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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Firkin on 2009 February 09, 10:08:59

Title: Any chance to fiddle about this crash?
Post by: Firkin on 2009 February 09, 10:08:59

the game randomly crashes (sometimes after few minutes, sometimes after hours) with this particular error message:

Call stack: 0x0001:0x003bbec5 C:\Games\The Sims 2\The Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff\TSBin\Sims2EP9.exe
GZDllGetGZCOMDirector() + 3857313

Any chance to specify the error?

Otherwise I tried to delete the download content, but added objects still seem to be in-game. Can I reset the scenarios in some way?

Thanks, F.

Title: Re: Any chance to fiddle about this crash?
Post by: jolrei on 2009 February 09, 15:17:31
Are you running from the game original .exe or from a no-cd crack.  You may have securom on your system.  Check Podium for the "how to remove securom" thread, remove securom, and install a no-cd crack as per the directions in the thread.  This may fix your crash problem.

Other than that, you may get bad meshes or cc objects with downloaded lots.  You could try removing any downloaded lots and build a new custom neighbourhood to test your game.  I would take care of the securom issue first, since it's useless malware anyway, and you don't want it.