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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Jackathyn on 2009 February 07, 02:07:09

Title: Worryingly Generous Cat
Post by: Jackathyn on 2009 February 07, 02:07:09
I used a cheat to get a sim of mine to know everyone in my neighbourhood, so I could ressurect some dead ones via Ressurect-O-Nomitron. Problem is, once I did that, the sims she ressurrected in her house started getting inheritance money as if from a death, but the sim it came from was her cat... who is very not dead. Is this a VBT? No sims have died between the ressurections.

The cat continues life as normal, sitting on her kitchen counter right when I want to use it with his usual vapid stare.

Title: Re: Worryingly Generous Cat
Post by: Marhis on 2009 February 07, 03:40:45
Hmmm... I don't know exactly how much those sims are borked, but up to a certain point sure they are. I suspect some messing up with instance numbers of dead sims: were they premade ones? They could sport the same borkiness of Ottomas' twins.

BTW, I'm not sure that using that cheat is completely safe, expecially because of the bloating that will necessarily occur in relationships' resources; if you simply want to resurrect sims you didn't meet, you may use this hack instead (attached). When the dialog "who do you want to resurrect?" pops up, you'll see every resurrectable sim, and not only those you already know.

Title: Re: Worryingly Generous Cat
Post by: Jackathyn on 2009 February 09, 05:47:12
Yeah, they were premades... Augh! I should have figured. Maxis couldn't code their way out of a paper bag. D<
... gahhh... Think it'll fireball on me? I hope not. I'm attached to this 'hood. Man, this is the last time I put so much effort into making one...
If you have an idea of what the problem I stupidly caused is, do you know of a way to nip it in the bud and fix it?

Thanks, by the way. I only wanted to ressurrect a handful so I shouldn't need it at the moment, but I'll certainly keep that in mind.
... Gah, mad at myself now. I should have known...

Title: Re: Worryingly Generous Cat
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 February 10, 20:06:03
Never ressurrect pre-made dead sims.

Title: Re: Worryingly Generous Cat
Post by: Maygus on 2009 February 12, 01:34:15
Not even the Tricous?  (They appear to have been placed in the game specifically to be resurrected.)

Title: Re: Worryingly Generous Cat
Post by: Jackathyn on 2009 February 12, 05:58:48
Never ressurrect pre-made dead sims.

Lesson learned, captain. -_-; *salute*
Anyone know of the technical details of the plague I've probably released on my neighbourhood? I'd love to try and fix it if at all possible. I've deleted the tokens and death references in all their memories along with those from everyone they've ever spoken to. Luckily I haven't played them much.

Title: Re: Worryingly Generous Cat
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 February 12, 09:02:33
Not even the Tricous?  (They appear to have been placed in the game specifically to be resurrected.)
The Tricous represent a special case, but be careful doing so in a new game, as while they USED to be complete, it is unclear whether their data has been properly updated for new games. Back up before doing it. However, don't even THINK about trying it with the regular deadites.

Title: Re: Worryingly Generous Cat
Post by: Jackathyn on 2009 February 14, 04:06:42
It was the Tricous if I remember correctly... *facepalm* my sim just brought someone home from work, except said someone is a uni student therefore couldn't possible have been working for them. ... ugh. VBT?

Title: Re: Worryingly Generous Cat
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 February 14, 04:07:40
Nah, that's just crazy hobby-related shit.

Title: Re: Worryingly Generous Cat
Post by: Jackathyn on 2009 February 14, 04:17:57
Ahh, great. Well that's one less thing to worry about.
... I haven't had any inheritance-related weirdness since I took out the death-related junk in all of their memories and nuked all the gossip about it I could find. Anything I could have missed to fix the dumb damage I caused? Sorry for unawesome n00bishness.