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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: syberspunk on 2005 November 15, 06:51:07

Title: Sim leaves in the middle of a Dream Date - Is this normal?
Post by: syberspunk on 2005 November 15, 06:51:07
Ok, I'm in the middle of playing here, and I'm on a date with Matthew Hart. I called him up just before it turned midnight, and then Invited him over. He asked to bring a friend, and I thought, sure, why the hell not. So, he shows up with Gerard Landry (or whatever his name is), and I'm thinking, ok, is this the crap Maxis "idea" of what a "friend" is still? I know Pescado claimed that bringrealfriends is no longer necessary since Uni, but I found that, without that hack, sims in Uni still brought over other sims that they weren't really friends with, and in some cases probably didn't even really know. :P

Oh well, I decide to only greet Matthew. I didn't feel like making him selectable and finding out if he really knows and is friends with Gerard. I suppose I could try that later, but I digress (I do that a lot). So... Matthew comes over, we flirt a bit, and then one of the dormies freaks out and gets a cheaty memory, and I get a memory of getting caught cheating with Matthew. Well, as far as I know, I haven't committed myself to anyone else yet, and although my sim has a crush on this dormie, I don't think that crush was returned. Do sims get cheaty memories if it's only a crush? I thought it had to be love, or some form of committed relationship i.e. going steady, engagement, or marriage (man, do I really need that updated romancemod *hint*hint*;) ;) 6-8 weeks indeed!)

Edit: I forgot to ask... does this mean that Matthew and Sarah Love have some form of committed relationship? That I suppose the dormie new about?

Oh well, I decide to take Matthew downtown so we can make out in peace. :P We head over to the Hub, which thankfully loads with no problems (I've installed the NL version of smart lights). Anyhew, the date is going well, and I easily get it up to Dream Date status with flirting, kissing, hugging, and all that jazz. I roll up a want to Ask Matthew Home, so I do, hoping that I can fulfill those mutual Woohoo wants. Well, it's about 7am on the comm lot, and when we get back to the dorm, it's about 2:30am-ish. Well, as soon as we show up on the lot, Matthew complains claiming that it's too late and he has to go home. What?  ??? But the date's not over yet! And now he's walking away, off the lot, and when I click on him, the only thing available is Adjust... It seems that he got flagged as a visitor I guess? And since it's "late" he's being forced to go home, even though the date event is still going? Has this happened to anyone else before? Should this not happen? Well... I guess I'll unpause my game and see what happens, but this seems wrong to me.

Okay... I just unpaused and let it run its course, and the "dating game" meter just disappeared when Matthew walked off the lot. Wtf? :P So... it's as if my date never happened, except I racked up all those aspiration and influence points at least. But this is weird. I think there should be a check for whether or not a dating or outing event is going on before sims get forced to go home. Anyone else have this happen to them?


Title: Re: Sim leaves in the middle of a Dream Date - Is this normal?
Post by: Emma on 2005 November 15, 09:09:33
I have had sims leave if their needs haven't been met-but I get a pop-up telling me so :) I think the whole downtown to uni thing is screwed-I put a couple of copies of the downtown community lots in my uni n'hood, and make my sims go there. I think it is something to do with the 'time till final exam' thing that screws it.

Title: Re: Sim leaves in the middle of a Dream Date - Is this normal?
Post by: gali on 2005 November 15, 09:45:09
Mathew and Sara are lovers from the high scool, but live in separate houses. Once I united them to a private house, but they turned it to a Greek, and I stopped playing them.

No matter what you'll do, they continue to love each other...:). So, make them selectable, and learn some facts about them...:).

Title: Re: Sim leaves in the middle of a Dream Date - Is this normal?
Post by: radiophonic on 2005 November 15, 14:58:09
Many odd things can happen on a date.

For instance, a dream date that goes on and on for a while will still be a dream date even though when you 'End Date' your date says something to the effect of "Look, I'm in a crappy mood I'm going home. Don't you care about my needs?" and then proceeds to say "Wow! That was the best date ever! etc."  :-\ Odd.

Also, the 'ask back to my place' usually ends with a "See you later" even if the date is already hit dream level.

Dating is buggy. I have the least amount of problems if I have the date at a home.

Title: Re: Sim leaves in the middle of a Dream Date - Is this normal?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 15, 16:28:34
I've been using Monique's Visitors stay later patch at MTS2.  It is compatible with NL.  I was using the one from LIU, but it has problems with NL.  So I haven't had visitors leave because they are forced to, which I understand is a bug in NL with teens and under.  My visitors now will stay until their needs drop too low or I tell them to leave.

Sometimes I will make my date selectable and see what their needs are so I can try to meet them before they get too low and they bail out.  Sometimes it's too late by the time you see the hunger balloon over their heads.  If they are low on bladder and I have been monopolizing their time talking and making out and stuff, I'll stop and they'll usually head to the toilet on their own.  Or if they are getting hungry I'll go ahead and serve food (if home) or order food (if downtown).  Things like this can help a date to continue without them leaving because of low needs.  One thing to remember though is if you make them selectable, you must make them unselectable to do certain "Ask" socials.  You can't "ask" your date home if they are currently selectable.  "Ask" socials are a great way to boost the relationship as long as they are accepted.  I haven't had any dates say "see you later" when asking them to go home, though.  Maybe that's because of the bug I mentioned above, which Monique's patch seems to take care of quite nicely, at least until Maxis fixes it, if they even know about it.

Title: Re: Sim leaves in the middle of a Dream Date - Is this normal?
Post by: Vesca on 2005 November 15, 16:33:40
For instance, a dream date that goes on and on for a while will still be a dream date even though when you 'End Date' your date says something to the effect of "Look, I'm in a crappy mood I'm going home. Don't you care about my needs?" and then proceeds to say "Wow! That was the best date ever! etc."\

I've had that very same thing happen several times.  Very strange.

Title: Re: Sim leaves in the middle of a Dream Date - Is this normal?
Post by: syberspunk on 2005 November 15, 20:28:11
For instance, a dream date that goes on and on for a while will still be a dream date even though when you 'End Date' your date says something to the effect of "Look, I'm in a crappy mood I'm going home. Don't you care about my needs?" and then proceeds to say "Wow! That was the best date ever! etc."\

I've had that very same thing happen several times.  Very strange.

I've had this happen as well. I thought it was stupid and funny at the same time. :P

I've been using Monique's Visitors stay later patch at MTS2.  It is compatible with NL.  I was using the one from LIU, but it has problems with NL.  So I haven't had visitors leave because they are forced to, which I understand is a bug in NL with teens and under.  My visitors now will stay until their needs drop too low or I tell them to leave.

Hrm... I saw that hack, I probably even downloaded it, but I haven't installed it. Maybe I'll give it a try. Personally, I think that children and teens should have a bit of an earlier "curfew" than young adults and adults. Now, I haven't had enough experience yet playing NL, but I kinda liked how stupidly different and unpredictable sims were as far as which ones might stay the night, even if they weren't invited to, say after a party, or which ones would complain and go home even if you invited them to spend the night, and even better the ones that would pretty stay over indefinately even if they were supposed to go to school or work the next day. :P I don't know if this still happens or if NL now enforces a strict "curfew" for all sims. If that is the case, then I suppose I'll give Moniques hack a try. Maybe I'll tweak it and throw in a bit of randomness as well. :P

Mathew and Sara are lovers from the high scool, but live in separate houses. Once I united them to a private house, but they turned it to a Greek, and I stopped playing them.

No matter what you'll do, they continue to love each other...:). So, make them selectable, and learn some facts about them...:).

Hrm... hehe, well I don't want to "cheat" and learn things that way. Plus, I thought I read somewhere that making sims selectable, either via boolprop or hacks, tends to confuse things as far as visitor flags are set. Not that I'm worried it will uber fudge my game, but I just want to play a sort of "clean" game so to speak. Where I actually am forced to deal with the consequences of my actions. So... I guess that's the price my sim will have to pay for mackin on some chick's dude. Ain't my fault he's creepin on the d/l. :P My sim is a pleasure aspiration (for now at least, I haven't hit the year where you have to re-roll for aspiration) and I just wanna have fun. :D It's funny because Matthew rolls up all these wants to get engaged/married cause he's a Family sim. I wonder what will happen if I choose him to mate and breed with. Will Sarah be uber pissed when she's invited to the wedding? I guess we'll have to wait and see. :D


Title: Re: Sim leaves in the middle of a Dream Date - Is this normal?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 November 15, 21:51:15
You've got me intrigued. Keep me up to date on that one!

Title: Re: Sim leaves in the middle of a Dream Date - Is this normal?
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 15, 23:35:02
Hrm... I saw that hack, I probably even downloaded it, but I haven't installed it. Maybe I'll give it a try. Personally, I think that children and teens should have a bit of an earlier "curfew" than young adults and adults. Now, I haven't had enough experience yet playing NL, but I kinda liked how stupidly different and unpredictable sims were as far as which ones might stay the night, even if they weren't invited to, say after a party, or which ones would complain and go home even if you invited them to spend the night, and even better the ones that would pretty stay over indefinately even if they were supposed to go to school or work the next day. :P I don't know if this still happens or if NL now enforces a strict "curfew" for all sims. If that is the case, then I suppose I'll give Moniques hack a try. Maybe I'll tweak it and throw in a bit of randomness as well. :P
One of the bugs in NL is that teens will leave as soon as they arrive at your house.  Once my teen brought someone home with her from her job, and it was 10 pm.  She went in to use the bathroom, and her friend said, "Look at the time, I have to be heading home."  Why did she agree to come to her house then???  I've heard other people talking about how much earlier teens leave now and how hard it is for them to have any kind of date.  I think someone addressed this when Maxoid Tom was here, but I can't remember if it made the list of fixes.