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TS2: Burnination => Peasantry => Topic started by: tunaisafish on 2005 November 15, 19:19:03

Title: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: tunaisafish on 2005 November 15, 19:19:03

I got this idea after looking at Pescado's Bunker in the 'Fit for a King' ( thread.

I'm sure I've also seen an updated bunker with a normal driveway to park on somewhere round here.  On seeing that I thought to myself that there's no way JMP would leave his car there!

So here's how to make an underground one.  Much more secure:)
It'd also be useful for Vampires too, as there's no reason not to connect this to the basement of the house.

It's slightly tricky to build as you need to mess with the floor elevation, and therefore build things in a certain order.

There's a text file and 6 jpg's in the zip.  If others find this useful and works, I'll update this page so it's as pretty as JadeElliott's
Street Parking Tutorial, so all feedback welcome.



Title: Re: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: Emma on 2005 November 15, 20:39:38
Oh-I will check this out and see if it works! Thanks!
I made the bunker with the car parked on the side, and it kinda spoiled the look of it ;D

Title: Re: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: Ilikecoffee on 2005 November 15, 23:06:10
This works great.  Drove (teleported) the car in and out several times without any problems.  It makes the bunker look more bunkerish. 

Title: Re: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 November 16, 02:38:17
Does the car properly drive down the incline?

Title: Re: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 16, 02:41:51
I have a house that was built like this and no it doesn't, it sort of drives onto air and then drops lol, but it's all very fast, and I've had plenty of other oddness with the cars driving through people and the Wonder Woman invisible jet syndrome that it doesn't bother me all that much.

Title: Re: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: Ilikecoffee on 2005 November 16, 04:23:48
I didn't see any driving animation from the bunker to the street.  The car was in the bunker - then the car was in the street.  Kind of like a stealth mobile.

Title: Re: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: tunaisafish on 2005 November 16, 12:34:31
I have a house that was built like this and no it doesn't, it sort of drives onto air and then drops lol, but it's all very fast...

Hey Motoki, how do you get that effect?
Did you cover the slope with an invisible driveway?

Title: Re: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 16, 13:08:34
Nope it's just a regular one, but I haven't checked it for a while and my memory has been known to play tricks on me so I'll have to go try it again. :O

Title: Re: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: witch on 2005 November 20, 20:23:35
... and the Wonder Woman invisible jet syndrome ...


Title: Re: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 20, 22:24:16
Oh that's just when you see a sim sitting floating in the air and moving as if they were in a vehicle but you don't actually see the vehicle.

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Title: Re: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: witch on 2005 November 20, 23:53:45
cheers motoki! Brill pic!
Haven't had that happen yet, looking forward to it.  :o

Title: Re: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: syberspunk on 2005 November 21, 15:43:38
Here's a pic from a thread I posted a "long" time ago when Pescado was at VS. In fact, I titled my thread something like "Invisible Jet?" As you can see, the sim (in the background) is coming home from work in what should be a limo, but the vehicle is "invisible" and you can see the driver sim (in the foreground) floating on air. :P

It was quite funny at the time, and I fortunately figured out what the problem was (invisible UFO object blocking the street). Fortunately, this has not happened since, at least in my game. It woulda been neat if I coulda dressed the driver up in a Wonder Woman outfit.  ;D I wonder if any modder can purposefully make an invisible car/vehicle. I mean heck, if we can have spaceships and Borg vessels, why not? :P


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Title: Re: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 22, 01:36:34
LOL that's that sim Pescado said was ugly! ;)

I suppose it's possible to make an invisible recolor of a car, but AFAIK with invisible recolors the game still renders all the polys and cars are definitely on the higher end of the Maxis stuff so that'd be an awful waste or resources.

I guess you could also clone a car and delete the mesh but maybe keep the steering wheel in, heh.

Title: Re: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: Knukleur on 2006 February 25, 03:33:50
Hi, nice work! Am I too late? Is the other Star Trek alien species you mention in the text file as possibly-mispelled "Merengui" the "Ferengi?"  They were the short guys with the huge ear things and the predatory capitalism society.  Maybe there were some aliens with a name similar to "Merengui" also that I wouldn't know about, since my post-Kirk Trekkyism is deficient. Here on Earth there's a type of ballroom dancing called "merengue."  Did you feel like dancing?

Title: Re: Underground Parking Tutorial Beta
Post by: tunaisafish on 2006 February 25, 04:37:11
Yep Knukleur, it was the Ferengi I was thinking about.
Glad someone knew what I was talking about :)

There's another tutorial that builds the garage underground using a similar method to the one I describe here.

steveuk, is also not as lazy as me, and provides a nicely formatted download...