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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: chintznibbles on 2005 July 26, 21:23:22

Title: Stop wanting to work at a college! Or train people! Or hustle things!
Post by: chintznibbles on 2005 July 26, 21:23:22
Hey, JM, have you made a hack which stops otherwise reasonable sims from randomly acquiring "Work in cafeteria" and other (I think) university-only wants when they live in normal neighborhoods?  I know of no way to actually get said sim to a cafeteria to have them satisfy the damn want, anyway.

Also annoying are the "Be a personal trainer" when you own no exercise equipment and "Hustle pool" when you don't have a pool table.  I mean, yeah, sure, community lots exist... but who has time to visit them, anyway?  And I'd have to go in and manually build "new" university-style lots in old neighborhoods, but that's work, and work is bad.

It's not exactly a priority, but if there was a small sanity check involved in these wants it'd be helpful.

Title: Re: Stop wanting to work at a college! Or train people! Or hustle things!
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 July 26, 21:45:24
I've only ever seen "hustle pool".  Neither of the others have ever come up in my game.  I think JM said it's because they're overpowered by others before they get the chance to make it, but it still seems odd that you and others have said they get them all the time, whereas I never get them at all.  I often seriously wonder whether some games are coded differently to others.  I can imagine Maxis doing that just to confuse us even more.

Title: Re: Stop wanting to work at a college! Or train people! Or hustle things!
Post by: Kitiara on 2005 July 27, 00:34:22
I get it constantly. Darren Dreamer, who of course has never seen a cafeteria, is obsessed with working in one! I found a hacked stove that lets neighborhood people 'work in cafeteria' in their own home, but as soon as it is satisfied it pops right back up. I find this extremely frustrating, not just with Darren (who I rarely play) but with all my neighborhood sims with college wants. Especially the ones who were never there! Please, you frackin' pixel *****, there is more to simulated life than being a personal trainer. Go woohoo someone. Or yourself. Whatever.

Title: Re: Stop wanting to work at a college! Or train people! Or hustle things!
Post by: veilchen on 2005 July 27, 01:44:57
Kitiara, your signature is priceless.

I must have the same game release as Ancient. I have never ever seen those wants in any of my sims. Although, I must admit that I tend to completely ignore their wants as soon as they hit permanent platinum and have enough asp points to last their life-time.

Also, about 95 % of my pixel people are knowledge sims. I have absolutely no clue if that's relevant or not, but I thought I mention it anyway.


Title: Re: Stop wanting to work at a college! Or train people! Or hustle things!
Post by: Kitiara on 2005 July 27, 03:43:20
Thank you Veilchen, it evolved from a DI thread.

Oh, and most of mine are knowledge too, makes skilling really pay off.

Title: Re: Stop wanting to work at a college! Or train people! Or hustle things!
Post by: chintznibbles on 2005 July 27, 05:21:34
Hmm. The sim in question that is getting them is a Romance sim, I think.  She has one child, who is now a teen... hmm...

They're mostly annoying because they actually overwrite the "normal", social-based wants that Romance sims tend to get, like "Kiss so-and-so".  I've so far had them clogging her want box for at least an entire sim-day now.

The one link I can think of is that I believe I used the "FFS Lot Debugger" to upgrade her to a Uni sim because I was lazy and CAS'ed her as a normal adult.  Maybe this is somehow related?  I know I've seen the pool want before, and I think I remember getting the other two on non-Uni sims in the past, but she just won't let them go.

Title: Re: Stop wanting to work at a college! Or train people! Or hustle things!
Post by: baratron on 2005 July 29, 17:37:40
Hmm... I have about 10 pre-Uni sims that I've upgraded with the FFS Lot Debugger to have the 6 Wants & 2 locks, and they aren't getting these "only satisfiable on campus" Wants. In fact, even my many University students don't get them - I've seen Hustle Pool once on a Fortune sim, and Work in Cafeteria once - I think again on a Fortune sim (I have ~30 playable sims in various colleges atm).

Do you have any hacks apart from JM's or TwoJeffs'? Just wondering if there's a conflict somewhere that's throwing this up.

Title: Re: Stop wanting to work at a college! Or train people! Or hustle things!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 July 29, 17:47:30
Well, the entire hustling, cafeteria, and other nonsense is not susceptible to hacks at all, having no check tree to override. I did, however, have an incident of weirdness going on in screenshots that used to be on, but have been destroyed now, about a toddler that wanted to dance with a sim that nobody had ever heard of. Deleting the offending sim's character data resolved that one, though.

Title: Re: Stop wanting to work at a college! Or train people! Or hustle things!
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 July 29, 20:42:47
Randomly sticking in wants without any kind of sanity testing is a bad idea. A very, very bad idea. Which is why there are SO FRICKIN MANY OF THEM! Gah. The Dastardly Deadline strikes again.