every hack that J.M. and TwoJeffs have ever made (that are still compatible with NL, anyway) cus I can't STAND annoying sim behavior...and I don't want my hoods to blow up due to bugs.

But I do worry about what I'm NOT fixing by not installing the patch.

You guys almost have me talked into it though, with this thread.