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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: baratron on 2005 November 12, 23:25:35

Title: Looking for some objects for a story.
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 12, 23:25:35
OK. I'm looking for certain objects & not finding them anywhere, so I come here to the masses at MATY to beg for help.

First, I'm looking for buyable letters. Could be a pile of bills extracted from the game files, or the love letter you get after a date... I don't really mind. One of my famous sims needs to have a big mountain of fanmail :). Many letters that can be layered with move_objects on would do.

Secondly, I want an electronic keyboard that has the piano fix included! I have the keyboard from SunairSims, and I've also seen JWoods' and faeriegurl's keyboards at MTS2. The Sunair keyboard definitely stops being fun after the first day, and the threads at MTS2 imply that both of those do too. Anyone seen one that stays fun?

Thanks in advance :D.

Title: Re: Looking for some objects for a story.
Post by: veilchen on 2005 November 12, 23:29:36
Hmm, for the letters you could use JM's money-order. I don't know whether the mod is safe to play, but it should not matter if it's just for a story prop.

As for the other one...sorry, maybe someone else has a suggestion as to that.

Title: Re: Looking for some objects for a story.
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 12, 23:42:58
There's also buyable dates stuffs including the letters in MTS2:

Title: Re: Looking for some objects for a story.
Post by: SaraMK on 2005 November 12, 23:51:35
I'll bet Targa's Pile Of Cash can be recolored to be a pile of letters.

Title: Re: Looking for some objects for a story.
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 12, 23:55:46
Huh! The letters at MTS2 didn't show up in a search. I mean, not only did I get ShadowTerra13's roses the other day, I also posted a request for the letters & bag O'Poo here ( a few days ago, and did anyone think to link me to the fact it'd been done? ::) Thanks!

So, um, just looking for a fun keyboard, now. In the worst case, I can just find one that looks good and keep selling it every day, but that's a bit tedious.

Title: Re: Looking for some objects for a story.
Post by: Motoki on 2005 November 12, 23:57:45
Oh I never find what I am looking for in a search there. :P I just stumbled upon it when I saw her buyable perfume among the new downloads and then clicked see all other downloads by this user.

And I have yet to come across a custom object cloned off the piano that doesn't have that stupid fun bug so I just don't use them. :P

Title: Re: Looking for some objects for a story.
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 November 13, 00:52:38
Oh I never find what I am looking for in a search there. :P I just stumbled upon it when I saw her buyable perfume among the new downloads and then clicked see all other downloads by this user.

That seems to be the only efficient way to find anything good there. Find something good? Go check everything else that person has created...

Title: Re: Looking for some objects for a story.
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2005 November 13, 01:48:26
Oh I never find what I am looking for in a search there. :P I just stumbled upon it when I saw her buyable perfume among the new downloads and then clicked see all other downloads by this user.

That seems to be the only efficient way to find anything good there. Find something good? Go check everything else that person has created...
Hey, I do that too.  That's how I found all of Crammyboy's and Monique's cool hacks.