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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: LynnMar on 2005 November 13, 18:12:49

Title: another weird problem
Post by: LynnMar on 2005 November 13, 18:12:49
my game just gets weirder and weirder.   I put this teddy bear close to the wall and when I looked again it was stuck to the wall.   Talk about a bare butt.   ;D


and another thing when my sim grownups are outside and my sim kid gets off the bus they will run up and tag them like "your it" and my grownups will play tag with the kids,  this has happened twice.   Is that a new feature of NL or another glitch????        ???

Title: Re: another weird problem
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2005 November 13, 18:20:29
Is it stuck to the phone?  It looks like the phone antenna is up its butt!

Title: Re: another weird problem
Post by: MsMaria on 2005 November 13, 18:31:45
Playing tag is a new feature with NightLife. The adult sims look pretty silly crouching down to be tagged though. :P
When I have the moveobjects on cheat activated, I get things like your teddy bear situation.

Title: Re: another weird problem
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 13, 18:50:20
Never had the teddy bear thing happen, but the playing tag is good for relationship building (but what happened to the homework?)

Title: Re: another weird problem
Post by: Ms.Perception on 2005 November 13, 19:14:29
I was wondering about that tag option. Brandi Broke seems very fond of playing tag with her kids. I thought for a minute that I had done something to my game.

Title: Re: another weird problem
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 14, 00:43:28
I think it's quite good that teenagers will play tag with their little brothers or sisters.  I wonder, though, why they haven't found a way of mor than two players?  Surely by now they could have figured out a way that if a game like tag or cops and robbers is being played, all the kids on the lot could join in - they do all join in a schmustle dance, after all!

Title: Re: another weird problem
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 November 14, 03:30:15
The playing tag option was there since the beginning but in Sims 2 basic and University only kids could play together when they were both outside.

Now teens and adults can also play with kids but cannot play with each other.  Would have made me smile though to see 2 adults play tag together  :P

Title: Re: another weird problem
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 14, 12:38:51
I think originally they could also play tag indooors.  I'd have to check in my base game version.

Title: Re: another weird problem
Post by: Ellie on 2005 November 14, 14:47:28
With moveobjects on, you can place almost anything onto the wall next to the phone ;)

Title: Re: another weird problem
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 15, 02:20:19
my game just gets weirder and weirder.   I put this teddy bear close to the wall and when I looked again it was stuck to the wall.   Talk about a bare butt.   ;D

Heh - I mis"read" the picture. I thought you had one of those giant sim-sized "beat up" teddy bears from MTS2, and it had collapsed on the stairs!

I'm not sure what's funnier - a normal-sized teddy attached to the phone, or a giant teddy collapsed in a heap so no one can get past...

Title: Re: another weird problem
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 November 15, 19:48:56
What annoys me is that, my latest sim teenager often picks up her brothers teddy, but when she puts it down again, she puts it the wrong way round, so next time she wants to get it, she complains like crazy that she can't!  But she's the only one of the family who, when she gets up in the morning, goes and tucks him in (he's one of those kids who isn't ready for bed until 3am!)