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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: DarkEmpress on 2009 February 01, 16:20:54

Title: Processor Differences
Post by: DarkEmpress on 2009 February 01, 16:20:54
I'm looking to buy a shiny new laptop. I know a desktop would be the smarter option, but I live with my brother, and I don't want him getting within three feet of my new computer. I'm looking for something that will reach or exceed the minimum specs that are out for TS3.

What exactly is the difference between a P4 and a Core 2 Duo? The specs call for a P4 2.4 GHz or greater if you're running Vista, which is what shiny new computers come with these days. Am I going to need a 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo processor, or could I get the same performance out of something lower, say 2.0 GHz? I understood this processor crap until they started doubling, quadrupling, and hyper threading 'em.

Title: Re: Processor Differences
Post by: Giggy on 2009 February 02, 05:49:24
P4's ancient (according to today) Not recommended for TS3 and vista, core 2 duo's more powerful and is compatible with Vista.

For vista it's best with the 2.4GHz model due to the consumption on power and memory.